Troubleshoot ConMan Asking for Password on SSH Connection

If ConMan starts to ask for a password when there is an SSH connection to the node on liquid-cooled hardware, that usually indicates there is a problem with the SSH key that was established on the node BMC. The key may have been replaced or overwritten on the hardware.

Use this procedure to renew or reinstall the SSH key on the BMCs.


This procedure requires administrative privileges. If checking the existing SSH key on BMCs, the BMC username and password are also required.


Note: this procedure has changed since the CSM 0.9 release.

  1. Scale the cray-console-operator pods to 0 replicas.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services scale --replicas=0 deployment/cray-console-operator

    Example output:

    deployment.apps/cray-console-operator scaled
  2. Verify that the cray-console-operator service is no longer running.

    The following command will give no output when the pod is no longer running.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services get pods | grep console-operator
  3. Delete the SSH keys in a cray-console-node pod.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services exec -it cray-console-node-0 -- rm -v /var/log/console/conman.key /var/log/console/
  4. Restart the cray-console-operator pod.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services scale --replicas=1 deployment/cray-console-operator

    Example output:

    deployment.apps/cray-console-operator scaled

    It may take some time to regenerate the keys and get them deployed to the BMCs, but in a while the console connections using SSH should be reestablished. Note that it may be worthwhile to determine how the SSH key was modified and establish site procedures to coordinate SSH key use; otherwise they may be overwritten again at a later time.