Upload and Register an Image Recipe

Download and expand recipe archives from S3 and IMS. Modify and upload a recipe archive, and then register that recipe archive with IMS.


  • The Cray command line interface (CLI) tool is initialized and configured on the system.
  • System management services (SMS) are running in a Kubernetes cluster on non-compute nodes (NCNs) and include the following deployment:
    • cray-ims, the Image Management Service (IMS)
  • The NCN Certificate Authority (CA) public key has been properly installed into the CA cache for this system.
  • A token providing Simple Storage Service (S3) credentials has been generated.


  • The commands in this procedure must be run as the root user.
  • The IMS tool currently only supports Kiwi-NG recipe types.

Register recipe with IMS

  1. Locate the desired recipe to download from S3.

    There may be multiple records returned. Ensure that the correct record is selected in the returned data.

    ncn-mw# cray ims recipes list --format toml

    Excerpt from example output:

    id = "76ef564d-47d5-415a-bcef-d6022a416c3c"
    name = "cray-sles15-barebones"
    created = "2020-02-05T19:24:22.621448+00:00"
    path = "s3://ims/recipes/76ef564d-47d5-415a-bcef-d6022a416c3c/cray-sles15-barebones.tgz"
    etag = "28f3d78c8cceca2083d7d3090d96bbb7"
    type = "s3"
  2. Create variables for the S3 bucket and key values from the S3 path in the returned data of the previous step.

    ncn-mw# S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET=ims
    ncn-mw# S3_ARTIFACT_KEY=recipes/76ef564d-47d5-415a-bcef-d6022a416c3c/cray-sles15-barebones.tgz
    ncn-mw# ARTIFACT_FILENAME=cray-sles15-barebones.tgz
  3. Download the recipe archive.

    Use the variables created in the previous step when running the following command.

    ncn-mw# cray artifacts get $S3_ARTIFACT_BUCKET $S3_ARTIFACT_KEY $ARTIFACT_FILENAME
  4. Expand the recipe with tar.

    ncn-mw# mkdir image-recipe
    ncn-mw# tar xvf $ARTIFACT_FILENAME -C image-recipe
  5. Modify the recipe by editing the files and subdirectories in the image-recipe directory.

    A Kiwi recipe consists of multiple files and directories, which together define the repositories, packages, and post-install actions to take during the Kiwi build process.

    • Edit the config.xml file to modify the name of the recipe, the set of RPM packages being installed, or the RPM repositories being referenced.
    • Kiwi-NG supports multiple ways to modify the post-install configuration of the image root, including some shell scripts (config.sh, images.sh) and the root/overlay directory. To learn how these can be used to add specific configuration to the image root, see the Kiwi-NG documentation.
    • Recipes built by IMS are required to reference repositories that are hosted on the NCN by the Nexus service.
  6. Locate the directory containing the Kiwi-NG image description files.

    This step should be done after the recipe has been changed.

    ncn-mw# cd image-recipe
  7. Set an environment variable for the name of the file that will contain the archive of the image recipe.

    ncn-mw# ARTIFACT_FILE=my_recipe.tgz
  8. Create a tgz archive of the image recipe.

    ncn-mw# tar cvfz ../$ARTIFACT_FILE .
    ncn-mw# cd ..
  9. Create a new IMS recipe record.

    ncn-mw# cray ims recipes create --name "My Recipe" \
                --recipe-type kiwi-ng --linux-distribution sles15 \
                --format toml

    Example output:

    created = "2018-12-04T17:25:52.482514+00:00"
    id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
    linux_distribution = "sles15"
    name = "my_recipe.tgz"
    recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
  10. Create a variable for the id value in the returned data.

    ncn-mw# IMS_RECIPE_ID=2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6
  11. Upload the customized recipe to S3.

    It is suggested as a best practice that the S3 object name start with recipes/ and contain the IMS recipe ID, in order to remove ambiguity.

    ncn-mw# cray artifacts create ims recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/$ARTIFACT_FILE $ARTIFACT_FILE
  12. Update the IMS recipe record with the S3 path to the recipe archive.

    ncn-mw# cray ims recipes update $IMS_RECIPE_ID --link-type s3 \
                --link-path s3://ims/recipes/$IMS_RECIPE_ID/$ARTIFACT_FILE --format toml

    Example output:

    id = "2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6"
    recipe_type = "kiwi-ng"
    linux_distribution = "sles15"
    name = "my_recipe.tgz"
    created = "2020-02-05T19:24:22.621448+00:00"
    path = "s3://ims/recipes/2233c82a-5081-4f67-bec4-4b59a60017a6/my_recipe.tgz"
    etag = ""
    type = "s3"