Access Compute Node Logs

This procedure shows how the ConMan utility can be used to retrieve compute node logs.


The user performing this procedure needs to have access permission to the cray-console-operator pod.


Encryption of compute node logs is not enabled, so the passwords may be passed in clear text.


Note: this procedure has changed since the CSM 0.9 release.

  1. Log on to a Kubernetes master or worker node.

  2. Find the cray-console-operator pod.

    ncn# OP_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n services \
            -o wide|grep cray-console-operator|awk '{print $1}')
    ncn# echo $OP_POD

    Example output:

  3. Log on to the pod.

    ncn# kubectl exec -it -n services $OP_POD -- sh
  4. The console log file for each node is labeled with the component name (xname) of that node.

    List the log directory contents.

    # ls -la /var/log/conman
    total 44
    -rw------- 1 root root 1415 Nov 30 20:00 console.XNAME

    The log directory is also accessible from the cray-console-node pods.

  5. The log files are plain text files which can be viewed with commands like cat or tail.

    # tail /var/log/conman/console.XNAME
  6. Exit out of the pod.

    # exit