UAS user and admin topics


  1. Add a Volume to UAS
  2. Broker Mode UAI Management
  3. Configure End-User UAI Classes for Broker Mode
  4. Configure UAIs in UAS
  5. Configure a Broker UAI Class
  6. Configure a Default UAI Class for Legacy Mode
  7. Create UAIs From Specific UAI Images in Legacy Mode
  8. Create a UAI
  9. Create a UAI Class
  10. Create a UAI Resource Specification
  11. Create a UAI Using a Direct Administrative Command
  12. Create a UAI with Additional Ports
  13. Create and Register a Custom UAI Image
  14. Create and Use Default UAIs in Legacy Mode
  15. Customize End-User UAI Images
  16. Customize the Broker UAI Image
  17. Delete a UAI
  18. Delete a UAI Class
  19. Delete a UAI Image Registration
  20. Delete a UAI Resource Specification
  21. Delete a UAI Using an Administrative Command
  22. Delete a Volume Configuration
  23. Elements of a UAI
  24. End-User UAIs
  25. Examine a UAI Using a Direct Administrative Command
  26. Legacy Mode User-Driven UAI Management
  27. List Available UAI Classes
  28. List Available UAI Images in Legacy Mode
  29. List Registered UAI Images
  30. List UAI Resource Specifications
  31. List UAIs
  32. List UAS Information
  33. List Volumes Registered in UAS
  34. List and Delete All UAIs
  35. Log in to a Broker UAI
  36. Log in to a User’s UAI to Troubleshoot Issues
  37. Modify a UAI Class
  38. Obtain the Configuration of a UAS Volume
  39. Register a UAI Image
  40. Reset the UAS Configuration to Original Installed Settings
  41. Resource Specifications
  42. Retrieve Resource Specification Details
  43. Retrieve UAI Image Registration Information
  44. Select and Configure Host Nodes for UAIs
  45. Special Purpose UAIs
  46. Start a Broker UAI
  47. Troubleshoot Common Mistakes when Creating a Custom End-User UAI Image
  48. Troubleshoot Duplicate Mount Paths in a UAI
  49. Troubleshoot Missing or Incorrect UAI Images
  50. Troubleshoot Stale Brokered UAIs
  51. Troubleshoot UAI Authentication Issues
  52. Troubleshoot UAI Stuck in “ContainerCreating”
  53. Troubleshoot UAIs by Viewing Log Output
  54. Troubleshoot UAIs with Administrative Access
  55. Troubleshoot UAS Issues
  56. Troubleshoot UAS by Viewing Log Output
  57. UAI Classes
  58. UAI Host Node Selection
  59. UAI Host Nodes
  60. UAI Images
  61. UAI Management
  62. UAI Network Attachments
  63. UAI macvlans Network Attachments
  64. UAS Limitations
  65. UAS and UAI Health Checks
  66. Update a Resource Specification
  67. Update a UAI Image Registration
  68. Update a UAS Volume
  69. User Access Service (UAS)
  70. View a UAI Class
  71. Volumes