Create Application Node Config YAML

This topic provides directions on constructing the application_node_config.yaml file. This file controls how the csi config init command finds and treats application nodes discovered in the hmn_connections.json file when generating configuration files for the system.


The application_node_config.yaml file can be constructed from information from one of the following sources:

  • The SHCD Excel spreadsheet for the system
  • The hmn_connections.json file generated from the system’s SHCD


SHCD and hmn_connections.json

The HMN tab of the SHCD describes the air-cooled hardware present in the system and how these devices are connected to the Hardware Management Network (HMN). This information is required by CSM to perform hardware discovery and geolocation of air-cooled hardware in the system. The HMN tab may contain other hardware that is not managed by CSM, but is connected to the HMN.

The hmn_connections.json file is derived from the HMN tab of a system SHCD, and is one of the seed files required by Cray Site Init (CSI) command to generate configuration files required to install CSM. The hmn_connections.json file is almost a one-to-one copy of the right-hand table in the HMN tab of the SHCD. It is an array of JSON objects, and each object represents a row from the HMN tab. Any row that is not understood by CSI will be ignored, this includes any additional devices connected to the HMN that are not managed by CSM.

For a detailed mapping between the data in the SHCD and the equivalent information in the hmn_connections.json file, see Introduction to SHCD HMN Connections Rules and Application Nodes in SHCD HMN Connections Rules.

What is a Source Name?

The source name is the name of the device that is being connected to the HMN network. In the SHCD HMN tab, this is in a column with the header Source or the Source field in the element of the hmn_connections.json for this device. From this source name, the csi config init command can infer the type of hardware that is connected to the HMN network (Node BMC, PDU, HSN Switch, BMC, and more).

Example SHCD row from HMN tab with column headers representing an application node with SourceName uan01 in cabinet x3000 in slot 19. Its BMC is connected to port 37 of the management leaf switch in x3000 in slot 14.

Source (J20) Rack (K20) Location (L20) (M20) Parent (N20) (O20) Port (P20) Destination (Q20) Rack (R20) Location (S20) (T20) Port (U20)
uan01 x3000 u19 - j3 sw-smn01 x3000 u14 - j37

Example hmn_connections.json row representing an application node with SourceName uan01 in cabinet x3000 in slot 19. Its BMC is connected to port 37 of the management leaf switch in x3000 in slot 14.

{ "Source": "uan01", "SourceRack": "x3000", "SourceLocation": "u19", "DestinationRack": "x3000", "DestinationLocation": "u14", "DestinationPort": "j37" }


  1. Create a file called application_node_config.yaml with the following contents.

    This is a base application node config file for CSI that does not add any additional prefixes, HSM SubRole mappings, or aliases.

    # Additional application node prefixes to match in the hmn_connections.json file
    prefixes: []
    # Additional HSM SubRoles
    prefix_hsm_subroles: {}
    # Application Node aliases
    aliases: {}
  2. Identify application nodes present in hmn_connections.json or the HMN tab of the system’s SHCD. In general, everything in the HMN tab of the SHCD or hmn_connections.json file that starts with uan, gn, or ln, are considered application nodes and any node that does not follow the SHCD/HMN Connections Rules should also be considered an application node, unless it is a KVM.

    If the hmn_connections.json file is not available, then use the HMN tab of SHCD spreadsheet. This table is equivalent to the example hmn_connections.json output below.

