Prepare the System for Power Off

This procedure prepares the system to remove power from all system cabinets. Be sure the system is healthy and ready to be shut down and powered off.

The sat bootsys shutdown and sat bootsys boot commands are used to shut down the system.


An authentication token is required to access the API gateway and to use the sat command. See the “SAT Authentication” section of the HPE Cray EX System Admin Toolkit (SAT) product stream documentation (S-8031) for instructions on how to acquire a SAT authentication token.


  1. Obtain the user ID and passwords for system components:

    1. Obtain user ID and passwords for all the system management network switches. For example:


      User id: admin

      Password: PASSWORD

    2. If necessary, obtain the user ID and password for the ClusterStor primary management node. For example, cls01053n00.

      User id: admin

      Password: PASSWORD

    3. If the Slingshot network includes edge switches, obtain the user ID and password for these switches.

  2. Use sat auth to authenticate to the API gateway within SAT.

    If SAT has already been authenticated to the API gateway, this step may be skipped.

    See the “SAT Authentication” section in the HPE Cray EX System Admin Toolkit (SAT) product stream documentation (S-8031) for instructions on how to acquire a SAT authentication token.

  3. Determine which Boot Orchestration Service (BOS) templates to use to shut down compute nodes and UANs.

    There will be separate session template for UANs and computes nodes.

    1. List all the session templates.

      If it is unclear what session template is in use, proceed to the next substep.

      ncn# cray bos sessiontemplate list
    2. Find the xname with sat status.

      ncn# sat status | grep "Compute\|Application"

      Example output:

      | x3000c0s19b1n0 | Node | 1        | On    | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Compute     | Sling    |
      | x3000c0s19b2n0 | Node | 2        | On    | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Compute     | Sling    |
      | x3000c0s19b3n0 | Node | 3        | On    | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Compute     | Sling    |
      | x3000c0s19b4n0 | Node | 4        | On    | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Compute     | Sling    |
      | x3000c0s27b0n0 | Node | 49169248 | On    | OK   | True    | X86  | River | Application | Sling    |
    3. Find the bos_session value via the Configuration Framework Service (CFS).

      ncn# cray cfs components describe XNAME --format toml | grep bos_session

      Example output:

      bos_session = "e98cdc5d-3f2d-4fc8-a6e4-1d301d37f52f"
    4. Find the required templateUuid value with BOS.

      ncn# cray bos session describe BOS_SESSION --format toml | grep templateUuid

      Example output:

      templateUuid = "compute-nid1-4-sessiontemplate"
    5. Determine the list of xnames associated with the desired boot session template.

      ncn# cray bos sessiontemplate describe SESSION_TEMPLATE_NAME --format toml | grep node_list

      Example output:

      node_list = [ "x3000c0s19b1n0", "x3000c0s19b2n0", "x3000c0s19b3n0", "x3000c0s19b4n0",]
  4. Use sat to capture state of the system before the shutdown.

    ncn# sat bootsys shutdown --stage capture-state
  5. Optional system health checks.

    1. Use the System Dump Utility (SDU) to capture current state of system before the shutdown.

      Important: SDU takes about 15 minutes to run on a small system (longer for large systems).

      ncn# sdu --scenario triage --start_time '-4 hours' \
               --reason "saving state before powerdown"
    2. Capture the state of all nodes.

      ncn# sat status | tee
    3. Capture the list of disabled nodes.

      ncn# sat status --filter Enabled=false | tee sat.status.disabled
    4. Capture the list of nodes that are off.

      ncn# sat status --filter State=Off | tee
    5. Capture the state of nodes in the workload manager.

      For example, if the system uses Slurm:

      ncn# ssh uan01 sinfo | tee uan01.sinfo
    6. Capture the list of down nodes in the workload manager and the reason.

      For example, if the system uses Slurm:

      ncn# ssh nid000001-nmn sinfo --list-reasons | tee sinfo.reasons
    7. Check Ceph status.

      ncn# ceph -s | tee ceph.status
    8. Check Kubernetes pod status for all pods.

      ncn# kubectl get pods -o wide -A | tee k8s.pods

      Additional Kubernetes status check examples:

      ncn# kubectl get pods -o wide -A | egrep  "CrashLoopBackOff" > k8s.pods.CLBO
      ncn# kubectl get pods -o wide -A | egrep  "ContainerCreating" > k8s.pods.CC
      ncn# kubectl get pods -o wide -A | egrep -v "Run|Completed" > k8s.pods.errors
    9. Check HSN status.

