security and authentication


  1. API Authorization
  2. Access the Keycloak User Management UI
  3. Add LDAP User Federation
  4. Audit Logs
  5. Authenticate an Account with the Command Line
  6. Backup and Restore Vault Clusters
  7. Certificate Types
  8. Change Air-Cooled Node BMC Credentials
  9. Change Credentials on ServerTech PDUs
  10. Change Cray EX Liquid-Cooled Cabinet Global Default Password
  11. Change NCN Image Root Password and SSH Keys
  12. Change NCN Image Root Password and SSH Keys on PIT Node
  13. Change Root Passwords for Compute Nodes
  14. Change SNMP Credentials on Leaf Switches
  15. Change the Keycloak Admin Password
  16. Change the LDAP Server IP Address for Existing LDAP Server Content
  17. Change the LDAP Server IP Address for New LDAP Server Content
  18. Configure Keycloak for LDAP/AD authentication
  19. Configure the RSA Plugin in Keycloak
  20. Create Internal Groups in the Keycloak Shasta Realm
  21. Create Internal User Accounts in the Keycloak Shasta Realm
  22. Create a Backup of the Keycloak Postgres Database
  23. Create a Service Account in Keycloak
  24. Default Keycloak Realms, Accounts, and Clients
  25. Delete Internal User Accounts in the Keycloak Shasta Realm
  26. Get a Long-Lived Token for a Service Account
  27. HashiCorp Vault
  28. Keycloak Operations
  29. Make HTTPS Requests from Sources Outside the Management Kubernetes Cluster
  30. Manage Sealed Secrets
  31. Manage System Passwords
  32. PKI Certificate Authority (CA)
  33. PKI Services
  34. Preserve Username Capitalization for Users Exported from Keycloak
  35. Provisioning a Liquid-Cooled EX Cabinet CEC with Default Credentials
  36. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  37. Recovering from Mismatched BMC Credentials
  38. Remove Internal Groups from the Keycloak Shasta Realm
  39. Remove the Email Mapper from the LDAP User Federation
  40. Remove the LDAP User Federation from Keycloak
  41. Restrict Network Access to the ncn-images S3 Bucket
  42. Re-Sync Keycloak Users to Compute Nodes
  43. Retrieve an Authentication Token
  44. Retrieve the Client Secret for Service Accounts
  45. SSH Keys
  46. System Security and Authentication
  47. Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Ingress Services
  48. Troubleshoot Common Vault Cluster Issues
  49. Update Default Air-Cooled BMC and Leaf Switch SNMP Credentials
  50. Update Default ServerTech PDU Credentials used by the Redfish Translation Service (RTS)
  51. Update NCN Passwords
  52. Updating the Liquid-Cooled EX Cabinet CEC with Default Credentials after a CEC Password Change