Move a Standard Rack Node (Same Rack/Same HSN Ports)

This procedure move standard rack UAN or compute node to a different location and uses the same Slingshot switch ports and management network ports.

Update the location-based component name (xname) for a standard rack node within the system.

If a node has an incorrect component name (xname) based on its physical location, then this procedure can be used to correct the component name (xname) of the node without the need to physically move the node.


  • An authentication token has been retrieved.

    ncn-mw# function get_token () {
        curl -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials \
            -d client_id=admin-client \
            -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
            https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token'
  • The Cray command line interface (CLI) tool is initialized and configured on the system. See configure the Cray CLI.

  • This procedure applies only to standard rack nodes. Liquid-cooled compute blades do not require the use of the MgmtSwitchConnector object in the System Layout Service (SLS) to perform discovery.

  • This procedure moves an application node or compute node to a different location in an HPE Cray standard rack.

  • The node must use the same Slingshot switch switch ports.

  • The node must use the same management network switch ports.


This procedure assumes there are no changes to the node high-speed network switch port or management network ports.


This procedure works with both application and compute nodes. This example moves a compute node in rack 3000 at U17 to U27 in the same rack.

  1. Shut down software and power off the node.

  2. Disconnect the power cables, management network cables, and high-speed network (HSN) cables.

    If this procedure is being followed to correct a node’s component name (xname), then this step can be skipped.

  3. Move the node to the new location in the rack (U27), connect the management cables and HSN cables, but do not connect the power cables.

    If this procedure is being followed to correct a node’s component name (xname), then this step can be skipped.

Update Node in the System Layout Service (SLS)

  1. Set up environment variables for the original node and node BMC component names (xnames).

    ncn-mw# OLD_NODE_XNAME=x3000c0s17b1n0
    ncn-mw# echo $OLD_NODE_XNAME

    Example output:

    ncn-mw# OLD_BMC_XNAME=$(echo $OLD_NODE_XNAME | egrep -o 'x[0-9]+c[0-9]+s[0-9]+b[0-9]+')
    ncn-mw# echo $OLD_BMC_XNAME

    Example output:

  2. Set up environment variables for the new node and node BMC component names (xnames).

    ncn-mw# NEW_NODE_XNAME=x3000c0s27b1n0
    ncn-mw# echo $NEW_NODE_XNAME

    Example output:

    ncn-mw# NEW_BMC_XNAME=$(echo $NEW_NODE_XNAME | egrep -o 'x[0-9]+c[0-9]+s[0-9]+b[0-9]+')
    ncn-mw# echo $NEW_BMC_XNAME

    Example output:

  3. Update SLS with the node’s new component name (xname).

    1. Get node from SLS:

      ncn-mw# cray sls hardware describe "$OLD_NODE_XNAME" --format json > sls_node.original.json

      Example contents of sls_node.original.json

        "Parent": "x3000c0s17b1",
        "Xname": "x3000c0s17b1n0",
        "Type": "comptype_node",
        "Class": "River",
        "TypeString": "Node",
        "LastUpdated": 1631829089,
        "LastUpdatedTime": "2021-09-16 21:51:29.997834 +0000 +0000",
        "ExtraProperties": {
            "Aliases": [
          "NID": 1,
          "Role": "Compute"
    2. Update the SLS node object with the new component names (xnames):

      ncn-mw# jq --arg NODE_XNAME "$NEW_NODE_XNAME" --arg BMC_XNAME "$NEW_BMC_XNAME" \
                  '.Parent = $BMC_XNAME | .Xname = $NODE_XNAME' sls_node.original.json \
                  > sls_node.json

      Expected contents of sls_node.original.json:

        "Parent": "x3000c0s19b1",
        "Xname": "x3000c0s19b1n0",
        "Type": "comptype_node",
        "Class": "River",
        "TypeString": "Node",
        "LastUpdated": 1631829089,
        "LastUpdatedTime": "2021-09-16 21:51:29.997834 +0000 +0000",
        "ExtraProperties": {
            "Aliases": [
          "NID": 1,
          "Role": "Compute"

      Only the fields Parent and Xname should have been updated.

