Prepare Worker Node


Prepare a worker node before rebuilding it.


Step 1 - Determine if the worker being rebuilt is running the cray-cps-cm-pm pod

If the cray-cps-cm-pm pod is running, there will be an extra step to redeploy this pod after the node is rebuilt.

  1. Run the following on any node where the cray cli has been initialized:

    cray cps deployment list --format json | grep -C1 podname
    • Example output:

      "node": "ncn-w002",
      "podname": "cray-cps-cm-pm-j7td7"
        "node": "ncn-w001",
        "podname": "cray-cps-cm-pm-lzbhm"
        "node": "ncn-w003",
        "podname": "NA"
        "node": "ncn-w004",
        "podname": "NA"
        "node": "ncn-w005",
        "podname": "NA"
    • In this case, the ncn-w001 and ncn-w002 nodes have the pod.

    • A 404 Not Found error is expected when the Content Projection Service (CPS) is not installed on the system. CPS is part of the COS product so if this worker node is being rebuilt before the COS product has been installed, CPS will not be installed yet.

Step 2 - Confirm what the Configuration Framework Service (CFS) configurationStatus is for the desiredConfig before shutting down the node

IMPORTANT: The following command will indicate if a CFS job is currently in progress for this node. This command assumes you have set the variables from the prerequisites section

Run the following on any node where the cray cli has been initialized:

 cray cfs components describe $XNAME --format json
  • Expected output:

       "configurationStatus": "configured",
       "desiredConfig": "ncn-personalization-full",
       "enabled": true,
       "errorCount": 0,
       "id": "x3000c0s7b0n0",
       "retryPolicy": 3,
  • If the configurationStatus is pending, wait for the job finish before rebooting this node. If the configurationStatus is failed, this means the failed CFS job configurationStatus preceded this worker rebuild, and that can be addressed independent of rebuilding this worker. If the configurationStatus is unconfigured and the NCN personalization procedure has not been done as part of an install yet, this can be ignored.

Step 3 - Drain the node to clear any pods running on the node

IMPORTANT: The following command will cordon and drain the node.

NOTE: This command assumes you have set the variables from the prerequisites section.

Run the following from a master node:

kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data $NODE
  • You may run into pods that cannot be gracefully evicted due to Pod Disruption Budgets (PDB), for example:

      error when evicting pod "<pod>" (will retry after 5s): Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget.
  • In this case, there are some options. First, if the service is scalable, you can increase the scale to start up another pod on another node, and then the drain will be able to delete it. However, it will probably be necessary to force the deletion of the pod:

      kubectl delete pod [-n <namespace>] --force --grace-period=0 <pod>
  • This will delete the offending pod, and Kubernetes should schedule a replacement on another node. You can then rerun the kubectl drain command, and it should report that the node is drained

Step 4 - Remove the node from the cluster after the node is drained.

This command assumes you have set the variables from the prerequisites section.

kubectl delete node $NODE

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