Use a Custom ansible.cfg File

The Configuration Framework Service (CFS) allows for flexibility with the Ansible Execution Environment (AEE) by allowing for changes to included ansible.cfg file. When installed, CFS imports a custom ansible.cfg file into the cfs-default-ansible-cfg Kubernetes ConfigMap in the services namespace.

Administrators who want to make changes to the ansible.cfg file on a per-session or system-wide basis can upload a new file to a new ConfigMap in the services namespace, and then direct CFS to use their file. See Set the ansible.cfg for a Session for more information.

  1. Create a new ansible.cfg file.

  2. Create a new Kubernetes ConfigMap in the services namespace from this ansible.cfg file.

    ncn-mw# kubectl create configmap custom-ansible-cfg -n services --from-file=ansible.cfg

To use this Ansible configuration file for a specific session, set --ansible-config custom-ansible-cfg when creating a session. Alternatively, make the new file the default for new CFS sessions by specifying --default-ansible-config custom-ansible-cfg when setting global CFS options with the cray cfs options update command.