Unbound in CrashLoopBackOff After Deployment Restart

  • There is a known race condition that can cause cray-dns-unbound to go into CLBO (CrashLoopBackOff) after running the following command:
    ncn# kubectl rollout restart deployment -n services cray-dns-unbound
  • This can impact csm-1.0.10 or older.
  • Run the following command to get cray-dns-unbound out of CLBO:
    ncn# kubectl patch deployment -n services cray-dns-unbound --type='json' \
           -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/command", "value": ["sh", "-c", "touch /etc/unbound/records.conf;/srv/unbound/entrypoint.sh"]}]'