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Cani alpha export

cani alpha export

Export assets from the inventory.


Export assets from the inventory.

cani alpha export [flags]


  -a, --all                 List all components. This overrides the --type option
      --format string       Format option: [csv, sls-json] (default "csv")
      --headers string      Comma separated list of fields to get (default "Type,Vlan,Role,SubRole,Status,Nid,Alias,Name,ID,Location")
  -h, --help                help for export
      --ignore-validation   Skip validating the sls data. This only applies to the sls-json format.
  -L, --list-fields         List details about the fields in the CSV
  -t, --type string         Comma separated list of the types of components to output (default "Node,Cabinet")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file
  -D, --debug           additional debug output
  -v, --verbose         additional verbose output


  • cani alpha - Run commands that are considered unstable.
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 12-Dec-2023