NCN Mounts and File Systems

The management non-compute nodes (NCNs) use drive storage for persistence and block storage. This page outlines reference information for these disks, their partition tables, and their management.

What controls partitioning

Partitioning is controlled by two aspects:

  • dracut: this selects disks and builds their partition tables and/or LVM storage.
  • cloud-init: this manages standalone partitions or volumes, as well as high-level object storage.

Plan of record / baseline

Node Type # “small” disks (0.5 TiB) # “large” disks (1.9 TiB)
master NCNs 3 0
storage NCNs 2 3+
worker NCNs 2 1

Disks are chosen by dracut. Kubernetes and storage nodes use different dracut modules.

  1. Two disks for the OS are chosen from the pool of “small” disks.
  2. One disk is selected for the ephemeral data.

Problems when above or below baseline

The master and worker NCNs use the same artifacts, and therefore have the same dracut modules.

Storage NCNs do not run the same dracut modules because they have different disk demands.

Be cautious of master NCNs with one or more extra “large” disks; these disks help but are unnecessary.

On the other hand, there can be problems with worker NCNs with one or more extra “small” disks, because they can end up being used by the metal ETCD module. For worker NCNs with extra “small” disks, expand the RAID to consume the extra disks, leaving none behind for the metal ETCD module to find.

  1. Set metal.disks equal to the number of “small” disks in the node.

    This will reserve them for the RAID and prevent any other partitioning from happening on them.

    • From the pit node:

      pit# sed -i 's/disk-opts /disk-opts metal.disks=3 /g' /var/www/ncn-w*/script.ipxe
    • During runtime with csi:

      ncn# csi handoff bss-update-param metal.disks=3
  2. (Optional) Change the RAID type.

    Skip this step to leave it at its default type (mirror).

    • From the pit node:

      pit# sed -i 's/disk-opts /disk-opts /g' /var/www/ncn-w*/script.ipxe
    • During runtime with csi:

      ncn# csi handoff bss-update-param
  3. Rebuild the node.

    1. Run the basic disk wipe if the node was already booted.

    2. Reboot the node.

Disk layout quick-reference tables

The table below represents all recognizable FS labels on any given management node, varying slightly by node role (Kubernetes master or Kubernetes worker).

Master Worker Storage FS Label Partitions Devices Partition Size OverlayFS Notes
Yes Yes Yes BOOTRAID /metal/recovery RAID1: 2 small disks 500 MiB No
Yes Yes Yes SQFSRAID /run/initramfs/live RAID1: 2 small disks 25 GiB Yes
Yes Yes Yes ROOTRAID /run/initramfs/overlayfs RAID1: 2 small disks 150 GiB Yes The persistent image file is loaded from this partition1.
Yes Yes Yes AUX /dev/md/AUX (Not Mounted) RAID0: 2 small disks 250 GiB No Auxiliary RAID array for cloud-init to use.
No No Yes CEPHETC /etc/ceph LVM 10 GiB No
No No Yes CEPHVAR /var/lib/ceph LVM 60 GiB No
No No Yes CONTAIN /run/containers LVM 60 GiB No
Yes Yes No CRAYSDU /var/lib/sdu LVM 100 GiB No
No Yes No CONRUN /run/containerd Ephemeral 75 GiB No
No Yes No CONLIB /run/lib-containerd Ephemeral 25% Yes
Yes No No ETCDLVM /run/lib-etcd Ephemeral 32 GiB Yes
Yes No No K8SLET /var/lib/kubelet Ephemeral 25% No

The above table’s rows with OverlayFS map their Mount Paths to the Upper Directory in the table below:

The “OverlayFS Name” is the name used in /etc/fstab and seen in the output of mount.

OverlayFS Name Upper Directory Lower Directory
etcd_overlayfs /run/lib-etcd /var/lib/etcd
containerd_overlayfs /run/lib-containerd /var/lib/containerd

For notes on previous/old labels, see Old/retired FS labels.

OverlayFS and persistence

The overlays used on NCNs enable two critical functions:

  • Changes to data and new data will persist between reboots.
  • RAM (memory) is freed because the data is stored on block devices (SATA/PCIe).

There are a few overlays used for NCN image boots:

  • ROOTRAID is the persistent root OverlayFS. It commits and saves all changes made to the running OS.
  • CONLIB is a persistent OverlayFS for containerd. It commits and saves all new changes while allowing read-through to pre-existing data from the SquashFS.
  • ETCDK8S is a persistent OverlayFS for etcd. It works like the CONLIB OverlayFS, but it exists in an encrypted LUKS2 partition.


  • /run/rootfsbase is the SquashFS image itself.
  • /run/initramfs/live is the SquashFS’s storage array, where one or more SquashFS can be stored.
  • /run/initramfs/overlayfs is the OverlayFS storage array, where the persistent directories are stored.
  • /run/overlayfs and /run/ovlwork are symbolic links to /run/initramfs/overlayfs/overlayfs-SQFSRAID-$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/disk/by-label/SQFSRAID) and the neighboring “work” directory2.

