This section describes the basic capabilities of the Firmware Action Service (FAS) CLI commands. These commands can be used to manage firmware for system hardware supported by FAS. Refer to the prerequisites section before proceeding to any of the sections for the supported operations.

The following CLI operations are described:


The Cray command line interface (CLI) tool is initialized and configured on the system. See Configure the Cray CLI.


Execute an action

Use FAS to execute an action. An action produces a set of firmware operations. Each operation represents a component name (xname) + target on that component name (xname) that will be targeted for update. There are two of firmware action modes: : dryrun or liveupdate; the parameters used when creating either are completely identical except for the overrideDryrun setting. overrideDryrun will determine if feature to determine what firmware can be updated on the system. Dry-runs are enabled by default, and can be configured with the overrideDryrun parameter. A dry-run will create a query according to the filters requested by the admin. It will initiate an update sequence to determine what firmware is available, but will not actually change the state of the firmware.

WARNING: It is crucial that an administrator is familiar with the release notes of any firmware. The release notes will indicate what new features the firmware provides and if there are any incompatibilities. FAS does not know about incompatibilities or dependencies between versions. The administrator assumes full responsibility for this knowledge. It is also likely that when performing a firmware update, the current version of firmware will not be available. This means that after successfully upgrading, the firmware cannot be reverted or downgraded to a previous version.

Execute an action: Procedure

This covers the generic process for executing an action. For more specific examples and detailed explanations of options, see FAS Recipes and FAS Filters.

  1. Identify the selection of filters to apply.

    Filters narrow the scope of FAS to target specific component names (xnames), manufacturers, targets, and so on. For this example, FAS will run with no selection filters applied.

  2. Create a JSON file.

    To make this a live update set "overrideDryrun": true.

    {  "command": {
          "version": "latest",
          "tag":  "default",
          "overrideDryrun": false,
          "restoreNotPossibleOverride": true,
          "timeLimit": 1000,
          "description": "dryrun of full system" }
  3. Execute the dry-run.

    Modify the example command to specify the JSON file created in the previous step.

    ncn-mw# cray fas actions create filename.json --format json

    Example output:

      "actionID": "e0cdd7c2-32b1-4a25-9b2a-8e74217eafa7",
      "overrideDryun": false

    Note the returned actionID.

See Describe an action: Interpreting output for more information.

Abort an action

Firmware updates can be stopped if required. This is useful because only one action can be run at a time. This is to protect hardware from multiple actions trying to modify it at the same time.

IMPORTANT: If a Redfish update is already in progress, the abort will not stop that process on the device. It is likely the device will update. If the device needs to be manually power cycled (needManualReboot), then it is possible that the device will update, but not actually apply the update until its next reboot. Administrators must verify the state of the system after an abort. Only perform an abort if truly necessary. The best way to check the state of the system is to do a snapshot or do a dry-run of an update.

Abort an action: Procedure

Issue the abort command to the action.

Modify the example command to specify the actionID of the action being aborted.

ncn-mw# cray fas actions instance delete {actionID}

The action could take up to a minute to fully abort.

Describe an action

There are several ways to get more information about a firmware update. An actionID and operationIDs are generated when a live update or dry-run is created. These values can be used to learn more about what is happening on the system during an update.

Describe an action: Interpreting output

For the steps below, the following returned messages will help determine if a firmware update is needed. The following are end states for operations. The Firmware action itself should be in completed once all operations have finished.

  • NoOp: Nothing to do, already at version.
  • NoSol: No image is available.
  • succeeded:
    • If dryrun: The operation should succeed if performed as a live update. succeeded means that FAS identified that it COULD update a component name (xname) + target with the declared strategy.
    • If live update: The operation succeeded, and has updated the component name (xname) + target to the identified version.
  • failed:
    • If dryrun: There is something that FAS could do, but it likely would fail; most likely because the file is missing.
    • If live update: The operation failed; the identified version could not be put on the component name (xname) + target.

Data can be viewed at several levels of information:

Describe an action: Procedure

Get high level summary

To view counts of operations, what state they are in, the overall state of the action, and what parameters were used to create the action:

Modify the following command to specify the actual actionID of the action to be examined.

ncn-mw# cray fas actions status list {actionID} --format toml

Example output:

actionID = "e6dc14cd-5e12-4d36-a97b-0dd372b0930f"
snapshotID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
startTime = "2021-09-07 16:43:04.294233199 +0000 UTC"
endTime = "2021-09-07 16:53:09.363233482 +0000 UTC"
state = "completed"
blockedBy = []

overrideDryrun = false
restoreNotPossibleOverride = true
overwriteSameImage = false
timeLimit = 2000
version = "latest"
tag = "default"
description = "Dryrun upgrade of Gigabyte node BMCs"

total = 14
initial = 0
configured = 0
blocked = 0
needsVerified = 0
verifying = 0
inProgress = 0
failed = 0
succeeded = 8
noOperation = 6
noSolution = 0
aborted = 0
unknown = 0

IMPORTANT: The action is still in progress unless the action’s state is completed or aborted.

