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Collect Data

  • Retrieve the most up-to-date SHCD spreadsheet. Accuracy in this spreadsheet is critical.

  • Retrieve SLS file from a Shasta system (log in to ncn-m001) on a NCN, this will output the sls file to a file called sls_file.json in your current working directory.

cray sls dumpstate list  --format json >> sls_file.json
  • Retrieve switch running configs (log in to ncn-m001)

Log into the management network switches, you can get the ips/hostnames by running this command on a NCN:

cat /etc/hosts | grep sw-

If /etc/hosts is not available because the system is being installed you will be on the pit and will need to run:

cat /var/www/ephemeral/prep/redbull/sls_input_file.json | jq ‘.Networks | .HMN | .ExtraProperties.Subnets | .[] | select(.Name==“network_hardware”)'

Run the script below to automatically collect all switch configs. If the command fails then log in to each individual switch and run 'show run'.

canu backup network --sls-file sls_input_file.json --network HMN --folder running

NOTE: --network CMN / HMN * CMN = connecting from external network * HMN = connecting from internal network

  • (optional): Retrieve customizations file. (log in from ncn-m001)
kubectl -n loftsman get secret site-init -o json | jq -r '.data."customizations.yaml"' | base64 -d > customizations.yaml

This will output the customizations file to a file called customizations.yaml in your current working directory.

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