Allocate NCN IP Addresses


This procedure allocates IP addresses for an NCN being added to a system. The addresses are allocated on the applicable networks (HMN, NMN, MTL, CAN, etc.), and added to both the System Layout Service (SLS) and the Boot Script Service (BSS).

This procedure will perform and verify the following:

  • If the NCN being added is one of the first three master, storage, or worker NCNs, then its IP address is expected to already be present and consistent between SLS and BSS.
  • Otherwise, new IP addresses for the NCN will be allocated and verified to be within the static IP address pool in the bootstrap_dhcp subnet for the various networks in system.



  1. Retrieve an API token:

    ncn-mw# export TOKEN=$(curl -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials \
                            -d client_id=admin-client -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth \
                            -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                            https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token \
                            | jq -r '.access_token')
  2. Determine the component name (xname) of the NCN by referring to the HMN of the systems SHCD, if it has not been determined yet.

    Sample row from the HMN tab of an SHCD:

    Source (J20) Source Rack (K20) Source Location (L20) (M20) Parent (N20) (O20) Source Port (P20) Destination (Q20) Destination Rack (R20) Destination Location (S20) (T20) Destination Port (U20)
    wn01 x3000 u04 - j3 sw-smn01 x3000 u14 - j48

    The Source name for the a worker NCN would be in the format of wn01, master NCNs are mn01, and storage NCNs have sn01.

    Node xname format: xXcCsSbBnN

    SHCD Column to Reference Description
    X Cabinet number Source Rack (K20) The Cabinet or rack number containing the Management NCN.
    C Chassis number For air-cooled nodes within a standard rack, the chassis is 0.
    S Slot/Rack U Source Location (L20) The Slot of the node is determined by the bottom most rack U that node occupies.
    B BMC number For Management NCNs the BMC number is 0.
    N Node number For Management NCNs the Node number is 0.
    ncn-mw# export XNAME=x3000c0s4b0n0
  3. Perform a dry-run of allocating IP addresses for the NCN.

    ncn-mw# cd /usr/share/doc/csm/scripts/operations/node_management/Add_Remove_Replace_NCNs/
    ncn-mw# ./ allocate-ips --xname "$XNAME" --alias "$NODE"

    Example output:

    IP Addressees have been allocated for x3000c0s36b0n0 (ncn-s004) and been added to SLS and BSS
        WARNING A Dryrun was performed, and no changes were performed to the system
        Management NCN IP Allocation
        Network | IP Address
        CAN     |
        HMN     |
        MTL     |
        NMN     |
        Management NCN BMC IP Allocation
        Network | IP Address
        HMN     |
  4. Allocate IP addresses for the NCN in SLS and HSM by adding the --perform-changes argument to the command in the previous step.

    ncn-mw# ./ allocate-ips --xname "$XNAME" --alias "$NODE" --perform-changes

    Example output:

    IP Addressees have been allocated for x3000c0s36b0n0 (ncn-s004) and been added to SLS and BSS
        Management NCN IP Allocation
        Network | IP Address
        CAN     |
        HMN     |
        MTL     |
        NMN     |
        Management NCN BMC IP Allocation
        Network | IP Address
        HMN     |

Next step

Proceed to the next step to Add Switch Configuration or return to the main Add, Remove, Replace, or Move NCNs page.