Gitea/VCS 401 Errors


During fresh installs of csm-1.0.x, creation of the main admin user for gitea/VCS (Version Control Service) may fail. In this case, calls to the gitea/VCS API that require authentication will return 401 status codes with a message of token is required. The workaround is to manually create the admin user.


During a fresh install, if this problem occurs, it will typically be noticed during the first run of the Validate CSM Health procedure when the SMS Health Checks are performed. The cmsdev command will include output similar to the following:

ERROR (run tag zl7ak-vcs): POST https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/api/v1/orgs: expected status code 201, got 401
ERROR (run tag zl7ak-vcs): Failed to create vcs organization

If you see the above, first verify that this is due to the user creation issue documented on this page. To do so, perform the following steps on any Kubernetes master or worker node.

  1. Identify the Gitea/VCS pod:

    ncn-mw# GITEA_VCS_POD=$(
                kubectl get pods -n services |
                grep "^gitea-vcs-" |
                grep -v "^gitea-vcs-postgres-" |
                grep -w Running |
                awk '{ print $1 }')
    ncn-mw# echo $GITEA_VCS_POD

    The output should look similar to the following:

  2. Search the Gitea setup log using the following command:

    ncn-mw# kubectl exec -n services $GITEA_VCS_POD -c vcs -- \
                grep -o "^Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined:" /data/gitea/setup
    • command terminated with exit code 1

      If the command gives this output, it means that the problem being investigated is NOT the problem documented on this page.

    • Incorrect Usage: flag provided but not defined:

      If the command gives this output, then the problem being investigated IS the problem documented on this page. In this case, complete the following remediation steps to manually create the admin user.


  1. Manually create the admin user by running the following command:

    NOTE: This command uses the $GITEA_VCS_POD variable defined by one of the commands in the previous section.

    ncn-mw# kubectl exec -n services $GITEA_VCS_POD -c vcs -- su -l git -c '
                set -eo pipefail
                cd /data/gitea
                echo "Manually creating admin user; Running in `pwd`" >> /data/gitea/setup
                /app/gitea/gitea admin create-user \
                    --config /data/gitea/conf/app.ini \
                    --name ${CRAYVCS_USER} \
                    --admin \
                    --must-change-password=false \
                    --email "${CRAYVCS_USER_EMAIL}" \
                    --password "${CRAYVCS_PASSWORD}" 2>&1 |
                        tee -a /data/gitea/setup'

    On success, the output will look similar to the following:

    --name flag is deprecated. Use --username instead.
    2022/03/22 17:50:54 ...dules/setting/git.go:93:newGit() [I] Git Version: 2.24.4, Wire Protocol Version 2 Enabled
    New user 'crayvcs' has been successfully created!
  2. Re-run the SMS Health Checks to validate that the problem has been resolved.