    3. Create new node object in SLS:

      ncn-mw# curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(get_token)" \
                  https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/hardware -d @sls_node.json

      NOTE If a 503 is returned, verify that get_token function has been defined.

      Expected output:

      HTTP/2 200
      content-type: application/json
      date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 20:30:02 GMT
      content-length: 42
      x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 71
      server: istio-envoy
      {"code":0,"message":"inserted new entry"}
    4. Delete old node object from SLS:

      ncn-mw# cray sls hardware delete $OLD_NODE_XNAME --format toml

      Expected output:

      code = 0
      message = "deleted entry and its descendants"
  4. Update MgmtSwitchConnector in SLS with the node BMC’s new component name (xname):

    1. Get MgmtSwitchConnector object from SLS:

      ncn-mw# cray sls search hardware list --node-nics "$OLD_BMC_XNAME" --format json > sls_MgmtSwitchConnector.original.json

      Example contents of sls_MgmtSwitchConnector.original.json:

          "Parent": "x3000c0w22",
          "Xname": "x3000c0w22j33",
          "Type": "comptype_mgmt_switch_connector",
          "Class": "River",
          "TypeString": "MgmtSwitchConnector",
          "LastUpdated": 1631829089,
          "LastUpdatedTime": "2021-09-16 21:51:29.997834 +0000 +0000",
          "ExtraProperties": {
            "NodeNics": [
            "VendorName": "ethernet1/1/33"
    2. Update MgmtSwitchConnector object with the new node BMC component name (xname):

      ncn-mw# jq --arg BMC_XNAME "$NEW_BMC_XNAME" \
                  '.[0] | .ExtraProperties.NodeNics = [ $BMC_XNAME ]' sls_MgmtSwitchConnector.original.json \
                  > sls_MgmtSwitchConnector.json

      Expected contents of sls_MgmtSwitchConnector.json:

        "Parent": "x3000c0w22",
        "Xname": "x3000c0w22j33",
        "Type": "comptype_mgmt_switch_connector",
        "Class": "River",
        "TypeString": "MgmtSwitchConnector",
        "LastUpdated": 1631829089,
        "LastUpdatedTime": "2021-09-16 21:51:29.997834 +0000 +0000",
        "ExtraProperties": {
          "NodeNics": [
          "VendorName": "ethernet1/1/33"

      Only the NodeNics field should have been updated.

    3. Determine the component name (xname) of the MgmtSwitchConnector:

      ncn-mw# MGMT_SWITCH_CONNECTOR_XNAME=$(jq -r .Xname sls_MgmtSwitchConnector.json)

      Example output:

    4. Update the MgmtSwitchConnector in SLS:

      ncn-mw# curl -i -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer $(get_token)" \
                  https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/apis/sls/v1/hardware/$MGMT_SWITCH_CONNECTOR_XNAME -d @sls_MgmtSwitchConnector.json

      Expected output:

      HTTP/2 200
      content-type: application/json
      date: Mon, 18 Oct 2021 20:33:36 GMT
      content-length: 301
      x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 8
      server: istio-envoy
      {"Parent":"x3000c0w22","Xname":"x3000c0w22j36","Type":"comptype_mgmt_switch_connector","Class":"River","TypeString":"MgmtSwitchConnector","LastUpdated":1631829089,"LastUpdatedTime":"2021-09-16 21:51:29.997834 +0000 +0000","ExtraProperties":{"NodeNics":["x3000c0s21b4"],"VendorName":"ethernet1/1/36"}}

Remove previously discovered node data from HSM

  1. Remove previously discovered components from HSM:

    1. Remove Node component from HSM:

      ncn-mw# cray hsm state components delete $OLD_NODE_XNAME
    2. Remove NodeBMC component from HSM:

      ncn-mw# cray hsm state components delete $OLD_BMC_XNAME
    3. Remove NodeEnclosure component from HSM. The component name (xname) for a NodeEnclosure is similar to the node BMC component name (xname), but the b is replaced with a e.

      ncn-mw# OLD_NODE_ENCLOSURE_XNAME=x3000c0s17e0
      ncn-mw# cray hsm state components delete $OLD_NODE_ENCLOSURE_XNAME
  2. Delete the NodeBMC, Node NIC MAC addresses, and the Redfish endpoint for the U17 node from the HSM.

