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Cani alpha update node

cani alpha update node

Update nodes in the inventory.


Update nodes in the inventory.

cani alpha update node [flags]


      --alias strings    Comma-separated aliases of the node
      --blade int        Parent blade (default 1)
      --cabinet int      Parent cabinet (default 1001)
      --chassis int      Parent chassis (default 7)
  -h, --help             help for node
      --nid int          NID of the node
      --node int         Node to update (default 1)
      --nodecard int     Parent node card (default 1)
      --role string      Role of the node
      --subrole string   Subrole of the node
      --uuid string      UUID of the node to update

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string   Path to the configuration file
  -D, --debug           additional debug output
  -v, --verbose         additional verbose output


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 12-Dec-2023