Bootstrap PIT Node from LiveCD Remote ISO

The Pre-Install Toolkit (PIT) node needs to be bootstrapped from the LiveCD. There are two media available to bootstrap the PIT node–the RemoteISO or a bootable USB device. This procedure describes using the RemoteISO. If not using the RemoteISO, see Bootstrap PIT Node from LiveCD USB

The installation process is similar to the USB based installation with adjustments to account for the lack of removable storage.

Important: Before starting this procedure be sure to complete the procedure to Prepare Configuration Payload for the relevant installation scenario.


  1. Known compatibility issues
  2. Attaching and booting the LiveCD with the BMC
  3. First login
  4. Configure the running LiveCD
  5. Next topic

1. Known compatibility issues

The LiveCD Remote ISO has known compatibility issues for nodes from certain vendors.

2. Attaching and booting the LiveCD with the BMC

Warning: If this is a re-installation on a system that still has a USB device from a prior installation, then that USB device must be wiped before continuing. Failing to wipe the USB, if present, may result in confusion. If the USB is still booted, then it can wipe itself using the basic wipe from Wipe NCN Disks for Reinstallation. If it is not booted, please do so and wipe it or disable the USB ports in the BIOS (not available for all vendors).

Obtain and attach the LiveCD cray-pre-install-toolkit ISO file to the BMC. Depending on the vendor of the node, the instructions for attaching to the BMC will differ.

  1. The CSM software release should be downloaded and expanded for use.

    Important: To ensure that the CSM release plus any patches, workarounds, or hot fixes are included follow the instructions in Update CSM Product Stream

    The cray-pre-install-toolkit ISO and other files are now available in the directory from the extracted CSM tar. The ISO will have a name similar to cray-pre-install-toolkit-sle15sp2.x86_64-1.4.10-20210514183447-gc054094.iso

    This ISO file can be extracted from the CSM release tar file using the following command:

    linux# tar --wildcards --no-anchored -xzvf <csm-release>.tar.gz 'cray-pre-install-toolkit-*.iso'

    This release of CSM software, the cray-pre-install-toolkit ISO should be placed on a server which the PIT node will be able to contact using HTTP or HTTPS.

    Note: A shorter path name is better than a long path name on the webserver.

    • The Cray Pre-Install Toolkit ISO is included in the CSM release tar file. It will have a long filename similar to cray-pre-install-toolkit-sle15sp2.x86_64-1.4.10-20210514183447-gc054094.iso, so pick a shorter name on the webserver.
  2. See the respective procedure below to attach an ISO.

  3. The chosen procedure should have rebooted the server. Observe the server boot into the LiveCD.

3. First login

On first login (over SSH or at local console) the LiveCD will prompt the administrator to change the password.

  1. The initial password is empty; set the username of root and press return twice.

    pit login: root

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    Password:           <-------just press Enter here for a blank password
    You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced)
    Changing password for root.
    Current password:   <------- press Enter here, again, for a blank password
    New password:       <------- type new password
    Retype new password:<------- retype new password
    Welcome to the CRAY Pre-Install Toolkit (LiveOS)

4. Configure the running LiveCD

  1. Set up the initial typescript.

    pit# cd ~
    pit# script -af csm-install-remoteiso.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt
    pit# export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
  2. Set up the site-link, enabling SSH to work. You can reconnect with SSH after this step.

    NOTICE REGARDING DHCP If your site’s network authority or network administrator has already provisioned an IPv4 address for your master node(s) external NIC(s), then skip this step.

    1. Setup variables.

      # The IPv4 Address for the nodes external interface(s); this will be provided if not already by the site's network administrator or network authority.
      pit# site_ip=172.30.XXX.YYY/20
      pit# site_gw=
      pit# site_dns=
      # The actual NIC names for the external site interface; the first onboard or the first 1GBe PCIe (RJ-45).
      pit# site_nics='p2p1 p2p2 p2p3'
      # another example:
      pit# site_nics=em1
    2. Run the link setup script.

