Automatic Session Deletion with sessionTTL

By default, the Configuration Framework Service (CFS) will delete completed CFS sessions whose start date was more than seven days prior. Kubernetes jobs associated with these sessions will also be deleted as part of this process. This is done to ensure that CFS sessions do not accumulate and eventually adversely affect the performance of the Kubernetes cluster.

For larger systems or systems that do frequent reboots of nodes that are configured with CFS sessions, this setting may need to be reduced.

IMPORTANT: The sessionTTL option deletes all completed sessions that meet the TTL criteria, regardless of if they were successful.


This requires that the Cray command line interface is configured. See Configure the Cray Command Line Interface.

Update sessionTTL

Update the sessionTTL using the following command:

ncn-mw# cray cfs options update --session-ttl 24h --format toml

Example output will contain a line resembling the following:

sessionTTL = "24h"

Disable sessionTTL

To disable the sessionTTL feature, use an empty string as the argument of the --session-ttl flag:

ncn-mw# cray cfs options update --session-ttl ""