Audit Logs


Audit logs are used to monitor the system and search for suspicious behavior. Host and Kubernetes API audit logging can be enabled to produce extra audit logs for analysis. Enabling audit logging is optional. If enabled it generates some load and data on the non-compute nodes (NCNs).

By default, host and Kubernetes API audit logging are not enabled. It is not required for both to be enabled or disabled at the same time.

Host audit logs are stored in the /var/log/audit/HostOS directory on each NCN. Host audit logging uses a maximum of 60GB on each NCN when using log rotation settings. The log rotation settings are enabled after editing the CSI settings and rebooting the NCNs.

The Kubernetes API audit logs are stored in the /var/log/audit/kl8s/apiserver directory on each master NCN. Kubernetes API audit logging uses a maximum of 1GB on each master NCN when using log rotation settings.

Enable or disable audit logging for host and Kubernetes APIs

The method for updating the audit log settings varies depending on the state of the system.

Select one of the following options to enable audit logging based on the installation status of the system. For each of the following options, only enable the desired level of audit logging. It is not required to enable both.

Enable audit logging during CSM install, from the PIT node

NOTE: This step needs to happen at the same time that csi config init is normally run during the install.

To update the audit log settings during the installation, use one of the following options:

Use csi tool

During the installation, audit logging is enabled or disabled by modifying the CSI settings. To enable or disable audit logging, use the following flags with the csi config init command. For more information on using flags, see csi config init -h.

  • Host audit logging

    Set to true to enable host logging or to false to disable host logging.

    pit# csi config init --ncn-mgmt-node-auditing-enabled=true [other config init options]
  • Kubernetes API audit logging

    Set to true to enable Kubernetes API logging or to false to disable Kubernetes API logging.

    pit# csi config init --k8s-api-auditing-enabled=true [other config init options]

Edit system_config.yaml

Adjust the audit log settings by editing the system_config.yaml file.

View the current settings with the following command:

pit# cd /var/www/ephemeral/prep
pit# grep audit system_config.yaml

Example output:

k8s-api-auditing-enabled: false
ncn-mgmt-node-auditing-enabled: false

Enable audit logging after CSM install

Choose either of the following options:

Use csi tool from ncn-m001

Enable audit logging using the csi tool on ncn-m001.

  1. Install the csi tool on ncn-m001, if it is not already installed.

    If the csi command is not installed on ncn-m001, then locate the cray-site-init RPM on ncn-m001 and install it.

    ncn-m001# find /mnt/pitdata -name cray-site-init*
    ncn-m001# rpm -Uvh --force <rpm file path>

    It is also possible to enable audit logging without csi. See Modify BSS from a Kubernetes NCN.

  2. Enable audit logging.

    • Host audit logging

      ncn-m001# TOKEN=$(curl -k -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
                          -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                          https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token') \
                          csi handoff bss-update-param --limit <mgmt-node-xname> --set ncn-mgmt-node-auditing-enabled=true
    • Kubernetes API audit logging

      ncn-m001# TOKEN=$(curl -k -s -S -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=admin-client \
                          -d client_secret=`kubectl get secrets admin-client-auth -o jsonpath='{.data.client-secret}' | base64 -d` \
                          https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/keycloak/realms/shasta/protocol/openid-connect/token | jq -r '.access_token') \
                          csi handoff bss-update-param --limit <mgmt-node-xname> --set k8s-api-auditing-enabled=true

Modify BSS from a Kubernetes NCN

Enable audit logging with Boot Script Service (BSS) parameters.

  1. Configure the Cray CLI, if it is not already.

    See Configure the Cray CLI.

  2. Enable audit logging.

    • Host audit logging

      ncn-mw# XNAME=<node_xname>
      ncn-mw# PARAMS=$(cray bss bootparameters list --hosts "${XNAME}" --format json | jq '.[] |."params"' | tr -d \")
      ncn-mw# PARAMS="$PARAMS ncn-mgmt-node-auditing-enabled=true"
      ncn-mw# cray bss bootparameters update --hosts "${XNAME}" --params "${PARAMS}"
    • Kubernetes API audit logging

      ncn-mw# XNAME=<node_xname>
      ncn-mw# PARAMS=$(cray bss bootparameters list --hosts "${XNAME}" --format json | jq '.[] |."params"' | tr -d \")
      ncn-mw# PARAMS="$PARAMS k8s-api-auditing-enabled=true"
      ncn-mw# cray bss bootparameters update --hosts "${XNAME}" --params "${PARAMS}"

Verify that audit logging is enabled

Changes made post-install will not be reflected until after the NCN is rebooted.

  • Host audit logging

    ncn# craysys metadata get ncn-mgmt-node-auditing-enabled
  • Kubernetes API audit logging

    ncn# craysys metadata get k8s-api-auditing-enabled

Restart NCNs in order to make settings take effect

This section is only necessary if the audit logging settings were changed after the CSM install. If the desired audit logging settings were made as part of the CSM install, then skip this section.

Restart each NCN to apply the new settings after the CSI setting is changed.

Follow the Reboot NCNs procedure.