      NOTE : USAGE All of the /root/bin/csi-* scripts are harmless to run without parameters, doing so will dump usage statements.

      pit# /root/bin/ $site_ip $site_gw $site_dns $site_nics
    3. Print lan0, and if it has an IP address, then exit console and log in again using SSH.

      pit# ip a show lan0
      pit# exit
      external# ssh root@${SYSTEM_NAME}-ncn-m001
    4. (Recommended) After reconnecting, resume the typescript (the -a appends to an existing script).

      pit# cd ~
      pit# script -af $(ls -tr csm-install-remoteiso* | head -n 1)
      pit# export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
    5. Check hostname.

      pit# hostnamectl


      • The hostname should be similar to eniac-ncn-m001-pit when booted from the LiveCD, but it will be shown as pit# in the documentation command prompts from this point onward.
      • If the hostname returned by the hostnamectl command is pit, then re-run the script with the same parameters. Otherwise, an administrator should set the hostname manually with hostnamectl. In the latter case, do not confuse other administrators by using the hostname ncn-m001. Append the -pit suffix, indicating that the node is booted from the LiveCD.
  3. Find a local disk for storing product installers.

    pit# disk="$(lsblk -l -o SIZE,NAME,TYPE,TRAN | grep -E '(sata|nvme|sas)' | sort -h | awk '{print $2}' | head -n 1 | tr -d '\n')"
    pit# echo $disk
    pit# parted --wipesignatures -m --align=opt --ignore-busy -s /dev/$disk -- mklabel gpt mkpart primary ext4 2048s 100%
    pit# mkfs.ext4 -L PITDATA "/dev/${disk}1"

    In some cases the parted command may give an error similar to the following:

    Error: Partition(s) 4 on /dev/sda have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably
    because it/they are in use. As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use. You should reboot now before making
    further changes.

    In that case, the following steps may resolve the problem without needing to reboot. These commands will remove volume groups and raid arrays that may be using the disk. These commands only need to be run if the earlier parted command failed.

    pit# RAIDS=$(grep "${disk}[0-9]" /proc/mdstat | awk '{ print "/dev/"$1 }')
    pit# echo $RAIDS
    pit# VGS=$(echo $RAIDS | xargs -r pvs --noheadings -o vg_name 2>/dev/null)
    pit# echo $VGS
    pit# echo $VGS | xargs -r -t -n 1 vgremove -f -v
    pit# echo $RAIDS | xargs -r -t -n 1 mdadm -S -f -v

    After running the above procedure, retry the parted command which failed. If it succeeds, resume the install from that point.

  4. Mount local disk, check the output of each command as it goes.

    pit# mount -v -L PITDATA
    pit# pushd /var/www/ephemeral
    pit# mkdir -v admin prep prep/admin configs data
  5. Quit the typescript session with the exit command, copy the file (csm-install-remoteis.<date>.txt) from its initial location to the newly created directory, and restart the typescript.

    pit# exit # The typescript
    pit# cp -v ~/csm-install-remoteiso.*.txt /var/www/ephemeral/prep/admin
    pit# cd /var/www/ephemeral/prep/admin
    pit# script -af $(ls -tr csm-install-remoteiso* | head -n 1)
    pit# export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
    pit# pushd /var/www/ephemeral
  6. Download the CSM software release to the PIT node.

    Important: In an earlier step, the CSM release plus any patches, workarounds, or hot fixes were downloaded to a system using the instructions in Update CSM Product Stream Either copy from that system to the PIT node or set the ENDPOINT variable to URL and use wget.

    1. Set helper variables.

      pit# ENDPOINT=
      pit# export CSM_RELEASE=csm-x.y.z
      pit# export SYSTEM_NAME=eniac
    2. Save the CSM_RELEASE and SYSTEM_NAME variables for usage later; all subsequent shell sessions will have this variable set.

      The echo prepends a newline to ensure that the variable assignment occurs on a unique line, and not at the end of another.

      pit# echo -e "\nCSM_RELEASE=${CSM_RELEASE}\nSYSTEM_NAME=${SYSTEM_NAME}" >>/etc/environment
    3. Fetch the release tar file.

      pit# wget ${ENDPOINT}/${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz -O /var/www/ephemeral/${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz
    4. Expand the tar file on the PIT node.

      Note: Expansion of the tar file may take more than 45 minutes.

      pit# tar -zxvf ${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz
      pit# ls -l ${CSM_RELEASE}
    5. Copy the artifacts into place.

      pit# mkdir -pv data/{k8s,ceph}
      pit# rsync -a -P --delete ./${CSM_RELEASE}/images/kubernetes/ ./data/k8s/
      pit# rsync -a -P --delete ./${CSM_RELEASE}/images/storage-ceph/ ./data/ceph/

    The PIT ISO, Helm charts/images, and bootstrap RPMs are now available in the extracted CSM tar.