Get details of action

Modify the following command to specify the actual actionID of the action to be examined.

ncn-mw# cray fas actions describe {actionID} --format json

Example output:

  "parameters": {
    "stateComponentFilter": {
      "deviceTypes": [
    "command": {
      "dryrun": false,
      "description": "upgrade of nodeBMCs for cray",
      "tag": "default",
      "restoreNotPossibleOverride": true,
      "timeLimit": 1000,
      "version": "latest"
    "inventoryHardwareFilter": {
      "manufacturer": "cray"
    "imageFilter": {
      "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    "targetFilter": {
      "targets": [
  "blockedBy": [],
  "state": "completed",
  "command": {
    "dryrun": false,
    "description": "upgrade of nodeBMCs for cray",
    "tag": "default",
    "restoreNotPossibleOverride": true,
    "timeLimit": 1000,
    "version": "latest"
  "actionID": "e0cdd7c2-32b1-4a25-9b2a-8e74217eafa7",
  "startTime": "2020-06-26 20:03:37.316932354 +0000 UTC",
  "snapshotID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "endTime": "2020-06-26 20:04:07.118243184 +0000 UTC",
  "operationSummary": {
    "succeeded": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "verifying": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "unknown": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "configured": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "initial": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "failed": {
      "OperationsKeys": [
          "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
          "fromFirmwareVersion": "",
          "xname": "x5000c1r7b0",
          "target": "BMC",
          "operationID": "0796eed0-e95d-45ea-bc71-8903d52cffde"
    "noSolution": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "aborted": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "needsVerified": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "noOperation": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "inProgress": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
    "blocked": {
      "OperationsKeys": []
Get details of operation

Using the operationID listed in the actions array, see the full detail of the operation.

Modify the following command to specify the actual operationID of the operation to be examined.

ncn-mw# cray fas operations describe {operationID} --format json

Example output:

    "fromFirmwareVersion": "", "fromTag": "",
    "fromImageURL": "",
    "endTime": "2020-06-24 14:23:37.544814197 +0000 UTC",
    "actionID": "f48aabf1-1616-49ae-9761-a11edb38684d", "startTime": "2020-06-24 14:19:15.10128214 +0000 UTC",
    "fromSemanticFirmwareVersion": "", "toImageURL": "",
    "model": "WindomNodeCard_REV_D",
    "operationID": "24a5e5fb-5c4f-4848-bf4e-b071719c1850", "fromImageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    "target": "BMC",
    "toImageID": "71c41a74-ab84-45b2-95bd-677f763af168", "toSemanticFirmwareVersion": "",
    "refreshTime": "2020-06-24 14:23:37.544824938 +0000 UTC",
    "blockedBy": [],
    "toTag": "",
    "state": "succeeded",
    "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected nc.1.3.8-shasta-release.arm.2020-06-15T22:57:31+00:00.b7f0725 got: nc.1.2.25-shasta-release.arm.2020-05-15T17:27:16+00:00.0cf7f51",
    "deviceType": "",
    "expirationTime": "",
    "manufacturer": "cray",
    "xname": "x9000c1s3b1",
    "toFirmwareVersion": ""


FAS includes a snapshot feature to record the firmware value for each device (type and target) on the system into the FAS database.

Create a snapshot

Similar to the FAS actions described above, FAS provides a lot of flexibility for taking snapshots.

A snapshot of the system captures the firmware version for every device that is in the Hardware State Manager (HSM) Redfish Inventory.

Create a snapshot: Procedure

  1. Determine the desired snapshot level.

    Create a JSON file based on the desired level.

    • Full system

    • Partial system

          "name": "20200402_all_xnames",
          "expirationTime": "2020-06-26T16:32:53.275Z",
          "stateComponentFilter": {
              "partitions": [
              "deviceTypes": [
          "inventoryHardwareFilter": {
              "manufacturer": "gigabyte"
          "targetFilter": {
              "targets": [
  2. Create the snapshot.

    Modify the example command to specify the JSON file created in the previous step.

    ncn-mw# cray fas snapshots create {file.json}
  3. Use the snapshot name to query the snapshot. This is a long-running operation, so monitor the state field to determine if the snapshot is complete.

