Change Air-Cooled Node BMC Credentials

This procedure will use the System Configuration Service (SCSD) to change all air-cooled Node BMCs in the system to the same global credential.


All air-cooled and liquid-cooled BMCs share the same global credentials. The air-cooled Slingshot switch controllers (Router BMCs) must have the same credentials as the liquid-cooled Slingshot switch controllers.



  1. Set the NEW_BMC_CREDENTIAL to specify the new root user password for air-cooled node BMCs.

    ncn-m001# read -s NEW_BMC_CREDENTIAL
    ncn-m001# echo $NEW_BMC_CREDENTIAL

    Expected output:

  2. Create an SCSD payload file to change all air-cooled node BMCs to the same global credential.

    ncn-m001# cat > bmc_creds_glb.json <<DATA
        "Username": "root",
        "Password": "$NEW_BMC_CREDENTIAL",
        $(cray hsm state components list --class River --type NodeBMC --format json | jq -r '[.Components[] | .ID]')
  3. Inspect the generated SCSD payload file.

    ncn-m001# cat bmc_creds_glb.json | jq
  4. Apply the new BMC credentials.

    ncn-m001# cray scsd bmc globalcreds create ./bmc_creds_glb.json

    Troubleshooting: If the above command has any components that do not have the status of OK, they must be retried until they work, or the retries are exhausted and noted as failures. Failed modules need to be taken out of the system until they are fixed.

  5. Perform a rediscovery on the BMCs that had their credentials changed.

    ncn-m001# cray hsm inventory discover create --xnames $(cat bmc_creds_glb.json | jq '.Targets | join(",")' -r)
  6. Wait for DiscoverOK for all of the BMCs that had their credentials changed.

    The following command may need to be re-run multiple times until all BMCs are DiscoverOK.

    ncn-m001# for bmc in $(cat bmc_creds_glb.json | jq '.Targets[]' -r); do
                echo "Checking Discovery Status for $bmc"
                cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe $bmc --format json | jq .DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus -r

    Example output:

    Checking Discovery Status for x3000c0s20b0
    Checking Discovery Status for x3000c0s3b0