Manage Ceph Services

The following commands are required to start, stop, or restart Ceph services. Restarting Ceph services is helpful for troubleshoot issues with the utility storage platform.

List Ceph services

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch ps
NAME                             HOST      STATUS        REFRESHED  AGE  VERSION  IMAGE NAME                        IMAGE ID      CONTAINER ID
mds.cephfs.ncn-s001.zwptsg       ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  bb08bcb2f034
mds.cephfs.ncn-s002.qyvoyv       ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  32c3ff10be42
mds.cephfs.ncn-s003.vvsuvy       ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  e172b979c747
mgr.ncn-s001                     ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  ad887936d37f
mgr.ncn-s002                     ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  80902ae9010c
mgr.ncn-s003                     ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  28700bb4053e
mon.ncn-s001                     ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  af8d64f9df8a
mon.ncn-s002                     ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  698557732bf4
mon.ncn-s003                     ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  27421ddd81bd
osd.0                            ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  97f4f922edc7
osd.1                            ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  69d11a7ddecb
osd.10                           ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  aa054d15d4ab
osd.11                           ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  b3814f3348ed
osd.2                            ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  998c334e41c6
osd.3                            ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  da2daa780fd0
osd.4                            ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  b831003fdf32
osd.5                            ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  6850b49c9bc1
osd.6                            ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  6aeb8b274212
osd.7                            ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  4eb2f577daba
osd.8                            ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  f0386c093874
osd.9                            ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  50d7066f66a6
rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s001.xtjggh  ncn-s001  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  6a90ba6415e6
rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s002.divvfs  ncn-s002  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  825c5b5f33c5
rgw.site1.zone1.ncn-s003.spojqa  ncn-s003  running (3d)  7m ago     3d   15.2.8   registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c  f95116a16e41

Ceph Monitor Service (ceph-mon)

IMPORTANT: All of the below ceph orch commands should be run from ncn-s001/2/3 or ncn-m001/2/3.

Start the ceph-mon service:

# Please note the the mon process can have a container id appended to the end of the host name. So please make sure to use the output from above to ensure you have the correct name.

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon start mon.<hostname>

Stop the ceph-mon service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon stop mon.<hostname>

Restart the ceph-mon service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart mon.<hostname>

Ceph OSD Service (ceph-osd)

Start the ceph-osd service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon start osd.<number>

Stop the ceph-osd service:

nncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon stop osd.<number>

Restart the ceph-osd service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart osd.<number>

Ceph Manager Service (ceph-mgr)

Start the ceph-mgr service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon start mgr.<hostname>

Stop the ceph-mgr service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon stop mgr.<hostname>

Restart the ceph-mgr service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart mgr.<hostname>

Ceph MDS Service (cephfs)

Start the ceph-mgr service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon start mds.cephfs.<container id from ceph orch ps output>

Stop the ceph-mgr service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon stop mds.cephfs.<container id from ceph orch ps output>

Restart the ceph-mgr service:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart mds.cephfs.<container id from ceph orch ps output>

Ceph Rados-Gateway Service (ceph-radosgw)

Start the rados-gateway:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon start rgw.site1.zone1.<container id from ceph orch ls>

Stop the rados-gateway:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon stop rgw.site1.zone1.<container id from ceph orch ls>

Restart the rados-gateway:

ncn-s00(1/2/3)# ceph orch daemon restart rgw.site1.zone1.<container id from ceph orch ls>

Ceph Service restart using CEPHADM

Important: This command needs to run from the host you are going to start or stop services on.

  • Get the service system_unit
ncn-s# cephadm ls
        "style": "cephadm:v1",
        "name": "mgr.ncn-s001",
        "fsid": "01a0d9d2-ea7f-43dc-af25-acdfa5242a48",
        "systemd_unit": "ceph-01a0d9d2-ea7f-43dc-af25-acdfa5242a48@mgr.ncn-s001",
        "enabled": false,
        "state": "running",
        "container_id": "ad887936d37fd87999b140c366ef288443faf03e869219bdd282b5825be14d6e",
        "container_image_name": "registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8",
        "container_image_id": "5553b0cb212ca2aa220d33ba39d9c602c8412ce6c5febc57ef9cdc9c5844b185",
        "version": "15.2.8",
        "started": "2021-06-17T22:41:45.132838Z",
        "created": "2021-06-17T22:17:51.063202Z",
        "deployed": "2021-06-17T22:16:03.898845Z",
        "configured": "2021-06-17T22:41:07.807004Z"
  • restart the service
ncn-s# systemctl restart ceph-01a0d9d2-ea7f-43dc-af25-acdfa5242a48@mgr.ncn-s001

Ceph Manager Modules

Location: Ceph manager modules can be enabled or disabled from any ceph-mon nodes.

Enable Ceph manager modules:

ncn-m001# ceph mgr MODULE_NAME enable MODULE

Disable Ceph manager modules:

ncn-m001# ceph mgr MODULE_NAME disable MODULE

Scale Ceph services

We can use the ability to deploy/scale/reconfigure/redeploy Ceph processes down and back up to restart the services.