  7. Install/upgrade the CSI and testing RPMs.

    pit# rpm -Uvh --force \
           $(find ./${CSM_RELEASE}/rpm/ -name "cray-site-init-*.x86_64.rpm" | sort -V | tail -1) \
           $(find ./${CSM_RELEASE}/rpm/ -name "hpe-csm-goss-package*.rpm" | sort -V | tail -1) \
           $(find ./${CSM_RELEASE}/rpm/ -name "csm-testing*.rpm" | sort -V | tail -1) \
           $(find ./${CSM_RELEASE}/rpm/ -name "goss-servers*.rpm" | sort -V | tail -1)
  8. Show the version of CSI installed.

    pit# csi version

    Expected output looks similar to the following:

    CRAY-Site-Init build signature...
    Build Commit   : b3ed3046a460d804eb545d21a362b3a5c7d517a3-release-shasta-1.4
    Build Time     : 2021-02-04T21:05:32Z
    Go Version     : go1.14.9
    Git Version    : b3ed3046a460d804eb545d21a362b3a5c7d517a3
    Platform       : linux/amd64
    App. Version   : 1.5.18
  9. Download and install/upgrade the workaround and documentation RPMs.

    If this machine does not have direct Internet access these RPMs will need to be externally downloaded and then copied to the system.

    Important: In an earlier step, the CSM release plus any patches, workarounds, or hot fixes were downloaded to a system using the instructions in Check for Latest Workarounds and Documentation Updates. Use that set of RPMs rather than downloading again.

    linux# wget
    linux# wget
    linux# scp -p docs-csm-*rpm csm-install-workarounds-*rpm ncn-m001:/root
    linux# ssh ncn-m001
    pit# rpm -Uvh --force docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm
    pit# rpm -Uvh --force csm-install-workarounds-latest.noarch.rpm

4.1 Generate installation files

Some files are needed for generating the configuration payload. See the Command Line Configuration Payload and Configuration Payload Files topics if one has not already prepared the information for this system.

  1. Create the hmn_connections.json file by following the Create HMN Connections JSON procedure. Return to this section when completed.

  2. Create the configuration input files if needed and copy them into the preparation directory.

    The preparation directory is ${PITDATA}/prep.

    Copy these files into the preparation directory, or create them if this is an initial install of the system:

    • application_node_config.yaml (optional - see below)
    • cabinets.yaml (optional - see below)
    • hmn_connections.json
    • ncn_metadata.csv
    • switch_metadata.csv
    • system_config.yaml (only available after first-install generation of system files)

    The optional application_node_config.yaml file may be provided for further definition of settings relating to how application nodes will appear in HSM for roles and subroles. See Create Application Node YAML.

    The optional cabinets.yaml file allows cabinet naming and numbering as well as some VLAN overrides. See Create Cabinets YAML.

    The system_config.yaml file is generated by the csi tool during the first install of a system, and can later be used for reinstalls of the system. For the initial install, the information in it must be provided as command line arguments to csi config init.

    1. Change into the preparation directory.

      linux# mkdir -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep
      linux# cd /var/www/ephemeral/prep

      After gathering the files into this working directory, generate your configurations.

    2. If doing a reinstall and have the system_config.yaml parameter file available, then generate the system configuration reusing this parameter file (see avoiding parameters).

      If not doing a reinstall of Shasta software, then the system_config.yaml file will not be available, so skip the rest of this step.

      1. Check for the configuration files. The needed files should be in the current directory.

        linux# ls -1

        Expected output looks similar to the following:

      2. Generate the system configuration.

        Note: Ensure that you specify a reachable NTP pool or server using the ntp-pools or ntp-servers fields, respectively. Adding an unreachable server can cause clock skew as chrony tries to continually reach out to a server it can never reach.

        linux# csi config init

        A new directory matching the system-name field in system_config.yaml will now exist in the working directory.

        Note: These warnings from csi config init for issues in hmn_connections.json can be ignored.

