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Starting A Session

All cani operations fall under the purview of a session in which hardware can be added, removed, or updated and is not commited to the external inventory provider until the session is stopped.

Start A Session With A Provider

To start a session, you need to choose an inventory provider to work with. At present, the only available option is csm. During session setup, it is also necessary to provide credentials and paths to resources like SLS and HSM.

A common way to interact with a provider is from a local laptop. With the CSM provider, the services are often available over the CMN.

Starting a simple session might look like this, which authorizes a user over the CMN ( and

Note: This example uses -k (insecure), which is not recommended, but is available for this alpha release

# example: starting a session over the CMN
cani alpha session init csm \
  --csm-keycloak-username username \
  --csm-keycloak-password password \
  --csm-api-host \

Just as common, is running cani on an NCN.

Note: since the NCNs have the platform certificates installed, the -k flag is not used

# example: starting a session on an NCN
cani alpha session init csm \
  --csm-keycloak-username username \
  --csm-keycloak-password password \
  --csm-api-host api-gw-service-nmn.local