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Cani alpha session init

cani alpha session init

Initialize a session and import from the chosen provider.


Initialize a session. This will perform an import using provider-defined logic.

cani alpha session init PROVIDER [flags]


      --csm-api-host string            (CSM Provider) Host or FQDN for authentation and APIs (default "api-gw-service.local")
  -k, --csm-insecure-https             (CSM Provider) Allow insecure connections when using HTTPS to CSM services
      --csm-k8s-pods-cidr string       (CSM Provider) CIDR used by kubernetes for pods (default "")
      --csm-k8s-services-cidr string   (CSM Provider) CIDR used by kubernetes for services (default "")
      --csm-keycloak-password string   (CSM Provider) Keycloak password
      --csm-keycloak-username string   (CSM Provider) Keycloak username
      --csm-kube-config string         (CSM Provider) Path to the kube config file
  -S, --csm-simulator                  (CSM Provider) Use simulation environment URLs
      --csm-url-hsm string             (CSM Provider) Base URL for the Hardware State Manager (HSM)
      --csm-url-sls string             (CSM Provider) Base URL for the System Layout Service (SLS)
  -h, --help                           help for init
      --ignore-validation              Ignore validation failures. Use this to allow unconventional configurations.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file
  -D, --debug           additional debug output
  -v, --verbose         additional verbose output


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 12-Dec-2023