        • The node with the external connection (ncn-m001) will have a warning similar to this because its BMC is connected to the site and not the HMN like the other management NCNs. It can be ignored.

          "Couldn't find switch port for NCN: x3000c0s1b0"
        • An unexpected component may have this message. If this component is an application node with an unusual prefix, it should be added to the application_node_config.yaml file. Then rerun csi config init. See the procedure to Create Application Node Config YAML

          {"level":"warn","ts":1610405168.8705149,"msg":"Found unknown source prefix! If this is expected to be an Application node, please update application_node_config.yaml","row":
        • If a cooling door is found in hmn_connections.json, there may be a message like the following. It can be safely ignored.

          {"level":"warn","ts":1612552159.2962296,"msg":"Cooling door found, but xname does not yet exist for cooling doors!","row":
          {"Source":"x3000door-Motiv","SourceRack":"x3000","SourceLocation":" ","DestinationRack":"x3000","DestinationLocation":"u36","DestinationPort":"j27"}}
      3. Skip the next step and continue to the CSI Workarounds.

    3. If doing a first time install or the system_config.yaml parameter file for a reinstall is not available, generate the system configuration.

      If doing a first time install, this step is required. If you did the previous step as part of a reinstall, skip this.

      1. Check for the configuration files. The needed files should be in the current directory.

        linux# ls -1

        Expected output looks similar to the following:

      2. Generate the system configuration.


        • Run csi config init --help to print a full list of parameters that must be set. These will vary significantly depending on the system and site configuration.
        • Ensure that you specify a reachable NTP pool or server using the --ntp-pools or --ntp-servers flags, respectively. Adding an unreachable server can cause clock skew as chrony tries to continually reach out to a server it can never reach.
        linux# csi config init <options>

        A new directory matching the system-name field in system_config.yaml will now exist in the working directory.

        Important: After generating a configuration, a visual audit of the generated files for network data should be performed.

        Special Notes: Certain parameters to csi config init may be hard to grasp on first-time configuration generations:

        Notes about parameters to csi config init:

        • The optional application_node_config.yaml file is used to map prefixes in hmn_connections.csv to HSM subroles. A command line option is required in order for csi to use the file. See Create Application Node YAML.
        • The bootstrap-ncn-bmc-user and bootstrap-ncn-bmc-pass must match what is used for the BMC account and its password for the management NCNs.
        • Set site parameters (site-domain, site-ip, site-gw, site-nic, site-dns) for the network information which connects ncn-m001 (the PIT node) to the site. The site-nic is the interface on ncn-m001 that is connected to the site network.
        • There are other interfaces possible, but the install-ncn-bond-members are typically:
          • p1p1,p10p1 for HPE nodes
          • p1p1,p1p2 for Gigabyte nodes
          • p801p1,p801p2 for Intel nodes
        • If not using a cabinets-yaml file, then set the three cabinet parameters (mountain-cabinets, hill-cabinets, and river-cabinets) to the quantity of each cabinet type included in this system.
        • The starting cabinet number for each type of cabinet (for example, starting-mountain-cabinet) has a default that can be overridden. See the csi config init --help.
        • For systems that use non-sequential cabinet ID numbers, use the cabinets-yaml argument to include the cabinets.yaml file. This file gives the ability to explicitly specify the ID of every cabinet in the system. When specifying a cabinets.yaml file with the cabinets-yaml argument, other command line arguments related to cabinets will be ignored by csi. See Create Cabinets YAML.
        • An override to default cabinet IPv4 subnets can be made with the hmn-mtn-cidr and nmn-mtn-cidr parameters.
        • By default, spine switches are used as MetalLB peers. Use --bgp-peers aggregation to use aggregation switches instead.
        • Several parameters (can-gateway, can-cidr, can-static-pool, can-dynamic-pool) describe the CAN (Customer Access network). The can-gateway is the common gateway IP address used for both spine switches and commonly referred to as the Virtual IP address for the CAN. The can-cidr is the IP subnet for the CAN assigned to this system. The can-static-pool and can-dynamic-pool are the MetalLB address static and dynamic pools for the CAN. The can-external-dns is the static IP address assigned to the DNS instance running in the cluster to which requests the cluster subdomain will be forwarded. The can-external-dns IP address must be within the can-static-pool range.
        • Set ntp-pools to reachable NTP pools

        Note: These warnings from csi config init for issues in hmn_connections.json can be ignored.