List snapshots

A list of all snapshots can be viewed on the system. Any of the snapshots listed can be used to restore the firmware on the system.

List snapshots: Procedure

  1. List the snapshots.

    ncn-mw# cray fas snapshots list --format json

    Example output:

        "snapshots": [
              "ready": true,
              "captureTime": "2020-06-25 22:47:11.072268274 +0000 UTC",
              "relatedActions": [],
              "name": "1",
              "uniqueDeviceCount": 9
              "ready": true,
              "captureTime": "2020-06-25 22:49:13.314876084 +0000 UTC",
              "relatedActions": [],
              "name": "3",
              "uniqueDeviceCount": 9
              "ready": true,
              "captureTime": "2020-06-26 22:38:12.309979483 +0000 UTC",
              "relatedActions": [],
              "name": "adn0",
              "uniqueDeviceCount": 6

View snapshots

View a snapshot to see which versions of firmware are set for each target.

View snapshots: Procedure

  1. View a snapshot.

    Modify the following command to specify the actual name of the snapshot to be examined.

    ncn-mw# cray fas snapshots describe {snapshot_name} --format json

    Example output:

      "relatedActions": [],
      "name": "all",
      "parameters": {
        "stateComponentFilter": {},
        "targetFilter": {},
        "name": "all",
        "inventoryHardwareFilter": {}
      "ready": true,
      "captureTime": "2020-06-26 19:13:53.755350771 +0000 UTC",
      "devices": [
          "xname": "x3000c0s19b4",
          "targets": [
              "name": "BIOS",
              "firmwareVersion": "C12",
              "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
              "name": "BMC",
              "firmwareVersion": "12.03.3",
              "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
          "xname": "x3000c0s1b0",
          "targets": [
              "name": "BPB_CPLD1",
              "firmwareVersion": "10",
              "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
              "name": "BMC",
              "firmwareVersion": "12.03.3",
              "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
              "name": "BIOS",
              "firmwareVersion": "C12",
              "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
              "name": "BPB_CPLD2",
              "firmwareVersion": "10",
              "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Update a firmware image

If FAS indicates that hardware is in a nosolution state as a result of a dry-run or update, it is an indication that there is no matching image available to update firmware. A missing image is highly possible, but the issue could also be that the hardware has inconsistent model names in the image file.

Given the nature of the model field and its likelihood to not be standardized, it may be necessary to update the image to include an image that is not currently present.

Update a firmware image: Procedure

  1. List the existing firmware images to find the imageID of the desired firmware image.

    ncn-mw# cray fas images list
  2. Describe the image using the imageID.

    Modify the following command to specify the actual imageID of the image to be examined.

    ncn-mw# cray fas images describe {imageID} --format json

    Example output:

      "semanticFirmwareVersion": "0.2.6",
      "target": "Node0.BIOS",
      "waitTimeBeforeManualRebootSeconds": 0,
      "tags": [
      "models": [
      "updateURI": "",
      "waitTimeAfterRebootSeconds": 0,
      "imageID": "efa4c2bc-06b9-4e88-8098-8d6778c1db52",
      "s3URL": "s3:/fw-update/794c47d1b7e011ea8d20569839947aa5/gprnc.bios-0.2.6.tar.gz",
      "forceResetType": "",
      "deviceType": "nodeBMC",
      "pollingSpeedSeconds": 30,
      "createTime": "2020-06-26T19:08:52Z",
      "firmwareVersion": "gprnc.bios-0.2.6",
      "manufacturer": "cray"
  3. Describe the FAS action and compare it to the image from the previous step.

    Look at the hardware models to see if some of the population is in a noSolution state, while others are in a succeeded state. If that is the case, then view the operation data and examine the models.

    Modify the following command to specify the actual actionID of the action to be examined.

    ncn-mw# cray fas actions describe {actionID} --format json

    Example output:

       "parameters": {
         "stateComponentFilter": {
           "deviceTypes": [
         "command": {
           "dryrun": false,
           "description": "upgrade of nodeBMCs for cray",
           "tag": "default",
           "restoreNotPossibleOverride": true,
           "timeLimit": 1000,
           "version": "latest"
         "inventoryHardwareFilter": {
           "manufacturer": "cray"
         "imageFilter": {
           "imageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
         "targetFilter": {
           "targets": [
       "blockedBy": [],
       "state": "completed",
       "command": {
         "dryrun": false,
         "description": "upgrade of nodeBMCs for cray",
         "tag": "default",
         "restoreNotPossibleOverride": true,
         "timeLimit": 1000,
         "version": "latest"
       "actionID": "e0cdd7c2-32b1-4a25-9b2a-8e74217eafa7",
       "startTime": "2020-06-26 20:03:37.316932354 +0000 UTC",
       "snapshotID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
       "endTime": "2020-06-26 20:04:07.118243184 +0000 UTC",
       "operationSummary": {
         "succeeded": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "verifying": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "unknown": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "configured": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "initial": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "failed": {
           "OperationsKeys": [
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "",
               "xname": "x5000c1r7b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "0796eed0-e95d-45ea-bc71-8903d52cffde"
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "xname": "x5000c3r7b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "11421f0b-1fde-4917-ba56-c42b321fc833"
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "xname": "x5000c3r3b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "21e04403-f89f-4a9f-9fd6-5affc9204689"
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "xname": "x5000c1r5b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "3a13a459-2102-4ee5-b516-62880baa132d"
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "xname": "x5000c1r1b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "80fafbdd-9bac-407d-b28a-ad47c197bbc1"
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "xname": "x5000c3r5b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "a86e8e04-81cc-40ad-ac62-438ae73e033a"
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "xname": "x5000c1r3b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "dd0e8b62-8894-4751-bd22-a45506a2a50a"
               "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
               "xname": "x5000c3r1b0",
               "target": "BMC",
               "operationID": "f87bff63-d231-403e-b6b6-fc09e4dc7d11"
         "noSolution": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "aborted": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "needsVerified": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "noOperation": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "inProgress": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
         "blocked": {
           "OperationsKeys": []
  4. View the operation data.

    If the model name is different between identical hardware, it may be appropriate to update the image model with the model of the noSolution hardware.

    Modify the following command to specify the actual operationID of the operation to be examined.

    ncn-mw# cray fas operations describe {operationID} --format json

    Example output:

      "fromFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
      "fromTag": "",
      "fromImageURL": "",
      "endTime": "2020-06-26 20:15:38.535719717 +0000 UTC",
      "actionID": "e0cdd7c2-32b1-4a25-9b2a-8e74217eafa7",
      "startTime": "2020-06-26 20:03:39.44911099 +0000 UTC",
      "fromSemanticFirmwareVersion": "",
      "toImageURL": "",
      "model": "ColoradoSwitchBoard_REV_A",
      "operationID": "f87bff63-d231-403e-b6b6-fc09e4dc7d11",
      "fromImageID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "target": "BMC",
      "toImageID": "1540ce48-91db-4bbf-a0cf-5cf936c30fbc",
      "toSemanticFirmwareVersion": "1.4.35",
      "refreshTime": "2020-06-26 20:15:38.535722248 +0000 UTC",
      "blockedBy": [],
      "toTag": "",
      "state": "failed",
      "stateHelper": "unexpected change detected in firmware version. Expected sc.1.4.35-prod- master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02 got: sc.1.3.307-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-13T00:28:26+00:00.f91edff",
      "deviceType": "RouterBMC",
      "expirationTime": "2020-06-26 20:20:19.44911275 +0000 UTC",
      "manufacturer": "cray",
      "xname": "x5000c3r1b0",
      "toFirmwareVersion": "sc.1.4.35-prod-master.arm64.2020-06-26T08:36:42+00:00.0c2bb02"
  5. Update the firmware image file.

    This step should be skipped if there is no clear evidence of a missing image or incorrect model name.

    WARNING: The administrator needs to be certain the firmware is compatible before proceeding.

    1. Dump the content of the firmware image to a JSON file.

      Modify the following command to specify the actual imageID of the image to be updated.

      ncn-mw# cray fas images describe {imageID} --format json > imagedata.json
    2. Edit the new imagedata.json file.

      Update any incorrect firmware information, such as the model name.

    3. Update the firmware image.

      Modify the following command to specify the actual imageID of the image to be updated, and be sure that the filename matches the edited file from the previous step.

      ncn-mw# cray fas images update imagedata.json {imageID}

FAS loader commands

Loader status

To check if the loader is currently busy and receive a list of loader run IDs:

ncn-mw# cray fas loader list --format toml

Example output:

loaderStatus = "ready"
loaderRunID = "770af5a4-15bf-4e9f-9983-03069479dc23"

loaderRunID = "8efb19c4-77a2-41da-9a8f-fccbfe06f674"

The loader can only run one job at a time. If the loader is busy, then it will return an error on any attempt to create an additional job.

Load firmware from Nexus

Firmware may be released and placed into the Nexus repository.

