Collect MAC Addresses for NCNs

Now that the PIT node has been booted with the LiveCD and the management network switches have been configured, the actual MAC address for the management nodes can be collected. This process will include repetition of some of the steps done up to this point because csi config init will need to be run with the proper MAC addresses and some services will need to be restarted.

Note: If an install or reinstall of the CSM software release is being done on this system and the ncn_metadata.csv file already has valid MAC addresses for both BMC and node interfaces before csi config init was run, then skip this topic and move to Deploy Management Nodes.


  1. Collect BMC MAC addresses
  2. Restart services after BMC MAC addresses collected
  3. Collect NCN MAC addresses
  4. Restart services after NCN MAC addresses collected
  5. Next topic

1. Collect BMC MAC addresses

The BMC MAC addresses can be collected from the switches using knowledge about the cabling of the NMN from the SHCD.

See Collecting BMC MAC Addresses.

2. Restart services after BMC MAC addresses collected

The previous step updated ncn_metadata.csv with the BMC MAC addresses, so several earlier steps need to be repeated.

  1. Change into the preparation directory.

    pit# cd /var/www/ephemeral/prep
  2. Confirm that the ncn_metadata.csv file in this directory has the new information. There should be no remaining dummy data (de:ad:be:ef:00:00) for the BMC MAC column in the file, but that string may be present for the Bootstrap MAC, Bond0 MAC0, and Bond0 MAC1 columns.

    pit# cat ncn_metadata.csv
  3. Rename the incorrectly generated configurations.

    Before deleting the incorrectly generated configurations, consider making a backup of them, in case they need to be examined at a later time.

    Warning: Ensure that the SYSTEM_NAME environment variable is correctly set.

    pit# export SYSTEM_NAME=eniac
    pit# echo $SYSTEM_NAME

    Rename the old directory.

    pit# mv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME} /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}.oldBMC
  4. Copy over the system_config.yaml file from the first attempt at generating the system configuration files.

    pit# cp /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}.oldBMC/system_config.yaml /var/www/ephemeral/prep/
  5. Generate system configuration again.

    The needed files should be in the current directory.

    pit# ls -1

    Expected output looks similar to the following:


    The system_config.yaml file will make it easier to run the next command because it has the saved information from the command line arguments which were used initially for this command.

    pit# csi config init

    A new directory matching your --system-name argument will now exist in your working directory.

    These warnings from csi config init for issues in hmn_connections.json can be ignored.

    • The node with the external connection (ncn-m001) will have a warning similar to this because its BMC is connected to the site and not the HMN like the other management NCNs. It can be ignored.

      "Couldn't find switch port for NCN: x3000c0s1b0"
    • An unexpected component may have this message. If this component is an application node with an unusual prefix, it should be added to the application_node_config.yaml file. Then rerun csi config init. See the procedure to Create Application Node Config YAML.

      {"level":"warn","ts":1610405168.8705149,"msg":"Found unknown source prefix! If this is expected to be an Application node, please update application_node_config.yaml","row":
    • If a cooling door is found in hmn_connections.json, there may be a message like the following. It can be safely ignored.

      {"level":"warn","ts":1612552159.2962296,"msg":"Cooling door found, but xname does not yet exist for cooling doors!","row":
      {"Source":"x3000door-Motiv","SourceRack":"x3000","SourceLocation":" ","DestinationRack":"x3000","DestinationLocation":"u36","DestinationPort":"j27"}}
  6. Follow the workaround instructions for the csi-config breakpoint.

  7. Copy the interface configuration files generated earlier by csi config init into /etc/sysconfig/network/.

    pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/pit-files/* /etc/sysconfig/network/ &&
         wicked ifreload all && systemctl restart wickedd-nanny && sleep 5
  8. Check that IP addresses are set for each interface and investigate any failures.

    pit# wicked show bond0 vlan002 vlan004 vlan007

    Example output:

    bond0           up
    link:     #7, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     bond, mode ieee802-3ad, hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-bond0
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
    vlan002         up
    link:     #8, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     vlan bond0[2], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan002
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
    route:    ipv4 via proto boot
    vlan007         up
    link:     #9, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     vlan bond0[7], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan007
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
    vlan004         up
    link:     #10, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     vlan bond0[4], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan004
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
  9. Run tests, inspect failures.

    pit# csi pit validate --network
  10. Copy the service configuration files generated earlier by csi config init for DNSMasq, Metal Basecamp (cloud-init), and ConMan.

    1. Copy files (files only, -r is expressly not used).

      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/dnsmasq.d/* /etc/dnsmasq.d/ &&
           cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/conman.conf /etc/conman.conf &&
           cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/basecamp/* /var/www/ephemeral/configs/
    2. Restart all PIT services.

      pit# systemctl restart basecamp nexus dnsmasq conman
  11. Follow the workaround instructions for the before-ncn-boot breakpoint.

  12. Verify that all BMCs can be pinged.

    Note: It may take about 10 minutes from when dnsmasq is restarted to when the BMCs pick up new DHCP leases.

    This step will check all management nodes except ncn-m001-mgmt because that has an external connection and could not be booted by itself as the PIT node.

    pit# export mtoken='ncn-m(?!001)\w+-mgmt' ; export stoken='ncn-s\w+-mgmt' ; export wtoken='ncn-w\w+-mgmt'
    pit# grep -oP "($mtoken|$stoken|$wtoken)" /etc/dnsmasq.d/statics.conf | sort -u | xargs -t -i ping -c3 {}

3. Collect NCN MAC addresses

Now that the BMC MAC addresses are correct in ncn_metadata.csv and the PIT node services have been restarted, a partial boot of the management nodes can be done to collect the remaining information from the conman console logs on the PIT node using the Procedure: iPXE Consoles

See Procedure: iPXE Consoles.