        • The node with the external connection (ncn-m001) will have a warning similar to this because its BMC is connected to the site and not the HMN like the other management NCNs. It can be ignored.

          "Couldn't find switch port for NCN: x3000c0s1b0"
        • An unexpected component may have this message. If this component is an application node with an unusual prefix, it should be added to the application_node_config.yaml file. Then rerun csi config init. See the procedure to Create Application Node Config YAML

          {"level":"warn","ts":1610405168.8705149,"msg":"Found unknown source prefix! If this is expected to be an Application node, please update application_node_config.yaml","row":
        • If a cooling door is found in hmn_connections.json, there may be a message like the following. It can be safely ignored.

          {"level":"warn","ts":1612552159.2962296,"msg":"Cooling door found, but xname does not yet exist for cooling doors!","row":
          {"Source":"x3000door-Motiv","SourceRack":"x3000","SourceLocation":" ","DestinationRack":"x3000","DestinationLocation":"u36","DestinationPort":"j27"}}
      3. Link the generated system_config.yaml file into the prep/ directory. This is needed for pit-init to find and resolve the file.

        NOTE This step is needed only for fresh installs where system_config.yaml is missing from the prep/ directory.

        pit# cd ${PITDATA}/prep && ln ${SYSTEM_NAME}/system_config.yaml
      4. Continue with the next step to apply the csi-config workarounds.

  3. CSI Workarounds

    Follow the workaround instructions for the csi-config breakpoint.

  4. Copy the interface configuration files generated earlier by csi config init into /etc/sysconfig/network/ with the first option or use the provided scripts in the second option below.

    • Option 1: Copy PIT files.

      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/pit-files/* /etc/sysconfig/network/
      pit# wicked ifreload all
      pit# systemctl restart wickedd-nanny && sleep 5
    • Option 2: Set up dnsmasq by hand.

      pit# /root/bin/ $nmn_cidr
      pit# /root/bin/ $hmn_cidr
      pit# /root/bin/ $can_cidr
  5. Check that IP addresses are set for each interface and investigate any failures.

    1. Check IP addresses. Do not run tests if these are missing and instead triage the issue.

      pit# wicked show bond0 vlan002 vlan004 vlan007
      bond0           up
      link:     #7, state up, mtu 1500
      type:     bond, mode ieee802-3ad, hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
      config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-bond0
      leases:   ipv4 static granted
      addr:     ipv4 [static]
      vlan002         up
      link:     #8, state up, mtu 1500
      type:     vlan bond0[2], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
      config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan002
      leases:   ipv4 static granted
      addr:     ipv4 [static]
      route:    ipv4 via proto boot
      vlan007         up
      link:     #9, state up, mtu 1500
      type:     vlan bond0[7], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
      config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan007
      leases:   ipv4 static granted
      addr:     ipv4 [static]
      vlan004         up
      link:     #10, state up, mtu 1500
      type:     vlan bond0[4], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
      config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan004
      leases:   ipv4 static granted
      addr:     ipv4 [static]
    2. Run tests, inspect failures.

      pit# csi pit validate --network
  6. Copy the service configuration files generated earlier by csi config init for dnsmasq, Metal Basecamp (cloud-init), and ConMan.

    1. Copy files (files only, -r is expressly not used).

      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/dnsmasq.d/* /etc/dnsmasq.d/
      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/conman.conf /etc/conman.conf
      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/basecamp/* /var/www/ephemeral/configs/
    2. Enable, and fully restart all PIT services.

      pit# systemctl enable basecamp nexus dnsmasq conman
      pit# systemctl stop basecamp nexus dnsmasq conman
      pit# systemctl start basecamp nexus dnsmasq conman
  7. Start and configure NTP on the LiveCD for a fallback/recovery server.

    pit# /root/bin/
  8. Check that the services are ready and investigate any test failures.

    pit# csi pit validate --services
  9. Mount a shim to match the SHASTA-CFG steps’ directory structure.

    pit# mkdir -vp /mnt/pitdata
    pit# mount -v -L PITDATA /mnt/pitdata
  10. The following procedure will set up customized CA certificates for deployment using SHASTA-CFG.

Next topic

After completing this procedure, the next step is to configure the management network switches.

See Configure Management Network Switches