CAN with Dual-Spine Configuration

The Customer Access Network (CAN) needs to be connected to both spines in a dual-spine configuration so that each spine can access the outside network. However, the NCNs should only have one default gateway. Therefore, the multi-active gateway protocol (MAGP) on the Mellanox spines can be used to create a virtual router gateway IP address that can direct to either of the spines, depending on the state of the spines. The Virtual Switching Extension (VSX) for Aruba spines serve the same purpose.

For more information:

Dual-Spine Configuration

The following is an example of the point-to-point configuration on the spine switches. The IP address should be replaced with the IP address chosen by the customer that matches the switch configuration.

  • Mellanox:

    interface ethernet 1/11 speed auto force
    interface ethernet 1/11 description to-can
    interface ethernet 1/11 no switchport force
    interface ethernet 1/11 ip address primary
  • Aruba:

    interface 1/1/36
        no shutdown
        description to-can
        ip address

There must then be two routes on the customer’s switch directing traffic for the customer_access_network subnet to the endpoint on the spine switch. The following is an example of the route configuration on the customer switch. These addresses and subnets are generated from CSI and can be found in the CAN.yaml file.

- full_name: CAN Bootstrap DHCP Subnet
    - 255
    - 255
    - 255
    - 0

There must be a default route on each spine switch that will direct traffic that does not match other routes to the endpoint on the customer switch. The following examples are for the route configuration on sw-spine-001.

  • Mellanox:

    ip route vrf default
  • Aruba:

    ip route

The spine switch must also have the customer_access_gateway IP address assigned to the vlan 7 interface on the switch. This provides a gateway for the default route on the NCNs and UANs, as well as a direct route to the customer_access_network from the spine switch. For example:

  • Mellanox:

    interface vlan 7 ip address primary
  • Aruba:

    sw-spine-002(config)# int vlan 7
    sw-spine-002(config-if-vlan)# ip address

Distribution Spine/Switch Connection

The connection between the distribution switch and the spines require two separate uplinks from the spine switch to the distribution switch. Two static routes need to be created on the distribution switch to route the CAN subnet to each of the spine switches. These routes will have equal cost (ECMP) to split the load across the two spines and provide redundancy if one of the spines should go down.

interface 1/1/41
    no shutdown
    description WASP spine-001 1/11
    ip address
interface 1/1/42
    no shutdown
    description WASP spine-002 1/11
    ip address

ip route 10.102.5/26
ip route 10.102.5/26

NCN/Spine Connection

Each of the NCNs has a connection to each spine. These ports on the NCN will be configured as bonded. The spine ports on the other end of these connections will be configured as a multi-chassis link aggregation group (MLAG) port channel.

The NCN will also need to configure a default route pointing to a gateway IP address on the CAN. In a dual-spine configuration, this will continue to use the IP address specified in the can-gateway value. The main difference in the dual-spine configuration is that this IP address will now be a virtual IP address on the spine switches rather than the vlan 7 IP address. This virtual IP address is part of MAGP configuration. Each spine will have an IP address on its vlan 7 interface that is not the can-gateway IP address.

Then the following MAGP configuration will be added (same configuration on each of the spines):

  • virtual-router address = can-gateway
  • virtual-router mac-address = 00:00:5E:00:01:07.

MAGP on the spine:

   protocol magp
   interface vlan 7 magp 7
   interface vlan 7 magp 7 ip virtual-router address
   interface vlan 7 magp 7 ip virtual-router mac-address 00:00:5E:00:01:07

Vlan 7 on the spine:

   interface vlan 7 ip address primary

In the example above, spine-001 is showed.

Default route on the NCN (configured by the can-network role):

ncn-m001# ip route
default via dev vlan007