Log in to a Node Using ConMan

This procedure shows how to connect to the node’s Serial Over LAN (SOL) via ConMan.


The user performing this procedure needs to have access permission to the cray-console-operator and cray-console-node pods.


Note: this procedure has changed since the CSM 0.9 release.

  1. Log on to a Kubernetes master or worker node.

  2. Find the cray-console-operator pod.

    ncn-mw# OP_POD=$(kubectl get pods -n services -o wide|grep cray-console-operator|awk '{print $1}'); echo $OP_POD

    Example output:

  3. Set the XNAME variable to the component name (xname) of the node whose console is to be opened.

    ncn-mw# XNAME=x123456789s0c0n0
  4. Find the cray-console-node pod that is connected to that node.

    ncn-mw# NODEPOD=$(kubectl -n services exec $OP_POD -c cray-console-operator -- sh -c "/app/get-node $XNAME" | jq .podname | sed 's/"//g'); echo $NODEPOD

    Example output:

  5. Connect to the node’s console using ConMan on the cray-console-node pod that was found.

    ncn-mw# kubectl exec -it -n services $NODEPOD -- conman -j $XNAME

    Example output:

    <ConMan> Connection to console [x3000c0s25b1] opened.
    nid000009 login:

    Using the command above, a user can also attach to an already active SOL session that is being used by another user, so both can access the node’s SOL simultaneously.

  6. Exit the connection to the console with the &. command.