4. Restart services after NCN MAC addresses collected

The previous step updated ncn_metadata.csv with the NCN MAC addresses for Bootstrap MAC, Bond0 MAC0, and Bond0 MAC1 so several earlier steps need to be repeated.

  1. Change into the preparation directory.

    pit# cd /var/www/ephemeral/prep
  2. Confirm that the ncn_metadata.csv file in this directory has the new information. There should be no remaining dummy data (de:ad:be:ef:00:00) for columns or rows in the file. Every row should have uniquely different MAC addresses from the other rows.

    pit# grep "de:ad:be:ef:00:00" ncn_metadata.csv

    Expected output looks similar to the following, that is, no lines that still have "de:ad:be:ef:00:00":

    Display the file and confirm the contents are unique between the different rows.

    pit# cat ncn_metadata.csv
  3. Remove the incorrectly generated configurations. Before deleting the incorrectly generated configurations consider making a backup of them, in case they need to be examined at a later time.

    WARNING Ensure that the SYSTEM_NAME environment variable is correctly set.

    pit# export SYSTEM_NAME=eniac
    pit# echo $SYSTEM_NAME

    Rename the old directory.

    pit# mv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME} /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}.oldNCN
  4. Copy over the system_config.yaml file from the second attempt at generating the system configuration files.

    pit# cp /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}.oldNCN/system_config.yaml /var/www/ephemeral/prep/
  5. Generate system configuration again.

    Check for the expected files that should exist be in the current directory.

    pit# ls -1

    Expected output looks similar to the following:


    Regenerate the system configuration. The system_config.yaml file contains all of the options that where used to generate the initial system configuration, and can be used in place of specifying CLI flags to CSI.

    pit# csi config init

    A new directory matching your $SYSTEM_NAME environment variable will now exist in your working directory.

    These warnings from csi config init for issues in hmn_connections.json can be ignored.

    • The node with the external connection (ncn-m001) will have a warning similar to this because its BMC is connected to the site and not the HMN like the other management NCNs. It can be ignored.

      "Couldn't find switch port for NCN: x3000c0s1b0"
    • An unexpected component may have this message. If this component is an application node with an unusual prefix, it should be added to the application_node_config.yaml file. Then rerun csi config init. See the procedure to Create Application Node Config YAML.

      {"level":"warn","ts":1610405168.8705149,"msg":"Found unknown source prefix! If this is expected to be an Application node, please update application_node_config.yaml","row":
    • If a cooling door is found in hmn_connections.json, there may be a message like the following. It can be safely ignored.

      {"level":"warn","ts":1612552159.2962296,"msg":"Cooling door found, but xname does not yet exist for cooling doors!","row":
      {"Source":"x3000door-Motiv","SourceRack":"x3000","SourceLocation":" ","DestinationRack":"x3000","DestinationLocation":"u36","DestinationPort":"j27"}}
  6. Follow the workaround instructions for the csi-config breakpoint.

  7. Copy the interface configuration files generated earlier by csi config init into /etc/sysconfig/network/.

    pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/pit-files/* /etc/sysconfig/network/ &&
         wicked ifreload all && systemctl restart wickedd-nanny && sleep 5
  8. Check that IP addresses are set for each interface and investigate any failures.

    pit# wicked show bond0 vlan002 vlan004 vlan007

    Example output:

    bond0           up
    link:     #7, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     bond, mode ieee802-3ad, hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-bond0
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
    vlan002         up
    link:     #8, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     vlan bond0[2], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan002
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
    route:    ipv4 via proto boot
    vlan007         up
    link:     #9, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     vlan bond0[7], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan007
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
    vlan004         up
    link:     #10, state up, mtu 1500
    type:     vlan bond0[4], hwaddr b8:59:9f:fe:49:d4
    config:   compat:suse:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-vlan004
    leases:   ipv4 static granted
    addr:     ipv4 [static]
  9. Run tests, inspect failures.

    pit# csi pit validate --network
  10. Copy the service configuration files generated earlier by csi config init for dnsmasq, Metal Basecamp (cloud-init), and ConMan.

    1. Copy files (files only, -r is expressly not used).

      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/dnsmasq.d/* /etc/dnsmasq.d/
      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/conman.conf /etc/conman.conf
      pit# cp -pv /var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/basecamp/* /var/www/ephemeral/configs/
    2. Update CA Cert on the copied data.json file for Basecamp with the generated certificate in site-init:

      pit# csi patch ca \
              --cloud-init-seed-file /var/www/ephemeral/configs/data.json \
              --customizations-file /var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/customizations.yaml \
              --sealed-secret-key-file /var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/certs/sealed_secrets.key
    3. Restart all PIT services.

      pit# systemctl restart basecamp nexus dnsmasq conman
  11. Ensure system-specific settings generated by CSI are merged into customizations.yaml.

    The yq tool used in the following procedures is available under /var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/utils/bin once the SHASTA-CFG repository has been cloned.

    pit# alias yq="/var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/utils/bin/$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')/yq"
    pit# yq merge -xP -i /var/www/ephemeral/prep/site-init/customizations.yaml <(yq prefix -P "/var/www/ephemeral/prep/${SYSTEM_NAME}/customizations.yaml" spec)
  12. Follow the workaround instructions for the before-ncn-boot breakpoint.

Next topic

After completing the collection of BMC MAC addresses and NCN MAC addresses in order to update ncn_metadata.csv, and after restarting the services dependent on correct data in ncn_metadata.csv, the next step is deployment of the management nodes.

See Deploy Management Nodes