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Typical CANU validation errors and how to fix them

Issue: Port number not specified

validate_shcd - CRITICAL: A port number must be specified. Please correct the SHCD for HMN:V36 with an empty value


Blank cell. Minimally the Source or Destination and Port needs to be specified.

Issue: PDU tab not found from SHCD

Tab PDU not found in ./HPE System Hela CCD.revA27.xlsx

Available tabs: ['Config. Summary', 'HPE Cables', 'RiverRackLayout ', 
'Arista', 'River Device Diagrams', 'HPE Devices', 'SCT pt_pt'
'yaml', 'Mountain-TDS-Management', 'MTN Rack Layout', 
'10G_25G_40G_100G', 'NMN', 'HMN', 'PDU ']


PDU has an extra space in the tab name.

Issue: Incorrectly formatted header in SHCD

validate_shcd - CRITICAL:

On tab PDU, the header is formatted incorrectly.

Columns must exist in the following order, but may have other columns in between:

[0, 1, 2, 'Slot', 'Port', 'Destination', 'Rack', 'Location', 'Port']


Fix the header naming to match the expected output.

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