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Install The CANU Container

Pre-built Image

A pre-built CANU image can be pulled using a container runtime (Docker, Podman, etc.)

docker pull <registry>/canu:<tag>

You will need to authorize your container runtime in order to pull from it.

Wrapper Script

You may also wish to install the canuctl wrapper script to simplify running the container with the correct arguments. That script is installed with the RPM or is available in the repo when building the container image.

./canuctl -p # run the prouction container
./canuctl -d # run a development container, which has a development environment setup for making changes
./canuctl -h

./canuctl -d(ev) | -p(rod) [-r(ebuild)] [-i(mage) <image>] [args] [-h(elp)]

  -d: run the dev container (editable environment to make changes to the code)
  -p: run the prod container (canu for everyday use)
  -r: rebuild the container (default ${ALPINE_IMAGE}: alpine:3.17)
  -i: specify the image to use (default ${CANU_IMAGE}:
  -h: print this help message


The container image can be built from the Dockerfile in the canu repo.

git clone
cd canu
make prod

Note: this pulls from an authenticated Artifactory by default in order to get the base image. You will need to authorize your container runtime in order to pull from it.

Alternatively, you can override the base image to one that is publicly accessible.

ALPINE_IMAGE=alpine:3.17 make image