To load the firmware from Nexus into FAS, use the following command:

ncn-mw# cray fas loader nexus create --format toml

Example output:

loaderRunID = "c2b7e9bb-f428-4e4c-aa83-d8fd8bcfd820"

Use the loaderRunID to check the results of the loader run.

See Load Firmware from Nexus.

Load individual RPM or ZIP into FAS

  1. Copy the RPM or ZIP file to one of the master or worker NCNs.

  2. Load the firmware into FAS.

    Be sure to update the example command with the actual path and filename of the RPM or ZIP file to be loaded.

    ncn-mw# cray fas loader create --file firmware.rpm --format toml

    Example output:

    loaderRunID = "dd37dd45-84ec-4bd6-b3c9-7af480048966"

Use the loaderRunID to check the results of the loader run.

See Load Firmware from RPM or ZIP file.

Display results of loader run

Using the loaderRunID returned from the loader upload command, run the following command to get the output from the upload.

Be sure to update the example command with the actual loaderRunID whose output is to be checked.

ncn-mw# cray fas loader describe dd37dd45-84ec-4bd6-b3c9-7af480048966 --format json

Example output:

  "loaderRunOutput": [
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-Starting FW Loader, LOG_LEVEL: INFO; value: 20",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-urls: {'fas': 'http://localhost:28800', 'fwloc': 'file://download/'}",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-Using local file: /ilo5_241.zip",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-unzip /ilo5_241.zip",
    "Archive:  /ilo5_241.zip",
    "  inflating: ilo5_241.bin",
    "  inflating: ilo5_241.json",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-Processing files from file://download/",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-Processing File: file://download/ ilo5_241.json",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-Uploading b73a48cea82f11eb8c8a0242c0a81003/ilo5_241.bin",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:45Z-FWLoader-INFO-Metadata {'imageData': \"{'deviceType': 'nodeBMC', 'manufacturer': 'hpe', 'models': ['ProLiant XL270d Gen10', 'ProLiant DL325 Gen10', 'ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus', 'ProLiant DL385 Gen10', 'ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus', 'ProLiant XL645d Gen10 Plus', 'ProLiant XL675d Gen10 Plus'], 'targets': ['iLO 5'], 'tags': ['default'], 'firmwareVersion': '2.41 Mar 08 2021', 'semanticFirmwareVersion': '2.41.0', 'pollingSpeedSeconds': 30, 'fileName': 'ilo5_241.bin'}\"}",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-IMAGE: {\"s3URL\": \"s3:/fw-update/b73a48cea82f11eb8c8a0242c0a81003/ilo5_241.bin\", \"target\": \"iLO 5\", \"deviceType\": \"nodeBMC\", \"manufacturer\": \"hpe\", \"models\": [\"ProLiant XL270d Gen10\", \"ProLiant DL325 Gen10\", \"ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus\", \"ProLiant DL385 Gen10\", \"ProLiant DL385 Gen10 Plus\", \"ProLiant XL645d Gen10 Plus\", \"ProLiant XL675d Gen10 Plus\"], \"softwareIds\": [], \"tags\": [\"default\"], \"firmwareVersion\": \"2.41 Mar 08 2021\", \"semanticFirmwareVersion\": \"2.41.0\", \"allowableDeviceStates\": [], \"needManualReboot\": false, \"pollingSpeedSeconds\": 30}",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-Number of Updates: 1",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-Iterate images",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-update ACL to public-read for 5ab9f804a82b11eb8a700242c0a81003/wnc.bios-1.1.2.tar.gz",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-update ACL to public-read for 5ab9f804a82b11eb8a700242c0a81003/wnc.bios-1.1.2.tar.gz",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-update ACL to public-read for 53c060baa82a11eba26c0242c0a81003/controllers-1.3.317.itb",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-update ACL to public-read for b73a48cea82f11eb8c8a0242c0a81003/ilo5_241.bin",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-finished updating images ACL",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-removing local file: /ilo5_241.zip",
    "2021-04-28T14:40:46Z-FWLoader-INFO-*** Number of Updates: 1 ***"

A successful run will end with *** Number of Updates: x ***.

NOTE The FAS loader will not overwrite image records already in FAS. Number of Updates will be the number of new images found in the RPM. If the number is 0, all images were already in FAS.

Delete loader run data

To delete the output from a loader run and remove it from the loader run list:

Be sure to update the example command with the actual loaderRunID whose output should be deleted.

ncn-mw# cray fas loader delete dd37dd45-84ec-4bd6-b3c9-7af480048966

The delete command does not return anything if successful.

NOTE The loader delete command does not delete any images from FAS; it only deletes the loader run saved status and removes the ID from the loader run list.