Backup and Restore Vault Clusters

View the existing Vault backups on the system and use a completed backup to perform a restore operation.

Velero is used to perform a nightly backup of Vault. The backup includes Kubernetes object state, in addition to pod volume data for the Vault statefulset. For more information on Velero, refer to the external Velero documentation.

CAUTION: A restore operation should only be performed in extreme situations. Performing a restore from a backup may cause secrets stored in Vault to change to an earlier state or get out of sync.


  • All of the steps listed in this section should be performed from a Kubernetes master or worker node.
  • Ceph must be healthy to maximize the chance of a successful restore.

View backup schedules and completed backups

  1. View the backup schedules.

    ncn-mw# velero get schedule

    Example output:

    NAME                 STATUS    CREATED                         SCHEDULE    BACKUP TTL   LAST BACKUP   SELECTOR
    vault-daily-backup   Enabled   2021-01-26 14:14:04 +0000 UTC   0 2 * * *   0s           19h ago       vault_cr=cray-vault
  2. View the completed backups.

    ncn-mw# velero get backup

    Example output:

    NAME                                STATUS      ERRORS   WARNINGS   CREATED                         EXPIRES   STORAGE LOCATION   SELECTOR
    vault-daily-backup-20210217020038   Completed   0        0          2021-02-17 02:00:38 +0000 UTC   29d       default            vault_cr=cray-vault
    vault-daily-backup-20210216020035   Completed   0        0          2021-02-16 02:00:35 +0000 UTC   28d       default            vault_cr=cray-vault
    vault-daily-backup-20210215020035   Completed   0        0          2021-02-15 02:00:35 +0000 UTC   27d       default            vault_cr=cray-vault
  3. View the details of a completed backup.

    Replace the BACKUP_NAME value with the name of a backup returned in the previous step.

    ncn-mw# velero describe backup BACKUP_NAME --details

    Example output:

    Name:         vault-daily-backup-20210217020038
    Namespace:    velero
    Phase:  Completed
    Errors:    0
    Warnings:  0
      Included:  vault
      Excluded:  <none>
      Included:        pv, pvc, secret, sealedsecret, vault, configmap, deployment, service, statefulset, pod, ingress, replicaset
      Excluded:        <none>
      Cluster-scoped:  included
    Label selector:  vault_cr=cray-vault
    Storage Location:  default
    Velero-Native Snapshot PVs:  auto
    TTL:  720h0m0s
    Hooks:  <none>
    Backup Format Version:  1.1.0
    Started:    2021-02-17 02:00:38 +0000 UTC
    Completed:  2021-02-17 02:00:52 +0000 UTC
    Expiration:  2021-03-19 02:00:38 +0000 UTC
    Total items to be backed up:  21
    Items backed up:              21
    Resource List:
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer-56df7f768d
        - vault/cray-vault
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer
        - vault/cray-vault-statsd-mapping
        - pvc-0ea5065b-d5e1-45f9-8b54-b8f56281b81b
        - pvc-34d11110-1ff3-4267-8e66-696045f35af4
        - pvc-e3d07b75-1b27-4a55-b8d5-8e57857ad619
        - vault/vault-raft-cray-vault-0
        - vault/vault-raft-cray-vault-1
        - vault/vault-raft-cray-vault-2
        - vault/cray-vault-0
        - vault/cray-vault-1
        - vault/cray-vault-2
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer-56df7f768d-z2wzn
        - vault/cray-vault-unseal-keys
        - vault/cray-vault
        - vault/cray-vault-0
        - vault/cray-vault-1
        - vault/cray-vault-2
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer
    Velero-Native Snapshots: <none included>
    Restic Backups:
        vault/cray-vault-0: vault-raft
        vault/cray-vault-1: vault-raft
        vault/cray-vault-2: vault-raft

Restore from a backup

  1. Verify the backup being restored contains a manifest of resources and Restic volume backups.

    Object names will vary.

    ncn-mw# velero describe backup BACKUP_NAME --details

    Example output:

    Name:         vault-daily-backup-20210217020038
    Namespace:    velero
    Phase:  Completed
    Errors:    0
    Warnings:  0
      Included:  vault
      Excluded:  <none>
      Included:        pv, pvc, secret, sealedsecret, vault, configmap, deployment, service, statefulset, pod, ingress, replicaset
      Excluded:        <none>
      Cluster-scoped:  included
    Label selector:  vault_cr=cray-vault
    Storage Location:  default
    Velero-Native Snapshot PVs:  auto
    TTL:  720h0m0s
    Hooks:  <none>
    Backup Format Version:  1.1.0
    Started:    2021-02-17 02:00:38 +0000 UTC
    Completed:  2021-02-17 02:00:52 +0000 UTC
    Expiration:  2021-03-19 02:00:38 +0000 UTC
    Total items to be backed up:  21
    Items backed up:              21
    Resource List:
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer-56df7f768d
        - vault/cray-vault
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer
        - vault/cray-vault-statsd-mapping
        - pvc-0ea5065b-d5e1-45f9-8b54-b8f56281b81b
        - pvc-34d11110-1ff3-4267-8e66-696045f35af4
        - pvc-e3d07b75-1b27-4a55-b8d5-8e57857ad619
        - vault/vault-raft-cray-vault-0
        - vault/vault-raft-cray-vault-1
        - vault/vault-raft-cray-vault-2
        - vault/cray-vault-0
        - vault/cray-vault-1
        - vault/cray-vault-2
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer-56df7f768d-z2wzn
        - vault/cray-vault-unseal-keys
        - vault/cray-vault
        - vault/cray-vault-0
        - vault/cray-vault-1
        - vault/cray-vault-2
        - vault/cray-vault-configurer
    Velero-Native Snapshots: <none included>
    Restic Backups:
        vault/cray-vault-0: vault-raft
        vault/cray-vault-1: vault-raft
        vault/cray-vault-2: vault-raft
  2. Scale down the Vault operator.

    This will prevent it from attempting to reconcile the instance while the restore is in progress.

    1. Submit the request to scale down the Vault operator.

      ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault scale deployment cray-vault-operator --replicas=0

      Example output:

      deployment.apps/cray-vault-operator scaled
    2. Verify that the changes were successfully made.

      ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault get deployment

      Example output:

      NAME                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      cray-vault-operator   0/0     0            0           19h
  3. Delete the Vault instance.

    This is done to minimize the risk of Vault being in a partially restored state.

    Vault will be inaccessible (if not already) after running the following commands.

    ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault delete vault -l vault_cr=cray-vault
    ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault delete pvc -l vault_cr=cray-vault
    ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault delete secret -l vault_cr=cray-vault
  4. Submit the restore action.

    Monitor the progress of the restore job until it is in a completed phase. The progress can be viewed by using the logs command shown in the output.

    ncn-mw# velero restore create --from-backup BACKUP_NAME

    Example output:

    Restore request "vault-daily-backup-20210217100000" submitted successfully.
    Run `velero restore describe vault-daily-backup-20210217100000` or `velero restore logs vault-daily-backup-20210217100000` for more details.
  5. Scale the Vault operator back to one replica.

    1. Submit the request to scale the Vault operator.

      ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault scale deployment cray-vault-operator --replicas=1

      Example output:

      deployment.apps/cray-vault-operator scaled
    2. Verify that the changes were successfully made.

      ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault get deployment

      Example output:

      NAME                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
      cray-vault-operator   1/1     1            1           19h
  6. If necessary, delete the Vault pods and allow the operator to restart them.

    The pods need to be manually restarted if the Vault statefulset pods are in CrashLoopBackOff after 5-10 minutes of performing the restore operation. The Vault statefulset pods normally go through a number of restarts on a clean start-up.

    1. Check that the pods are in a CrashLoopBackOff state.

      ncn-mw# kubectl -n vault get pod -o wide -l vault_cr=cray-vault

      Example output:

      NAME                                     READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE     IP           NODE       NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
      cray-vault-0                             4/5     CrashLoopBackOff   9          30m   ncn-w001   <none>           <none>
      cray-vault-1                             4/5     CrashLoopBackOff   9          30m   ncn-w002   <none>           <none>
      cray-vault-2                             4/5     CrashLoopBackOff   9          30m   ncn-w003   <none>           <none>
      cray-vault-configurer-56df7f768d-c228k   2/2     Running            0          30m    ncn-w001   <none>           <none>
    2. Delete the pods to restart them.

      ncn-mw# kubectl delete pod -n vault -l vault_cr=cray-vault

      Example output:

      pod "cray-vault-0" deleted
      pod "cray-vault-1" deleted
      pod "cray-vault-2" deleted
      pod "cray-vault-configurer-56df7f768d-c228k" deleted
    3. Verify that the pods are in a Running state.

      ncn-mw# kubectl get pod -n vault -l vault_cr=cray-vault

      Example output:

      NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      cray-vault-0                             5/5     Running   2          105s
      cray-vault-1                             5/5     Running   2          67s
      cray-vault-2                             5/5     Running   2          38s
      cray-vault-configurer-56df7f768d-c7mk2   2/2     Running   0          2m21s