Liquid Cooled Node Power Management

Liquid Cooled AMD EPYC compute blade node card power capabilities and limits.

Liquid Cooled cabinet node card power features are supported by the node controller (nC) firmware and CPU vendor. The nC exposes the power control API for each node via the node’s Redfish Control schema. Out-of-band power management data is produced and collected by the nC hardware and firmware. This data can be published to a collector using the Redfish EventService, or retrieved on-demand from the Redfish ChassisSensors resource.


  • Hardware State Manager (cray-hms-smd) at least v1.30.16
  • CAPMC (cray-hms-capmc) at least 1.31.0
  • Cray CLI at least 0.44.0

Deprecated Interfaces

Set the CAPMC Deprecation Notice for more information.

  • get_node_energy
  • get_node_energy_stats
  • get_system_power

Redfish API

The Redfish API for Liquid Cooled compute blades is the node’s Control resource which is presented by the nC. The Control resource presents the various power management capabilities for the node and any associated accelerator cards.

Each node has one or more power control resource that can be modified:

  • Node power control (host CPU and memory)
  • Accelerator power control (one resource per accelerator connected to the node)

The Control resources will only manifest in the nC’s Redfish endpoint after a node has been powered on and background processes have discovered the node’s power management capabilities.

Power Limiting

CAPMC power limit controls for compute nodes can query component capabilities and manipulate the node power constraints. This functionality enables external software to establish an upper bound, or estimate a minimum bound, on the amount of power a system or a select subset of the system may consume.

CAPMC API calls provide means for third party software to implement advanced power management strategies using JSON data structures.

The AMD EPYC node card supports these power limiting and monitoring API calls:

  • get_power_cap_capabilities
  • get_power_cap
  • set_power_cap

Power limit control will only be valid on a compute node when power limiting is enabled, the node is booted, and the node is in the Ready state as seen via the Hardware State Manager.

Cray CLI Examples for Liquid Cooled Compute Node Power Management

Get Node Power Control and Limit Settings

ncn# cray capmc get_power_cap create –-nids NID_LIST --format json

Return the current power cap settings for a node and any accelerators that are installed. Valid settings are only returned if power limiting is enabled on the target nodes, those nodes are booted, and the nodes are in the Ready state.

ncn# cray capmc get_power_cap create --nids 1160 --format json

Example output:

    "e": 0,
    "err_msg": "",
    "nids": [
            "nid": 1160,
            "controls": [
                    "name": "Node Power Limit",
                    "val": 1000
                    "name": "Accelerator3 Power Limit",
                    "val": 200
                    "name": "Accelerator2 Power Limit",
                    "val": 200
                    "name": "Accelerator0 Power Limit",
                    "val": 200
                    "name": "Accelerator1 Power Limit",
                    "val": 200

Get Power Limit Capabilities

ncn#  cray capmc get_power_cap_capabilities create –-nids NID_LIST --format json

Return the min and max power cap settings for the node list and any accelerators that are installed.

ncn# cray capmc get_power_cap_capabilities create --nids 1160 --format json

Example output:

    "e": 0,
    "err_msg": "",
    "groups": [
            "name": "3_AuthenticAMD_64c_256GiB_3200MHz_NodeAccel.NVIDIA.6922G5060202000.1321020042737",
            "desc": "3_AuthenticAMD_64c_256GiB_3200MHz_NodeAccel.NVIDIA.6922G5060202000.1321020042737",
            "host_limit_max": 1985,
            "host_limit_min": 595,
            "static": 0,
            "supply": 1985,
            "powerup": 0,
            "nids": [
            "controls": [
                    "name": "Node Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Node Power Limit",
                    "max": 1985,
                    "min": 595
                    "name": "Accelerator0 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator0 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100
                    "name": "Accelerator1 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator1 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100
                    "name": "Accelerator2 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator2 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100
                    "name": "Accelerator3 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator3 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100

Set Node Power Limit

ncn# cray capmc set_power_cap create --nids NID_LIST --control CONTROL_NAME VALUE --format json

Set the total power limit of the node by using the name of the node control. The power provided to the host CPU and memory is the total node power limit minus the power limits of each of the accelerators installed on the node.