    1. Delete the Node MAC addresses from the HSM.

      ncn-mw# for ID in $(cray hsm inventory ethernetInterfaces list --component-id $OLD_NODE_XNAME --format json | jq -r .[].ID); do
                  echo "Deleting MAC address: $ID"
                  cray hsm inventory ethernetInterfaces delete $ID;
    2. Delete each NodeBMC MAC address from the Hardware State Manager (HSM) Ethernet interfaces table.

      ncn-mw# for ID in $(cray hsm inventory ethernetInterfaces list --component-id $OLD_BMC_XNAME --format json | jq -r .[].ID); do
                  echo "Deleting MAC address: $ID"
                  cray hsm inventory ethernetInterfaces delete $ID;
    3. Delete the Redfish endpoint for the removed node.

      ncn-mw# cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints delete $OLD_BMC_XNAME
  3. Connect the power cables to the node to power on the BMC.

    If this procedure is being followed to correct a node’s component name (xname), then this step can be skipped.

  4. Wait for 5 minutes for the BMC to power on and the node BMCs to be discovered.

  5. Verify the node BMC has been discovered by the HSM.

    ncn-mw# cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe $NEW_BMC_XNAME --format json

    Example output:

        "ID": "x3000c0s27b1",
        "Type": "NodeBMC",
        "Hostname": "x3000c0s27b1",
        "Domain": "",
        "FQDN": "x3000c0s27b1",
        "Enabled": true,
        "UUID": "e005dd6e-debf-0010-e803-b42e99be1a2d",
        "User": "root",
        "Password": "",
        "MACAddr": "b42e99be1a2d",
        "RediscoverOnUpdate": true,
        "DiscoveryInfo": {
            "LastDiscoveryAttempt": "2021-01-29T16:15:37.643327Z",
            "LastDiscoveryStatus": "DiscoverOK",
            "RedfishVersion": "1.7.0"
    • When LastDiscoveryStatus displays as DiscoverOK, then the node BMC has been successfully discovered.
    • If the last discovery state is DiscoveryStarted then the BMC is currently being inventoried by HSM.
    • If the last discovery state is HTTPsGetFailed or ChildVerificationFailed then an error occurred during the discovery process.
      • For HTTPsGetFailed, verify that the BMC is pingable by its component name (xname).
        • If the component name (xname) of the BMC is not resolvable, then more time may be needed for DNS to update.

        • If hostname does resolve, then issue a discovery request to HSM:

          ncn-mw# cray hsm inventory discover create --xnames $NEW_BMC_XNAME
  6. Verify that the nodes are enabled in the HSM.

    ncn-mw# cray hsm state components describe $NEW_NODE_XNAME --format toml

    Beginning of example output:

    Type = "Node"
    Enabled = true
    State = "Off"
  7. If necessary, enable the nodes in the HSM database (in this example, the nodes are x3000c0s27b[1-4]n0).

    ncn-mw# cray hsm state components bulkEnabled update --enabled true --component-ids x3000c0s27b1n0,x3000c0s27b2n0,x3000c0s27b3n0,x3000c0s27b4n0
  8. Use boot orchestration to power on and boot the nodes.

    Specify the appropriate BOS template for the node type.

    ncn-mw# cray bos session create --template-uuid cle-VERSION --operation reboot --limit x3000c0s27b1n0,x3000c0s27b2n0,x3000c0s27b3n0,x3000c0s27b4n0