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Testing On vShasta v2

Testing cani on Vshasta2 has some prerequisite steps, but can provide a useful development environment. Since there is not actually any hardware on Vshasta2, it is fairly safe to interact with SLS, HSM, and the simulated redfish environment.


Gcloud CLI

Install gcloud:

Get Access To A sVhasta v2 Instance

  1. Request an algol60 account
  2. Request a vShasta v2

Both of these are available via the #vshasta2 Slack channel

Log Onto The Instance

# authenticate
gcloud auth login
# generate an ssh config to use ssh directly instead of gcloud ssh
gcloud compute config-ssh --project project-id # see also: gcloud compute config-ssh --remove
# ssh to the pit or another node
ssh # see also: gcloud ssh --project project-id ncn-m002
# install go on ncn-m002:
# clone cani repo
git clone && cd cani
# start a cani session on vshasta
go run . alpha session init csm \
--csm-keycloak-username vshasta \
--csm-keycloak-password vshasta \
# if running from the pit, copy the cert from another node and pass --csm-ca-cert

There is no CMN on vShasta v2 so it is not currently possible to query a vShasta instance from outside the nodes themselves.