Ceph CSI Troubleshooting

If there has been a failure to initialize all Ceph CSI components on ncn-s001, then the storage node cloud-init may need to be rerun.


  1. Verify Ceph CSI
  2. Rerun Storage Node cloud-init


1. Verify Ceph CSI

Verify that the ceph-csi requirements are in place

  1. Log in to ncn-s00 and run this command

    ncn-s001# ceph -s

    If it returns a connection error then assume Ceph is not installed. See Rerun Storage Node cloud-init.

  2. Verify all post-Ceph-install tasks have run

    Log in to ncn-s001 and check /etc/cray/ceph for completed task files (ceph_k8s_initialized & csi_initialized).

    ncn-s001# ls /etc/cray/ceph/
    ceph_k8s_initialized  csi_initialized  installed  kubernetes_nodes.txt  tuned

    Check your results against this example.

    If any components are missing, See Rerun Storage Node cloud-init.

  3. Check to see if k8s ceph-csi prerequisites have been created

    These commands can be run this from any master, worker node, or ncn-s001.

    ncn# kubectl get cm
    NAME               DATA   AGE
    ceph-csi-config    1      3h50m
    cephfs-csi-sc      1      3h50m
    kube-csi-sc        1      3h50m
    sma-csi-sc         1      3h50m
    sts-rados-config   1      4h
    ncn# kubectl get secrets | grep csi
    csi-cephfs-secret             Opaque                                4      3h51m
    csi-kube-secret               Opaque                                2      3h51m
    csi-sma-secret                Opaque                                2      3h51m

    Check your results against the above examples.

    If any components are missing, see Rerun Storage Node cloud-init.

1. Rerun Storage Node cloud-init

This procedure will restart the storage node cloud-init process to prepare Ceph for use by the utility storage nodes.

  1. Run the following:

    ncn-s001# ls /etc/cray/ceph

    If any files are there they will represent completed stages.

  2. If you have a running cluster you will want to edit ‘storage-ceph-cloudinit.sh` on ncn-s001

    ncn-s001# vi /srv/cray/scripts/common/storage-ceph-cloudinit.sh

    Comment out this section:

    #if [ -f "$ceph_installed_file" ]; then
    #  echo "This ceph cluster has been initialized"
    #  echo "Installing ceph"
    #  init
    #  mark_initialized $ceph_installed_file
  3. Run the storage-ceph-cloudinit.sh script:

    ncn-s001# /srv/cray/scripts/common/storage-ceph-cloudinit.sh
    Configuring node auditing software
    Using generic auditing configuration
    This ceph cluster has been initialized
    This ceph cluster has already been tuned
    This ceph radosgw config and initial k8s integration already complete
    ceph-csi configuration has been already been completed
    • If your output is like above then that means that all the steps ran.
      • You can also locate file in /etc/cray/ceph that are created as each step completes.
    • If the script failed out then you will have more output for the tasks that are being run.