canu validate
CANU validate commands.
canu validate [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Commands that validate the network.
canu validate network [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Validate BGP neighbors.
This command will check the BGP neighbors for the switch IP addresses entered. All of the neighbors of a switch must be ‘Established’, or the verification will fail.
If a switch that is not a spine switch is tested, it will show in the results table as ‘SKIP’.
- Enter a comma separated list of IP addresses with the ‘—ips’ flag.
- Or read the IP addresses from a file, one IP address per line, using ‘–ips-file FILENAME’ flag.
If you want to see the individual status of all the neighbors of a switch, use the ‘–verbose’ flag.
noqa: D301
Args: : ctx: CANU context settings username: Switch username password: Switch password verbose: Bool indicating verbose output network: The network that BGP neighbors are checked
canu validate network bgp [OPTIONS]
Switch username
- Default:
Switch password
The network that BGP neighbors are checked.
- Default:
- Options: ALL | NMN | CMN
Verbose mode
Validate network cabling.
CANU can be used to validate that network cabling passes basic validation checks.
This command will use LLDP to determine if the network is properly connected architecturally.
The validation will ensure that spine switches, leaf switches, edge switches, and nodes all are connected properly.
noqa: D301, B950
: ctx: CANU context settings
architecture: CSM architecture
ips: Comma separated list of IPv4 addresses of switches
ips_file: File with one IPv4 address per line
username: Switch username
password: Switch password
: Level of logging.
out: Name of the output file
canu validate network cabling [OPTIONS]
-a, --architecture
Required CSM architecture
- Options: Full | TDS | v1
Comma separated list of IPv4 addresses of switches
File with one IPv4 address per line
Switch username
- Default:
Switch password
Level of logging.
Output results to a file
Validate a CCJ file.
Pass in a CCJ file to validate that it works architecturally. The validation will ensure that spine switches, leaf switches, edge switches, and nodes all are connected properly.
noqa: D301
: ctx: CANU context settings
ccj: Paddle CCJ file
out: Filename for the JSON Topology if requested.
: Level of logging.
canu validate paddle [OPTIONS]
CCJ (CSM Cabling JSON) File containing system topology.
Output results to a file
Level of logging.
Validate a CCJ file against the current network cabling.
Pass in a CCJ file to validate that it works architecturally.
This command will also use LLDP to determine the neighbors of the IP addresses passed in to validate that the network is properly connected architecturally.
The validation will ensure that spine switches, leaf switches, edge switches, and nodes all are connected properly.
noqa: D301
: ctx: CANU context settings
csm: csm version
ccj: Paddle CCJ file
ips: Comma separated list of IPv4 addresses of switches
ips_file: File with one IPv4 address per line
username: Switch username
password: Switch password
: Level of logging
out: Name of the output file
canu validate paddle-cabling [OPTIONS]
Required CSM network version
- Options: 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6
Required CCJ (CSM Cabling JSON) File containing system topology.
Comma separated list of IPv4 addresses of switches
File with one IPv4 address per line
Switch username
- Default:
Switch password
Level of logging.
Output results to a file
Validate a SHCD file.
CANU can be used to validate that an SHCD (SHasta Cabling Diagram) passes basic validation checks.
- Use the ‘–tabs’ flag to select which tabs on the spreadsheet will be included.
- The ‘–corners’ flag is used to input the upper left and lower right corners of the table on each tab of the worksheet. If the corners are not specified, you will be prompted to enter them for each tab.
- The table should contain the 11 headers: Source, Rack, Location, Slot, (Blank), Port, Destination, Rack, Location, (Blank), Port.
noqa: D301, B950
: ctx: CANU context settings
architecture: CSM architecture
shcd: SHCD file
tabs: The tabs on the SHCD file to check, e.g. 10G_25G_40G_100G,NMN,HMN.
corners: The corners on each tab, comma separated e.g. ‘J37,U227,J15,T47,J20,U167’.
edge: Vendor of the edge router
out: Filename for the JSON Topology if requested.
: Bool indicating json output
: Level of logging.
canu validate shcd [OPTIONS]
-a, --architecture
Required CSM architecture
- Options: Full | TDS | V1
Required SHCD file
The tabs on the SHCD file to check, e.g. 10G_25G_40G_100G,NMN,HMN.
The corners on each tab, comma separated e.g. ‘J37,U227,J15,T47,J20,U167’.
Required Vendor of Edge router
- Options: Aruba | Arista
Output results to a file
Output JSON model to a file
Level of logging.
Validate a SHCD file against the current network cabling.
Pass in a SHCD file and a list of IP address to compair the connections.
The output of the validate shcd-cabling command will show a port by port comparison between the devices found in the SHCD and devices found on the network. If there is a difference in what is found connected to a devices port in SHCD and Cabling, the line will be highlighted in ‘red’.
noqa: D301, B950
: ctx: CANU context settings
csm: csm version
architecture: CSM architecture
shcd: SHCD file
tabs: The tabs on the SHCD file to check, e.g. 10G_25G_40G_100G,NMN,HMN.
corners: The corners on each tab, comma separated e.g. ‘J37,U227,J15,T47,J20,U167’.
ips: Comma separated list of IPv4 addresses of switches
ips_file: File with one IPv4 address per line
macs: Print NCN MAC addresses
username: Switch username
password: Switch password
: Level of logging
out: Name of the output file
canu validate shcd-cabling [OPTIONS]
Required CSM network version
- Options: 1.0 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6
-a, --architecture
Required CSM architecture
- Options: Full | TDS | V1
Required SHCD file
The tabs on the SHCD file to check, e.g. 10G_25G_40G_100G,NMN,HMN.
The corners on each tab, comma separated e.g. ‘J37,U227,J15,T47,J20,U167’.
Comma separated list of IPv4 addresses of switches
File with one IPv4 address per line
Switch username
- Default:
Switch password
Level of logging.
Output results to a file
Print NCN MAC addresses
Commands that validate a switch.
canu validate switch [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Validate switch config.
After config has been generated, CANU can validate the generated config against running switch config. The running config can be from either an IP address, or a config file.
- To get running config from an IP address, use the flags ‘–ip –username USERNAME –password PASSWORD’.
- To get running config from a file, use the flag ‘–running RUNNING_CONFIG.cfg’ instead.
After running the ‘validate switch config’ command, you will be shown a line by line comparison of the currently running switch config against the config file that was passed in. You will also be given a list of remediation commands that can be typed into the switch to get the running config to match the config file. There will be a summary table at the end highlighting the most important differences between the configs.
- Lines that are red and start with a ‘-’ are in the running config, but not in the config file
- Lines that are green and start with a ‘+’ are not in the running config, but are in the config file
- Lines that are blue and start with a ‘?’ are attempting to point out specific line differences
noqa: D301, B950
Args: : ctx: CANU context settings ip: The IP address of the switch running: The running switch config file username: Switch username password: Switch password generated_config: Generated config file out: Name of the output file vendor: Switch vendor. Aruba, Dell, or Mellanox remediation: output remediation config
canu validate switch config [OPTIONS]
The IP address of the switch with running config
The running switch config file
The vendor is needed if passing in the running config from a file
- Options: Aruba | Dell | Mellanox
Switch username
- Default:
Switch password
Generated config file
Output results to a file
Outputs commands to get from the running-config to generated config, Mellanox not supported