Helpful commands

Commands Details
lsblk, lsblk -f Shows how the RAIDs and disks are mounted
losetup -a Shows where the SquashFS is mounted from
`mount grep ’ / ‘`

OverlayFS examples

mount command

ncn-m# mount | grep  ' / '

Example output:

LiveOS_rootfs on / type overlay (rw,relatime,lowerdir=/run/rootfsbase,upperdir=/run/overlayfs,workdir=/run/ovlwork)
                                             ^^^R/O^SQUASHFS IMAGE^^^|^^^ R/W PERSISTENCE ^^^|^^^^^^INTERIM^^^^^^

losetup command

ncn-m# losetup -a

Example output:

/dev/loop1: [0025]:74858 (/run/initramfs/thin-overlay/meta)
/dev/loop2: [0025]:74859 (/run/initramfs/thin-overlay/data)
/dev/loop0: [2430]:100 (/run/initramfs/live/LiveOS/filesystem.squashfs)

The “thin overlay” is the transient space the system uses behind the scenes to allow data to be in RAM as it is written to disk. The “thin” part of the overlay is the magic; using thin overlays means that the kernel will automatically clear free blocks. For more details, see Thin overlay feature.

lsblk command

Below is the layout of what a persistent system looks like.

ncn-m# lsblk

Example output:

loop0                 7:0    0   3.8G  1 loop  /run/rootfsbase
loop1                 7:1    0    30G  0 loop
└─live-overlay-pool 254:2    0   300G  0 dm
loop2                 7:2    0   300G  0 loop
└─live-overlay-pool 254:2    0   300G  0 dm
sda                   8:0    1 447.1G  0 disk
├─sda1                8:1    1   476M  0 part
│ └─md127             9:127  0   476M  0 raid1
├─sda2                8:2    1  92.7G  0 part
│ └─md126             9:126  0  92.6G  0 raid1 /run/initramfs/live
└─sda3                8:3    1 279.4G  0 part
  └─md125             9:125  0 279.3G  0 raid1 /run/initramfs/overlayfs
sdb                   8:16   1 447.1G  0 disk
├─sdb1                8:17   1   476M  0 part
│ └─md127             9:127  0   476M  0 raid1
├─sdb2                8:18   1  92.7G  0 part
│ └─md126             9:126  0  92.6G  0 raid1 /run/initramfs/live
└─sdb3                8:19   1 279.4G  0 part
  └─md125             9:125  0 279.3G  0 raid1 /run/initramfs/overlayfs
sdc                   8:32   1 447.1G  0 disk
└─ETCDLVM           254:0    0 447.1G  0 crypt
  └─etcdvg0-ETCDK8S 254:1    0    32G  0 lvm   /run/lib-etcd

Note that the above output means that persistent capacity is there, but administrators should beware of reset toggles on unfamiliar systems. There are toggles to reset overlays that are, by default, toggled off (so that data persistence by default is safe, but one should not assume). For more information, see OverlayFS control.

Persistent directories

Not all directories are persistent!

Only the following directories are persistent by default:

  • /etc
  • /home
  • /root
  • /run/containerd
  • /run/lib-containerd
  • /run/lib-etcd
  • /run/lib/kubelet
  • /srv
  • /tmp
  • /var

This initial set is managed by dracut. When using a reset toggle, the above list is reset to the above default value. While more directories can be added to the list, they will be eradicated when enabling a reset toggle. For more information, see OverlayFS control.

These are all provided through the overlay from /run/overlayfs:

ncn-m# cd /run/overlayfs && ls -l

Example output:

total 0
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 290 Oct 15 22:41 etc
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  18 Oct 15 22:41 home
drwx------ 3 root root  39 Oct 13 16:53 root
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  18 Oct  5 19:16 srv
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root  85 Oct 16 14:50 tmp
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root  76 Oct 13 16:52 var

Remember: /run/overlayfs is a symbolic link to the real disk /run/initramfs/overlayfs/*.

Layering: Upper and lower directory

The file system the user is working on is really two layered file systems (overlays).

  • The lower layer (also called the lower directory) is the SquashFS image itself. It is read-only and provides all that is needed to run.
  • The upper layer (also called the upper directory) is the OverlayFS. It is read-write, and does a bit-wise xor with the lower layer.
  • Anything in the upper layer takes precedence by default.

There are fancier options for overlays, such as multiple lower layers, copy-up (lower layer precedence), and opaque (removing a directory in the upper layer hides it in the lower layer). For details, see Overlay Filesystem: Inode properties.

Layering: Real world example

Take /root for example.

