Manage a BOS Session

Once there is a Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) session template created, users can perform operations on nodes, such as boot, reboot, configure, and shutdown. Managing sessions through the Cray CLI can be accomplished using the cray bos session commands.

Create a new session

Creating a new BOS session requires the following command-line options:

  • --template-uuid: Use this option to specify the name value returned in the cray bos sessiontemplate list command.
  • --operation: Use this option to indicate if a boot, reboot, configure, or shutdown action is being taken.

The following is an example of a boot operation:

ncn-mw# cray bos session create --template-uuid TEMPLATE_UUID --operation boot --format toml

Example output:

operation = "boot"
templateUuid = "TEMPLATE_UUID"
href = "foo-c7faa704-3f98-4c91-bdfb-e377a184ab4f"
jobId = "boa-a939bd32-9d27-433f-afc2-735e77ec8e58"
rel = "session"
type = "GET"

It is important to periodically delete completed BOS v1 sessions. If too many BOS v1 sessions exist, it can lead to hangs when trying to list them. This limitation does not exist in BOS v2. For more information, see:

List all sessions

List all BOS sessions with the following command:

ncn-mw# cray bos session list --format toml

Example output:

results = [ "fc469e41-6419-4367-a571-d5fd92893398", "st3-d6730dd5-f0f8-4229-b224-24df005cae52",]

Troubleshooting: There is a known limitation of BOS v1 that listing sessions will hang if too many sessions exist. For more information, see Hang Listing BOS Sessions.

Show details for a session

Get details for a BOS session using the session ID returned in the cray bos session list command output.

ncn-mw# cray bos session describe BOS_SESSION_ID --format toml

Example output:

computes = "boot_finished"
boa_finish = "2019-12-13 17:07:23.501674"
bos_launch = "2019-12-13 17:02:24.000324"
operation = "reboot"
session_template_id = "cle-1.1.0"
boa_launch = "2019-12-13 17:02:29.703310"
stage = "Done"

Troubleshooting: There is a known issue in BOS v1 where some sessions cannot be described using the cray bos session describe command. The issue with the describe action results in a 404 error, despite the session existing in the output of cray bos session list command.

Delete a session

It is important to periodically delete completed BOS sessions. If too many BOS sessions exist, it can lead to hangs when trying to list them. For more information, see Hang Listing BOS Sessions.

Delete a specific BOS session:

ncn-mw# cray bos session delete BOS_SESSION_ID