Disable ConMan After the System Software Installation

The ConMan utility is enabled by default. The first procedure provides instructions for disabling it after the system software has been installed, and the second procedure provides instructions on how to later re-enable it.


This procedure requires administrative privileges.

Disable Procedure

Note: this procedure has changed since the CSM 0.9 release.

  1. Log on to a Kubernetes master or worker node.

  2. Scale the cray-console-operator pods to 0 replicas.

    ncn# kubectl -n services scale --replicas=0 deployment/cray-console-operator

    Example output:

    deployment.apps/cray-console-operator scaled
  3. Verify the cray-console-operator service is no longer running.

    The following command will give no output when the service is no longer running.

    ncn# kubectl -n services get pods | grep console-operator
  4. Scale the cray-console-node pods to 0 replicas.

    ncn# kubectl -n services scale --replicas=0 statefulset/cray-console-node

    Example output:

    statefulset.apps/cray-console-node scaled
  5. Verify the cray-console-node service is no longer running.

    The following command will give no output when the service is no longer running.

    ncn# kubectl -n services get pods | grep console-node

Re-enable Procedure

  1. Scale the cray-console-operator service back to 1 replica. It will scale the cray-console-node pods after it starts operation.

    ncn# kubectl -n services scale --replicas=1 deployment/cray-console-operator

    Example output:

    deployment.apps/cray-console-operator scaled
  2. Verify services are running again.

    ncn# kubectl -n services get pods | grep -e console-operator -e console-node

    Example output:

    cray-console-node-0                      3/3     Running      0      8m44s
    cray-console-node-1                      3/3     Running      0      8m18s
    cray-console-operator-79bf95964-lngpz    2/2     Running      0      9m29s