Adjust HM Collector resource limits and requests

Inspect current resource usage

View resource usage of the containers in the cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress pods:

ncn-mw# kubectl -n services top pod -l --containers

Example output:

POD                                     NAME                   CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
cray-hms-hmcollector-7c5b797c5c-zxt67   istio-proxy            187m         275Mi
cray-hms-hmcollector-7c5b797c5c-zxt67   cray-hms-hmcollector   4398m        296Mi

The default resource limits for the cray-hms-hmcollector container are:

  • CPU: 4 or 4000m
  • Memory: 5Gi

The default resource limits for the istio-proxy container are:

  • CPU: 2 or 2000m
  • Memory: 1Gi

Inspect pods for OOMKilled events

Describe the cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress pod to determine if it has been OOMKilled in the recent past:

ncn-mw# kubectl -n services describe pod -l
    Container ID:   containerd://a35853bacdcea350e70c57fe1667b5b9d3c82d41e1e7c1f901832bae97b722fb
    Image ID:
    Ports:          80/TCP, 443/TCP
    Host Ports:     0/TCP, 0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:52:13 +0000
    Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       OOMKilled
      Exit Code:    137
      Started:      Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:51:08 +0000
      Finished:     Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:52:12 +0000

In the above example output, the cray-hms-hmcollector container was previously OOMKilled, but the container is currently running.

Look for the istio-proxy container and check its Last State (if present) to see if the container has been previously terminated due to it running out of memory:

    Container ID:  containerd://f439317c16f7db43e87fbcec59b7d36a0254dabd57ab71865d9d7953d154bb1a
    Image ID:
    Port:          15090/TCP
    Host Port:     0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:51:09 +0000
   Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       OOMKilled
      Exit Code:    137
      Started:      Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:51:08 +0000
      Finished:     Tue, 21 Sep 2021 20:52:12 +0000

In the above example output, the istio-proxy container was previously OOMKilled, but the container is currently running.

How to adjust resource limits

If the cray-hms-hmcollector container is hitting its CPU limit and memory usage is steadily increasing till it gets OOMKilled, then the CPU limit for the cray-hms-hmcollector should be increased. It can be increased in increments of 8 or 8000m This is a situation were the collector is unable to process events fast enough and they start to collect build up inside of it.

If the cray-hms-hmcollector container is consistently hitting its CPU limit, then its CPU limit should be increased. It can be increased in increments of 8 or 8000m.

If the cray-hms-hmcollector container is consistently hitting its memory limit, then its memory limit should be increased. It can be increased in increments of 5Gi.

If the istio-proxy container is getting OOMKilled, then its memory limit should be increased in increments of 5 Gigabytes (5Gi) at a time.

For reference, on a system with 4 fully populated liquid-cooled cabinets the cray-hms-hmcollector was consuming ~5 or ~5000m of CPU and ~300Mi of memory.

Follow the Redeploying a Chart procedure with the following specifications:

  • Chart name: cray-hms-hmcollector

  • Base manifest name: sysmgmt

  • (ncn-mw#) When reaching the step to update the customizations, perform the following steps:

    Only follow these steps as part of the previously linked chart redeploy procedure.

    1. Update customizations.yaml with the existing cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress resource settings.

      1. Persist resource requests and limits from the cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress deployment.

        ncn-mw# kubectl -n services get deployments cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress \
                  -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[].resources}' | yq r -P - | \
                  yq w -f - -i ./customizations.yaml
      2. Persist annotations manually added to cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress deployment.

        ncn-mw# kubectl -n services get deployments cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress \
                  -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.metadata.annotations}' | \
                  yq d -P - '""' | \
                  yq w -f - -i ./customizations.yaml
      3. View the updated overrides added to customizations.yaml.

        If the value overrides look different to the sample output below, then the resource limits and requests have been manually modified in the past.

        ncn-mw# yq r ./customizations.yaml

        Example output:

        hmcollector_external_ip: '{{ network.netstaticips.hmn_api_gw }}'
                 cpu: "4"
                 memory: 5Gi
                 cpu: 500m
                 memory: 256Mi
        podAnnotations: {}
    2. If desired, adjust the resource limits and requests for cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress.

      Otherwise this step can be skipped.

      The value overrides for the cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress Helm chart are defined at

      Adjust the resource limits and requests for the cray-hms-hmcollector-ingress deployment in customizations.yaml:

               hmcollector_external_ip: '{{ network.netstaticips.hmn_api_gw }}'
                        cpu: "4"
                        memory: 5Gi
                        cpu: 500m
                        memory: 256Mi

      In order to specify a non-default memory limit for the Istio proxy used by all cray-hms-hmcollector-* pods, add under podAnnotations. By default, the Istio proxy memory limit is 1Gi.

    3. Review the changes to customizations.yaml.

      Verify that baseline system customizations and any customer-specific settings are correct.

    4. Update the site-init sealed secret in the loftsman namespace.

      ncn-mw# kubectl delete secret -n loftsman site-init
      ncn-mw# kubectl create secret -n loftsman generic site-init --from-file=customizations.yaml
    5. If this document was referenced during an upgrade procure, then skip the rest of the redeploy procedure and also skip the rest of this page.

  • When reaching the step to validate that the redeploy was successful, there are no validation steps to perform.