The upper directory (the overlay) has these files:

ncn# ls -l /run/overlayfs/root/

Example output:

total 4
-rw------- 1 root root 252 Nov  4 18:23 .bash_history
drwxr-x--- 4 root root  37 Nov  4 04:35 .kube
drwx------ 2 root root  29 Oct 21 21:57 .ssh

The lower directory (the SquashFS image) has these files:

ncn# ls -l /run/rootfsbase/root/

Example output:

total 1
-rw------- 1 root root   0 Oct 19 15:31 .bash_history
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   3 May 25  2018 bin
drwx------ 3 root root  26 Oct 21 22:07 .cache
drwx------ 2 root root   3 May 25  2018 .gnupg
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root  57 Oct 19 15:23 inst-sys
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  33 Oct 19 15:33 .kbd
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  53 Oct 19 15:34 spire
drwx------ 2 root root  70 Oct 21 21:57 .ssh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172 Oct 26 15:25 .wget-hsts

Notice the following:

  • The .bash_history file in the lower directory is 0 bytes, but it is 252 bytes in the upper directory.
  • The .kube directory exists in the upper directory, but not the lower directory.

Keeping the above in mind, look at the contents of /root itself:

ncn# ls -l /root

Example output:

total 5
-rw------- 1 root root 252 Nov  4 18:23 .bash_history
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   3 May 25  2018 bin
drwx------ 3 root root  26 Oct 21 22:07 .cache
drwx------ 2 root root   3 May 25  2018 .gnupg
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root  57 Oct 19 15:23 inst-sys
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  33 Oct 19 15:33 .kbd
drwxr-x--- 4 root root  37 Nov  4 04:35 .kube
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  53 Oct 19 15:34 spire
drwx------ 1 root root  29 Oct 21 21:57 .ssh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172 Oct 26 15:25 .wget-hsts

Notice the following:

  • .bash_history matches the upper directory.
  • The .kube directory exists here.

The take-away here is that any change done to /root/ will persist through /run/overlayfs/root and will take precedence to the SquashFS image root.

OverlayFS control

These features or toggles are passable on the kernel command line, and change the behavior of the OverlayFS.

Reset toggles

The overlay FS provides a few reset toggles to clear out the persistence directories without reinstall.

The toggles require rebooting.

Reset on next boot

The preferred way to reset persistent storage is to use the OverlayFS reset toggle.

Modify the boot command line on the PXE server, adding this

# Reset the overlay on boot

Once reset, if wanting to enable persistence again, then simply revert the change; the next reboot will persist.

# Cease resetting the OverlayFS

Reset on every boot

There are two options one can leave enabled to accomplish this:

  1. will eradicate/recreate the overlay every reboot.
  2. will clear the overlay on every reboot.

For long-term usage, should be added to the command line.

The reset=1 toggle is usually used to fix a problematic overlay. For example, if one wants to refresh and purge the overlay completely.

# Authorize METAL to purge

Note: does not protect against is not a feature of dmsquash-live.

Re-sizing the persistent overlay

  • Default size: 300 GiB
  • File system: XFS

The overlay can be resized to fit a variety of needs or use cases. The size is provided directly on the command line. Any value can be provided, but it must be in megabytes.

If resetting the overlay on a deployed node, must also be set.

It is recommended to set the size before deployment. There is a linkage between the metal-dracut module and the live-module that makes this inflexible.

# Use a 300 GiB OverlayFS (default)

# Use a 1 TiB OverlayFS

Thin overlay feature

The persistent OverlayFS leverages newer “thin” overlays. These “thin” overlays support discards, and that will free blocks that are not claimed by the file system. This means that memory is freed/released when the file system no longer claims it.

Thin overlays can be disabled, and instead classic DM Snapshots can be used to manage the overlay. This will use more RAM. It is not recommended, because dmraid is not included in the initrd.

# Enable (default)

# Disable (not recommended; undesirable RAM waste)


The metalfs systemd service will try to mount any metal-created partitions.

This runs against the /run/initramfs/overlayfs/fstab.metal when it exists. This file is dynamically created by most metal dracut modules.

The service will continuously attempt to mount the partitions. If problems arise, then stop the service:

ncn# systemctl stop metalfs

Old/retired FS labels

This is a table of deprecated FS labels/partitions from Shasta 1.3 (no longer in Shasta 1.4 / CSM 0.9 and onwards).

FS Label Partitions Nodes Device Size on Disk
K8SKUBE /var/lib/kubelet ncn-w001, ncn-w002 Ephemeral Max/Remainder
K8SEPH /var/lib/cray/k8s_ephemeral ncn-w001, ncn-w002 Ephemeral Max/Remainder
CRAYINSTALL /var/cray/vfat ncn-w001, ncn-w002 Ephemeral 12 GiB
CRAYVBIS /var/cray/vbis ncn-w001, ncn-w002 Ephemeral 900 GiB
CRAYNFS /var/lib/nfsroot/nmd ncn-w001, ncn-w002 Ephemeral 12 GiB

  1. When the image is loaded, the underlying drive is lazily unmounted (umount -l), so that it will close once the overlay closes. ↩︎

  2. The “work” directory is where the operating system processes data. It is the interim where data passes between RAM and persistent storage. ↩︎