IMPORTANT: When scaling the Ceph manager daemon (mgr.hostname.), you need to keep in mind that you need to have a running manager daemon as it is what is controlling the orchestration processes.

IMPORTANT: You cannot scale osd.all-available-devices, this is the process to auto-discover available OSDs.

IMPORTANT: You cannot scale the crash service; this is the equivalent of a Kubernetes daemon set and runs on all nodes to collect crash data.

For our example we are going to show scaling the mgr service down and back up.

You will need two SSH sessions. One to do the work from and another that is running watch ceph -s so you can monitor the progress.

  1. List your services

    ncn-s001:~ # ceph orch ls
    NAME                       RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT                                                      IMAGE NAME                        IMAGE ID
    crash                          6/6  9s ago     4d   *                                                              registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c
    mds.cephfs                     3/3  9s ago     4d   ncn-s001;ncn-s002;ncn-s003;count:3                             registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c
    mgr                            3/3  9s ago     4d   ncn-s001;ncn-s002;ncn-s003;count:3                             registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c
    mon                            3/3  9s ago     4d   ncn-s001;ncn-s002;ncn-s003;count:3                             registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c
    osd.all-available-devices      6/6  9s ago     4d    *                                                              registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8   5553b0cb212c
    rgw.site1.zone1                3/3  9s ago     4d   ncn-s001;ncn-s002;ncn-s003;ncn-s004;ncn-s005;ncn-s006;count:3  registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c
    • Optionally you can limit the results. ceph orch [<service_type>] [<service_name>] [–export] [plain|json|json-pretty|yaml] [–refresh]

      ncn-s001:~ # ceph orch ls mgr
      NAME  RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT                           IMAGE NAME                        IMAGE ID
      mgr       3/3  17s ago    4d   ncn-s001;ncn-s002;ncn-s003;count:3  registry.local/ceph/ceph:v15.2.8  5553b0cb212c
      • From this we can get our placement of the services.
  2. Choose the service you want to scale. (reminder the example will use the MGR service)

    1. If you are scaling mds or mgr daemons then you will want to make sure you are failing over the active mgr/mds daemon so you always have one running.
    # To get the active MDS
    ncn-s# ceph fs status -f json-pretty|jq -r '.mdsmap[]|select(.state=="active")|.name'
    cephfs.ncn-s001.juehkw <-- current active MDS. note this will change when you fail it over so keep this command handy
    # To get the active MGR
    ncn-s# ceph mgr dump | jq -r .active_name
    ncn-s002.fumzfm  <-- current active MGR. note this will change when you fail it over so keep this command handy
  3. Now we have our service, the current placement policy, and if applicable the active MGR/MDS daemon

  4. Scale the service

    ceph orch apply --placement="1 <host where the active mgr is running>"
    ncn-s001:~ # ceph orch apply mgr --placement="1 ncn-s002"
    Scheduled mgr update...
  5. Watch your SSH session that is showing the Ceph status (ceph -s)

    ncn-s001:~ # ceph -s
     id:     11d5d552-cfac-11eb-ab69-fa163ec012bf
     health: HEALTH_OK
     mon: 3 daemons, quorum ncn-s001,ncn-s002,ncn-s003 (age 70s)
     mgr: ncn-s002.fumzfm(active, since 14s)
     mds: cephfs:1 {0=cephfs.ncn-s001.juehkw=up:active} 1 up:standby-replay 1 up:standby
     osd: 6 osds: 6 up (since 4d), 6 in (since 4d)
     rgw: 2 daemons active (site1.zone1.ncn-s005.hzfbkd, site1.zone1.ncn-s006.vjuwkf)
    task status:
     pools:   7 pools, 193 pgs
     objects: 256 objects, 7.5 MiB
     usage:   9.1 GiB used, 261 GiB / 270 GiB avail
     pgs:     193 active+clean
     client:   663 B/s rd, 1 op/s rd, 0 op/s wr

    Note that our mgr service is now showing 1 active on the node we chose.

  6. Scale the service back up to 3 mgrs.

    ncn-s001:~ # ceph orch apply mgr --placement="3 ncn-s001 ncn-s002 ncn-s003"
    Scheduled mgr update...
  7. When you see your Ceph status output shows you have 3 running mgr daemons then you can scale down the last daemon back down and up.

    • IF it is the MDS or MGR daemons then REMEMBER we have to fail over the active daemon
    ncn-s001:~ # ceph mgr fail ncn-s002.fumzfm   # This was our active MGR.

    in your Ceph status output you should see the ACTIVE ceph mgr process change.

    mgr: ncn-s003.wtvbtz(active, since 2m), standbys: ncn-s001.cgbxdw
  8. Finally scale your service back to its original deployment size

    ncn-s001:~ # ceph orch apply mgr  --placement="3 ncn-s001 ncn-s002 ncn-s003"
    Scheduled mgr update...
  9. Monitor the Ceph status to make sure all your daemons come back online.