Prior to CSM 1.2.5 there is no mechanism to automatically update the spire intermediate CA certificate before it expires. This certificate expires after one year. Administrators will want to keep track of when this certificate expires and manually update the certificate before it expires.
To obtain the expiration date of the Spire intermediate CA certificate, run the
following command on a node that has access to kubectl
(such as ncn-m001
ncn# kubectl get secret -n spire -o json | jq -r '.data."tls.crt" | @base64d' | openssl x509 -noout -enddate
Delete the secret that stores the certificate.
ncn# SPIRE_INTERMEDIATE_JOB=$(kubectl get job -n vault -o name| grep 'spire-intermediate' | tail -n1)
ncn# kubectl get secrets -n spire -o yaml >
ncn# kubectl delete secret -n spire
Re-run the job that obtains the secret and creates the certificate.
ncn# kubectl get -n vault "$SPIRE_INTERMEDIATE_JOB" -o json | jq 'del(.spec.selector,.spec.template.metadata.labels)' | kubectl replace --force -f -
After the
secret in the spire
namespace has been
repopulated, roll the spire-server to make sure all of them pick up
the new CA.
ncn# kubectl rollout restart -n spire statefulset spire-server
Any spire-agent
in the CrashLoopBackOff
state should come back into a Running
state the
next time they are started. If you do not wish to wait for them to be restarted
automatically, then you can delete the spire-agent
pod, which will cause a new
one to start up in its place.
Enable the NCNs to rejoin Spire.
ncn# kubectl rollout restart -n spire daemonset request-ncn-join-token
Re-run the command to get the certificate’s expiration date to verify that it has been updated.
ncn# kubectl get secret -n spire -o json | jq -r '.data."tls.crt" | @base64d' | openssl x509 -noout -enddate