Configure the BOS Timeout When Booting Compute Nodes

Manually update the boa-job-template ConfigMap to tune the timeout and sleep intervals for the Boot Orchestration Agent (BOA). Correcting the timeout value is a good troubleshooting option for when Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) sessions hang waiting for nodes to be in a Ready state.

If the BOS timeout occurs when booting compute nodes, the system will be unable to boot via BOS.


A BOS session was run and compute nodes are failing to move to a Ready state.


  1. Edit the boa-job-template ConfigMap to add the new timeout values.

    ncn-mw# kubectl edit configmap -n services boa-job-template

    Node boots can be set to time out faster by adding the following environment variables to the boa-job-template. These variables do not appear in the ConfigMap by default.

      • BOA will check on the expected state of nodes this many times before giving up. This number can be set to a very low number to make BOA time-out quickly.
      • This is how long BOA will sleep between checks, in seconds. This number can be set to a very low number to make BOA time-out quickly.

    The current default behavior in the absence of these parameters is 5 seconds (sleep interval) x 120 (retries), which has a timeout of 600 seconds or 10 minutes. The default values are shown below:

        value: "120"
        value: "5"

    The example below increases the number of retries to 360, which results in a timeout of 1800 seconds or 30 minutes if the sleep interval is not changed from the default value of 5 seconds. Different values might be needed depending on system size.

    Add the following values to the ConfigMap:

      value: "360"

    The new variables need to be placed under the environment (env:) section in the ConfigMap. As an example, the env section in the ConfigMap looks as below.

               - name: OPERATION
                 value: "{{ operation }}"
               - name: SESSION_ID
                 value:  "{{ session_id }}"
               - name: SESSION_TEMPLATE_ID
                 value:  "{{ session_template_id }}"
               - name: SESSION_LIMIT
                 value:  "{{ session_limit }}"
               - name: DATABASE_NAME
                 value: "{{ DATABASE_NAME }}"
               - name: DATABASE_PORT
                 value: "{{ DATABASE_PORT }}"
               - name: LOG_LEVEL
                 value: "{{ log_level  }}"
               - name: SINGLE_THREAD_MODE
                 value: "{{ single_thread_mode }}"
               - name: S3_ACCESS_KEY
                     name: {{ s3_credentials }}
                     key: access_key
               - name: S3_SECRET_KEY
                     name: {{ s3_credentials }}
                     key: secret_key
               - name: GIT_SSL_CAINFO
                 value: /etc/cray/ca/certificate_authority.crt
               - name: S3_PROTOCOL
                 value: "{{ S3_PROTOCOL }}"
               - name: S3_GATEWAY
                 value: "{{ S3_GATEWAY }}"
               **- name: "NODE_STATE_CHECK_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES"
                 value: "360"**
  2. Restart BOA.

    Restarting BOA will allow the new timeout values to take effect.

    ncn-mw# kubectl scale deployment -n services cray-bos --replicas=0 && kubectl scale deployment -n services cray-bos --replicas=1