Troubleshoot UAIs by Viewing Log Output

Sometimes a UAI will come up and run but will not work correctly. It is possible to see errors reported by elements of the UAI entrypoint script using the kubectl logs command. First find the UAI of interest. This starts by identifying the UAI name using the CLI:

ncn-m001-pit# cray uas admin uais list
uai_age = "4h30m"
uai_connect_string = "ssh broker@"
uai_host = "ncn-w001"
uai_img = ""
uai_ip = ""
uai_msg = ""
uai_name = "uai-broker-2e6ce6b7"
uai_status = "Running: Ready"
username = "broker"

uai_age = "1h12m"
uai_connect_string = "ssh vers@"
uai_host = "ncn-w001"
uai_img = ""
uai_ip = ""
uai_msg = ""
uai_name = "uai-vers-6da50e7a"
uai_status = "Running: Ready"
username = "vers"

Using this, find the UAI in question, remembering that end-user UAIs run in the user Kubernetes namespace and broker UAIs run in the uas Kubernetes namespace.

ncn-m001-pit# kubectl get po -n user | grep uai-vers-6da50e7a
uai-vers-6da50e7a-54dbc99fdd-csxmk     1/1     Running   0          76m


ncn-m001-pit# kubectl get po -n uas | grep uai-broker-2e6ce6b7
uai-broker-2e6ce6b7-68d78c6c95-s28dh     2/2     Running   0          4h34m

Using the UAI’s pod name and the user namespace, get the logs:

ncn-m001-pit# kubectl logs -n user uai-vers-6da50e7a-54dbc99fdd-csxmk uai-vers-6da50e7a
Setting up passwd and group entries for vers
Setting profile for vers
Adding vers to groups
Disabling password based login
passwd: password expiry information changed.
Checking to see if /home/users/vers exists
If this hangs, please ensure that /home/users/vers is properly mounted/working on the host of this pod
No home directory exists, creating one
Checking for munge.key
Setting up munge.key
Check for pbs.conf
Generating ssh keys and sshd_config
ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519

This can also be done for the broker using the broker UAI pod’s name and the uas namespace:

ncn-m001-pit# kubectl logs -n uas uai-broker-2e6ce6b7-68d78c6c95-s28dh uai-broker-2e6ce6b7
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (C.UTF-8)
Configure PAM to use sssd...
Generating broker host keys...
ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519
Checking for UAI_CREATION_CLASS...
Starting sshd...
Starting sssd...
(Wed Feb  3 18:34:41:792821 2021) [sssd] [sss_ini_get_config] (0x0020): Config merge error: Directory /etc/sssd/conf.d does not exist.

The above is from a successful broker starting and running.