      Determine the name of the slingshot-fabric-manager pod:

      ncn# kubectl get pods -l -n services

      Example output:

      NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      slingshot-fabric-manager-5dc448779c-d8n6q   2/2     Running   0          4d21h

      Run fmn_status in the slingshot-fabric-manager pod and save the output to a file:

      ncn# kubectl exec -it -n services slingshot-fabric-manager-5dc448779c-d8n6q \
                   -c slingshot-fabric-manager -- fmn_status --details | tee fabric.status
    10. Check management switches to verify they are reachable (switch host names depend on system configuration).

      ncn# for switch in sw-leaf-00{1,2} sw-spine-00{1,2} sw-cdu-00{1,2}; do
               while true; do
                   ping -c 1 $switch > /dev/null && break
                   echo "switch $switch is not yet up"
                   sleep 5
               echo "switch $switch is up"
           done | tee switches
    11. Check Lustre server health.

      ncn# ssh
      admin@cls01234n00# cscli show_nodes
    12. From a node which has the Lustre file system mounted, run the following commands:

      uan01:~ # lfs check servers
      uan01:~ # lfs df
  6. Check for running sessions.

    ncn# sat bootsys shutdown --stage session-checks | tee sat.session-checks

    Example output:

    Checking for active BOS sessions.
    Found no active BOS sessions.
    Checking for active CFS sessions.
    Found no active CFS sessions.
    Checking for active CRUS upgrades.
    Found no active CRUS upgrades.
    Checking for active FAS actions.
    Found no active FAS actions.
    Checking for active NMD dumps.
    Found no active NMD dumps.
    No active sessions exist. It is safe to proceed with the shutdown procedure.

    If active sessions are running, either wait for them to complete or cancel the session. See the following step.

  7. Cancel the running BOS sessions.

    1. Identify the BOS Sessions and associated BOA Kubernetes jobs to delete.

      Determine which BOS session(s) to cancel. To cancel a BOS session, kill its associated Boot Orchestration Agent (BOA) Kubernetes job.

      To find a list of BOA jobs that are still running:

      ncn# kubectl -n services get jobs|egrep -i "boa|Name"

      Output similar to the following will be returned:

      NAME                                       COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
      boa-0216d2d9-b2bc-41b0-960d-165d2af7a742   0/1           36m        36m
      boa-0dbd7adb-fe53-4cda-bf0b-c47b0c111c9f   1/1           36m        3d5h
      boa-4274b117-826a-4d8b-ac20-800fcac9afcc   1/1           36m        3d7h
      boa-504dd626-d566-4f58-9974-3c50573146d6   1/1           8m47s      3d5h
      boa-bae3fc19-7d91-44fc-a1ad-999e03f1daef   1/1           36m        3d7h
      boa-bd95dc0b-8cb2-4ad4-8673-bb4cc8cae9b0   1/1           36m        3d7h
      boa-ccdd1c29-cbd2-45df-8e7f-540d0c9cf453   1/1           35m        3d5h
      boa-e0543eb5-3445-4ee0-93ec-c53e3d1832ce   1/1           36m        3d5h
      boa-e0fca5e3-b671-4184-aa21-84feba50e85f   1/1           36m        3d5h

      Any job with a 0/1 COMPLETIONS column is still running and is a candidate to be forcibly deleted. The BOA Job ID appears in the NAME column.

    2. Clean up prior to BOA job deletion.

      The BOA pod mounts a ConfigMap under the name boot-session at the directory /mnt/boot_session inside the pod. This ConfigMap has a random UUID name like e0543eb5-3445-4ee0-93ec-c53e3d1832ce. Prior to deleting a BOA job, delete its ConfigMap. Find the BOA job’s ConfigMap with the following command:

      ncn# kubectl -n services describe job <BOA Job ID> |grep ConfigMap -A 1 -B 1


      ncn# kubectl -n services describe job boa-0216d2d9-b2bc-41b0-960d-165d2af7a742 |grep ConfigMap -A 1 -B 1

      Example output:

          Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
          Name:      e0543eb5-3445-4ee0-93ec-c53e3d1832ce    <<< ConfigMap name. Delete this one.
          Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
          Name:      cray-configmap-ca-public-key

      Delete the ConfigMap associated with the boot-session, not the ca-pubkey.

      To delete the ConfigMap:

      ncn# kubectl -n services delete cm <ConfigMap name>


      ncn# kubectl -n services delete cm e0543eb5-3445-4ee0-93ec-c53e3d1832ce

      Example output:

      configmap "e0543eb5-3445-4ee0-93ec-c53e3d1832ce" deleted
    3. Delete the BOA jobs.

      ncn# kubectl -n services delete job <BOA JOB ID>

      This will kill the BOA job and the BOS session associated with it.

      When a job is killed, BOA will no longer attempt to execute the operation it was attempting to perform. This does not mean that nothing continues to happen. If BOA has instructed a node to power on, the node will continue to power even after the BOA job has been killed.

    4. Delete the BOS session. BOS keeps track of sessions in its database. These entries need to be deleted. The BOS Session ID is the same as the BOA Job ID minus the prepended ‘boa-’ string. Use the following command to delete the BOS database entry.

      ncn# cray bos session delete <session ID>


      ncn# cray bos session delete 0216d2d9-b2bc-41b0-960d-165d2af7a742
  8. Coordinate with the site to prevent new sessions from starting in the services listed.

    There is no method to prevent new sessions from being created as long as the service APIs are accessible on the API gateway.

  9. Follow the vendor workload manager documentation to drain processes running on compute nodes. For Slurm, the see scontrol man page. For PBS Professional, see the pbsnodes man page.

Next step

Return to System Power Off Procedures and continue with next step.