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Generate Switch Configs Including Custom Configurations

Pass in a switch config file that CANU will inject into the generated config. A use case would be to add custom site connections. This config file will overwrite previously generate config.

The custom-config file type is YAML and a single file can be used for multiple switches. You will need to specify the switch name and what config inject. The custom-config feature is using the hierarchical configuration library, documentation can be found here

Custom config file examples:


sw-spine-001:  |
    ip route
    interface 1/1/36
        no shutdown
        ip address
    system interface-group 3 speed 10g
    interface 1/1/2
        no shutdown
        mtu 9198
        description sw-spine-001:16==>ion-node
        no routing
        vlan access 7
        spanning-tree bpdu-guard
        spanning-tree port-type admin-edge
sw-spine-002:  |
    ip route
    interface 1/1/36
        no shutdown
        ip address
    system interface-group 3 speed 10g
sw-leaf-bmc-001:  |
    interface 1/1/20
        no routing
        vlan access 4
        spanning-tree bpdu-guard
        spanning-tree port-type admin-edge


sw-spine-001:  |
    interface ethernet 1/1 speed 10G force
    interface ethernet 1/1 description "sw-spine02-1/16"
    interface ethernet 1/1 no switchport force
    interface ethernet 1/1 ip address primary
    interface ethernet 1/1 dcb priority-flow-control mode on force
    ip route vrf default
sw-spine-002:  |
    interface ethernet 1/16 speed 10G force
    interface ethernet 1/16 description "sw-spine01-1/16"
    interface ethernet 1/16 no switchport force
    interface ethernet 1/16 ip address primary
    interface ethernet 1/16 dcb priority-flow-control mode on force
    ip route vrf default
sw-leaf-bmc-001:  |
    interface ethernet1/1/12
      description sw-leaf-bmc-001:12==>cn003:2
      no shutdown
      switchport access vlan 4
      mtu 9216
      flowcontrol receive off
      flowcontrol transmit off
      spanning-tree bpduguard enable
      spanning-tree port type edge
    interface vlan7
        description CMN
        no shutdown
        ip vrf forwarding Customer
        mtu 9216
        ip address
        ip access-group cmn-can in
        ip access-group cmn-can out
        ip ospf 2 area

To generate switch configuration with custom config injection.

$ canu generate switch config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --name sw-spine-001 --custom-config CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE.yaml

Generate Network Config

CANU can also generate switch config for all the switches on a network.

In order to generate network config, a valid SHCD or CCJ must be passed in and system variables must be read in from either CSI output or the SLS API. The instructions are exactly the same as the above generate Switch Config](#generate-switch-config) except there will not be a hostname and a folder must be specified for config output using the --folder FOLDERNAME flag.

To generate switch config from a CCJ paddle run:

canu generate network config --csm 1.2 --ccj paddle.json --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder FOLDERNAME

To generate switch config from SHCD run:

$ canu generate network config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder switch_config

sw-spine-001 Config Generated
sw-spine-002 Config Generated
sw-leaf-001 Config Generated
sw-leaf-002 Config Generated
sw-leaf-003 Config Generated
sw-leaf-004 Config Generated
sw-cdu-001 Config Generated
sw-cdu-002 Config Generated
sw-leaf-bmc-001 Config Generated

Generate Network Config With Custom Config Injection

This option allows extension and maintenance of switch configurations beyond plan-of-record. A YAML file expresses custom configurations across the network and these configurations are merged with the plan-of-record configurations.

WARNING: Extreme diligence should be used applying custom configurations which override plan-of-record generated configurations. Custom configurations will overwrite generated configurations! Override/overwrite is by design to support and document cases where site-interconnects demand "nonstandard" configurations or a bug must be worked around.

The instructions are exactly the same as Generate Switch Config with Custom Config Injection

To generate network configuration with custom config injection run

canu generate network config --csm 1.2 -a full --shcd FILENAME.xlsx --tabs INTER_SWITCH_LINKS,NON_COMPUTE_NODES,HARDWARE_MANAGEMENT,COMPUTE_NODES --corners J14,T44,J14,T48,J14,T24,J14,T23 --sls-file SLS_FILE --folder switch_config --custom-config CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE.yaml