ncn# cray capmc set_power_cap create --nids 1160 --control "Node Power Limit" 1785

Example output:

    "e": 0,
    "err_msg": "",
    "nids": [
            "nid": 1160,
            "e": 0,
            "err_msg": ""

Multiple controls can be set at the same time on multiple nodes, but all target nodes must have the same set of controls available, otherwise the call will fail.

ncn# cray capmc set_power_cap create \
            --nids [1160-1163] \
            --control "Node Power Limit" 1785 \
            --control "Accelerator0 Power Limit" 300 \
            --control "Accelerator1 Power Limit" 300 \
            --control "Accelerator2 Power Limit" 300 \
            --control "Accelerator3 Power Limit" 300 \
            --format json

Example output:

    "e": 0,
    "err_msg": "",
    "nids": [
            "nid": 1160,
            "e": 0,
            "err_msg": ""
            "nid": 1161,
            "e": 0,
            "err_msg": ""
            "nid": 1162,
            "e": 0,
            "err_msg": ""
            "nid": 1163,
            "e": 0,
            "err_msg": ""

Remove Node Power Limit (Set to Default)

ncn# cray capmc set_power_cap create --nids NID_LIST --control CONTROL_NAME 0 --format json

Reset the power limit to the default maximum. Alternatively, using the max value returned from get_power_cap_capabilities may also be used. Multiple controls can be set at the same time on multiple nodes, but all target nodes must have the same set of controls available, otherwise the call will fail.

ncn# cray capmc set_power_cap create --nids 1160 --control "Node Power Limit" 0 --format json

Example output:

    "e": 0,
    "err_msg": "",
    "nids": [
            "nid": 1160,
            "e": 0,
            "err_msg": ""

Enable and Disable Power Limiting

Enable Power Limiting

Determine the valid power limit range for the target control by using the get_power_cap_capabilities Cray CLI option.

ncn# cray capmc get_power_cap_capabilities create –-nids NID_LIST --format json

For example:

ncn# cray capmc get_power_cap_capabilities create --nids 1160 --format json

Example output:

    "e": 0,
    "err_msg": "",
    "groups": [
            "name": "3_AuthenticAMD_64c_256GiB_3200MHz_NodeAccel.NVIDIA.6922G5060202000.1321020042737",
            "desc": "3_AuthenticAMD_64c_256GiB_3200MHz_NodeAccel.NVIDIA.6922G5060202000.1321020042737",
            "host_limit_max": 1985,
            "host_limit_min": 595,
            "static": 0,
            "supply": 1985,
            "powerup": 0,
            "nids": [
            "controls": [
                    "name": "Node Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Node Power Limit",
                    "max": 1985,
                    "min": 595
                    "name": "Accelerator0 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator0 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100
                    "name": "Accelerator1 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator1 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100
                    "name": "Accelerator2 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator2 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100
                    "name": "Accelerator3 Power Limit",
                    "desc": "Accelerator3 Power Limit",
                    "max": 400,
                    "min": 100

Selecting a value that is in the min to max range, make a curl call to the Redfish endpoint to enable power limiting for each control. Be aware that the power limit for accelerators will be much lower than the power limit for the node.

ncn# limit=1985
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/NodePowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Automatic","SetPoint":'${limit}'}'

If there are accelerators installed, enabled power limiting on those as well.

ncn# limit=400
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator0PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Automatic","SetPoint":'${limit}'}'
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator1PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Automatic","SetPoint":'${limit}'}'
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator2PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Automatic","SetPoint":'${limit}'}'
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator3PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Automatic","SetPoint":'${limit}'}'

Disable Power Limiting

Each control at the Redfish endpoint needs to be disabled.

ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -X PATCH https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/NodePowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Disabled"}'

If there are accelerators installed, disable power limiting on those as well.

ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator0PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Disabled"}'
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator1PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Disabled"}'
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator2PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Disabled"}'
ncn# curl -k -u $login:$pass -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH \
        https://${BMC}/redfish/v1/Chassis/${node}/Controls/Accelerator3PowerLimit \
        -d '{"ControlMode":"Disabled"}'