Use the System Configuration Service (SCSD) to set the BMCs credentials to unique values, or set them all to the same value. Redfish BMCs get installed into the system with default credentials. Once the machine is shipped, the Redfish credentials must be changed on all BMCs. This is done using System Configuration Service (SCSD) through the Cray CLI.
Important: If the credentials for other devices need to be changed, refer to the following device-specific credential changing procedures:
Determine the live BMCs in the system.
The list of BMCs must include air-cooled compute BMCs, air-cooled High Speed Network (HSN) switch BMCs, liquid-cooled compute BMCs, liquid-cooled switch BMCs, and liquid-cooled chassis BMCs.
ncn-m001# for fff in `cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints list --format json \
| jq '.RedfishEndpoints[] | select(.FQDN | contains("-rts") | not) | \
select(.DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus == "DiscoverOK") | select(.Enabled==true) | .ID' \
| sed 's/"//g'`
echo "Pinging ${fff}..." ;
xxx=`curl -k https://${fff}/redfish/v1/`
[[ "${xxx}" != "" ]] && echo "PRESENT" || echo "NOT PRESENT"
Create a new JSON file containing the BMC credentials for all BMCs returned in the previous step.
Select one of the options below to set the credentials for the BMCs:
Set all BMCs with the same credentials.
Example file contents:
"Force": false,
"Username": "root",
"Password": "new.root.password"
"Targets": [
Set all BMCs with different credentials.
Example file contents:
"Force": true,
"Targets": [
"Xname": "x0c0s0b0",
"Creds": {
"Username": "root",
"Password": "pw-x0c0s0b0"
"Xname": "x0c0s0b1",
"Creds": {
"Username": "root",
"Password": "pw-x0c0s0b1"
Apply the new BMC credentials.
Use only one of the following options depending on how the credentials are being set:
Apply global credentials to BMCs with the same credentials.
Apply the new BMC credentials.
ncn-m001# cray scsd bmc globalcreds create ./bmc_creds_glb.json
Perform a rediscovery on the BMCs that had their credentials changed.
ncn-m001# cray hsm inventory discover create --xnames $(cat bmc_creds_glb.json | jq '.Targets | join(",")' -r)
Wait for DiscoverOK
for all of the BMCs that had their credentials changed.
It may be necessary to run the following command multiple times until all BMCs are DiscoverOK
ncn-m001# for bmc in $(cat bmc_creds_glb.json | jq '.Targets[]' -r); do
echo "Checking Discovery Status for $bmc"
cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe $bmc --format json | jq .DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus -r
Example output:
Checking Discovery Status for x0c0s0b0
Checking Discovery Status for x0c0s1b0
Apply discrete credentials to BMCs with different credentials.
Apply the new BMC credentials.
ncn-m001# cray scsd bmc discreetcreds create ./bmc_creds_dsc.json
Perform a rediscovery on the BMCs that had their credentials changed.
ncn-m001# cray hsm inventory discover create --xnames $(cat bmc_creds_glb.json | jq '[.Targets[].Xname] | join(",")' -r)
Wait for DiscoverOK
for all of the BMCs that had their credentials changed.
It may be necessary to run the following command multiple times until all BMCs are DiscoverOK
ncn-m001# for bmc in $(cat bmc_creds_glb.json | jq '[.Targets[].Xname] | join(",")' -r); do
echo "Checking Discovery Status for $bmc"
cray hsm inventory redfishEndpoints describe $bmc --format json | jq .DiscoveryInfo.LastDiscoveryStatus -r
Example output:
Checking Discovery Status for x0c0s0b0
Checking Discovery Status for x0c0s0b1
Troubleshooting: If either command has any components that do not have the status of OK
, they must be retried until
they work, or the retries are exhausted and noted as failures. Failed modules need to be taken out of the system until
they are fixed.