    Source (J20) Rack (K20) Location (L20) (M20) Parent (N20) (O20) Port (P20) Destination (Q20) Rack (R20) Location (S20) (T20) Port (U20)
    gateway01 x3000 u29 - j3 sw-smn01 x3000 u32 - j42
    login02 x3000 u28 - j3 sw-smn01 x3000 u32 - j43
    lnet01 x3000 u27 - j3 sw-smn01 x3000 u32 - j41
    vn01 x3000 u25 - j3 sw-smn01 x3000 u32 - j40
    uan01 x3000 u23 - j3 sw-smn01 x3000 u32 - j39

    If the hmn_connections.json file is available, then the following command can be used to show the HMN rows that are application nodes.

    linux# cat hmn_connections.json | jq -rc '.[] | select(.Source |
      test("^((mn|wn|sn|nid|cn|cn\\-|pdu)\\d+|.*(cmc|rcm|kvm|door).*|x\\d+p\\d*|sw-.+|columbia$)"; "i") | not)'

    Example hmn_connections.json output:

  3. Add additional application node prefixes.

    The prefixes field is an array of strings, that augments the list of source name prefixes that are treated as application nodes. By default, csi config init only looks for application nodes that have source names that start with uan, gn, and ln. If the system contains application nodes that fall outside of those source name prefixes, then additional prefixes must be added to application_node_config.yaml. These additional prefixes will be used in addition to the default prefixes.

    To add an additional prefix, append a new string element to the prefixes array.

    NOTE: The command csi config init does a case insensitive check for whether a source name contains an application node prefix. For example, the prefix uan will match uan, Uan, and UAN.

    From the HMN example above, the following additional prefixes are required:

    # Additional application node prefixes to match in the hmn_connections.json file
      - gateway
      - login
      - lnet
      - vn
  4. Add HSM SubRoles for application node prefixes.

    The prefix_hsm_subroles field mapping application node prefix (string) to the applicable Hardware State Manager (HSM) SubRole (string) for the application nodes. All applications nodes have the HSM Role of Application, and the SubRole value can be used to label what type of the application node it is (such as UAN, Gateway, LNETRouter, and more).

    By default, the csi config init command will use the following SubRoles for application nodes:

    Prefix HSM SubRole
    uan UAN
    ln UAN
    gn Gateway

    If there are no additional prefixes in the SHCD or no desire to use a different HSM SubRole than the default, then this prefix_hsm_subroles field does not need any data populated.

    To add additional HSM SubRole for a given prefix, add a new mapping under the prefix_hsm_subroles field. Where the key is the application node prefix and the value is the HSM SubRole.

    Valid HSM SubRoles values are: Worker, Master, Storage, UAN, Gateway, LNETRouter, Visualization, and UserDefined.

    From the HMN example above, the following additional prefix HSM SubRole mappings are required:

    # Additional HSM SubRoles
      login: UAN
      lnet: LNETRouter
      gateway: Gateway
      vn: Visualization
  5. Add application node aliases.

    The aliases field is a map of component name (xname) strings to an array of alias strings.

    For guidance on building application node component names (xnames), follow one of the following:

    By default, the csi config init command does not set the ExtraProperties.Alias field for application nodes in the SLS input file.

    For each application node, add its alias mapping under the aliases field. Where the key is the component name (xname) of the application node, and the value is an array of aliases (strings) which allows for one or more aliases to be specified for an application node.

    From the HMN example above, the following application node aliases are required:

    # Application Node aliases
      x3113c0s29b0n0: ["gateway01"]
      x3113c0s28b0n0: ["login02"]
      x3113c0s27b0n0: ["lnet01"]
      x3113c0s25b0n0: ["visualization01", "vn02"]
      x3113c0s23b0n0: ["uan01"]

    The ordering of component names (xnames) under aliases does not matter.

  6. Final information in the example application_node_config.yaml built from the HMN example above.

    # Additional application node prefixes to match in the hmn_connections.json file
      - gateway
      - login
      - lnet
      - vn
    # Additional HSM SubRoles
      login: UAN
      lnet: LNETRouter
      gateway: Gateway
      vn: Visualization
    # Application Node aliases
      x3113c0s29b0n0: ["gateway01"]
      x3113c0s28b0n0: ["login02"]
      x3113c0s27b0n0: ["lnet01"]
      x3113c0s25b0n0: ["visualization01", "vn02"]
      x3113c0s23b0n0: ["uan01"]