Repopulate Data in etcd Clusters When Rebuilding Them

When an etcd cluster is not healthy, it needs to be rebuilt. During that process, the pods that rely on etcd clusters lose data. That data needs to be repopulated in order for the cluster to go back to a healthy state.

Applicable services

The following services need their data repopulated in the etcd cluster:

  • Boot Orchestration Service (BOS)
  • Boot Script Service (BSS)
  • Content Projection Service (CPS)
  • Compute Rolling Upgrade Service (CRUS)
  • External DNS
  • Firmware Action Service (FAS)
  • HMS Notification Fanout Daemon (HMNFD)
  • Mountain Endpoint Discovery Service (MEDS)
  • River Endpoint Discovery Service (REDS)


An etcd cluster was rebuilt. See Rebuild Unhealthy etcd Clusters.



Reconstruct boot session templates for impacted product streams to repopulate data.

Boot preparation information for other product streams can be found in the following locations:

  • UANs: Refer to the UAN product stream repository and search for the “PREPARE UAN BOOT SESSION TEMPLATES” header in the “Install and Configure UANs” procedure.
  • Cray Operating System (COS): Refer to the “Create a Boot Session Template” header in the “Boot COS” procedure in the COS product stream documentation.


Data is repopulated in BSS when the REDS init job is run.

  1. Get the current REDS job.

    ncn-mw# kubectl get -o json -n services job/cray-reds-init |
                jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels["controller-uid"], .spec.selector)' > cray-reds-init.json
  2. Delete the reds-client-init job.

    ncn-mw# kubectl delete -n services -f cray-reds-init.json
  3. Restart the reds-client-init job.

    ncn-mw# kubectl apply -n services -f cray-reds-init.json


Repopulate clusters for CPS.

  • If there are no clients using CPS when the etcd cluster is rebuilt, then nothing needs to be done other than to rebuild the cluster and make sure all of the components are up and running. See Rebuild Unhealthy etcd Clusters for more information.
  • If any clients have already mounted content provided by CPS, that content should be unmounted before rebuilding the etcd cluster, and then re-mounted after the etcd cluster is rebuilt. Compute nodes that use CPS to access their root file system must be shut down to unmount, and then booted to perform the re-mount.


Note: CRUS is deprecated in CSM 1.2.0 and it will be removed in CSM 1.5.0. It will be replaced with BOS V2, which will provide similar functionality.

  1. View the progress of existing CRUS sessions.

    1. List the existing CRUS sessions to find the upgrade_id for the desired session.

      ncn# cray crus session list --format toml

      Example output:

      api_version = "1.0.0"
      completed = false
      failed_label = "failed-nodes"
      kind = "ComputeUpgradeSession"
      messages = [ "Quiesce requested in step 0: moving to QUIESCING", "All nodes quiesced in step 0: moving to QUIESCED", "Began the boot session for step 0: moving to BOOTING",]
      starting_label = "slurm-nodes"
      state = "UPDATING"
      upgrade_id = "e0131663-dbee-47c2-aa5c-13fe9b110242" <<-- Note this value
      upgrade_step_size = 50
      upgrade_template_id = "boot-template"
      upgrading_label = "upgrading-nodes"
      workload_manager_type = "slurm"
    2. Describe the CRUS session to see if the session failed or is stuck.

      If the session continued and appears to be in a healthy state, proceed to the BSS section.

      ncn# cray crus session describe CRUS_UPGRADE_ID --format toml

      Example output:

      api_version = "1.0.0"
      completed = false
      failed_label = "failed-nodes"
      kind = "ComputeUpgradeSession"
      messages = [ "Quiesce requested in step 0: moving to QUIESCING", "All nodes quiesced in step 0:
      moving to QUIESCED", "Began the boot session for step 0: moving to BOOTING",]
      starting_label = "slurm-nodes"
      state = "UPDATING"
      upgrade_id = "e0131663-dbee-47c2-aa5c-13fe9b110242"
      upgrade_step_size = 50
      upgrade_template_id = "boot-template"
      upgrading_label = "upgrading-nodes"
      workload_manager_type = "slurm"
  2. Find the name of the running CRUS pod.

    ncn# kubectl get pods -n services | grep cray-crus

    Example output:

    cray-crus-549cb9cb5d-jtpqg                                   3/4     Running   528        25h
  3. Restart the CRUS pod.

    Deleting the pod will restart CRUS and start the discovery process for any data recovered in etcd.

    ncn# kubectl delete pods -n services POD_NAME

External DNS

The etcd cluster for external DNS maintains an ephemeral cache for CoreDNS. There is no reason to back it up. If it is having any issues, then delete it and recreate it.

  1. Save the external DNS configuration.

  2. Edit the end of each .yaml file to remove the .status, .metadata.uid, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.resourceVersion, .metadata.generation, and .metadata.creationTimestamp.

    For example:

    kind: EtcdCluster
      annotations: clusterwide
      labels: cray-externaldns-etcd
      name: cray-externaldns-etcd
      namespace: services
        ClusterDomain: ""
        busyboxImage: registry.local/library/busybox:1.28.0-glibc
          - ReadWriteOnce
          dataSource: null
              storage: 1Gi
        resources: {}
      repository: registry.local/coreos/etcd
      size: 3
      version: 3.3.8
  3. Delete the current cluster.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n services delete etcd cray-externaldns-etcd
  4. Recreate the cluster.

    ncn-mw# kubectl apply -f cray-externaldns-etcd.yaml


Run the cray-fas-loader Kubernetes job.

Refer to the “Use the cray-fas-loader Kubernetes Job” section in FAS Admin Procedures for more information.

When the etcd cluster is rebuilt, all historic data for firmware actions and all recorded snapshots will be lost. Image data will need to be reloaded by following the cray-fas-loader Kubernetes job procedure. After images are reloaded any running actions at time of failure will need to be recreated.


Resubscribe the compute nodes and any NCNs that use the ORCA daemon for their State Change Notifications (SCN).

  1. Resubscribe all compute nodes.

    ncn-m# TMPFILE=$(mktemp)
    ncn-m# sat status --no-borders --no-headings | grep Ready | grep Compute | awk '{printf("nid%06d-nmn\n",$3);}' > $TMPFILE
    ncn-m# pdsh -w ^${TMPFILE} "systemctl restart cray-dvs-orca"
    ncn-m# rm -rf $TMPFILE
  2. Resubscribe the NCNs.

    NOTE: Modify the -w arguments in the following commands to reflect the number of worker and storage nodes in the system.

    ncn-m# pdsh -w ncn-w00[0-4]-can.local "systemctl restart cray-dvs-orca"
    ncn-m# pdsh -w ncn-s00[0-4]-can.local "systemctl restart cray-dvs-orca"


Restart MEDS.

ncn-mw# kubectl -n services delete pods --selector=''


Restart REDS.

ncn-mw# kubectl -n services delete pods --selector=''