Retrieve UAI Image Registration Information

Use this procedure to obtain the default and imagename values for a UAI image that has been registered with UAS. This procedure can also be used to confirm that a specific image ID is still registered with UAS.

This procedure returns the same information as List Registered UAI Images, but only for one image.


Obtain a valid UAS image ID.


  1. Obtain the image ID for a UAI that has been registered with UAS.

  2. Query UAS for the registration details for a specific registered UAI.

    ncn-m001-pit# cray uas admin config images describe 8fdf5d4a-c190-24c1-2b96-74ab98c7ec07
    default = false
    image_id = "8fdf5d4a-c190-24c1-2b96-74ab98c7ec07"
    imagename = "registry.local/cray/custom-end-user-uai:latest"