Update CSM Product Stream

The software included in the CSM product stream is released in more than one way. The initial product release may be augmented with patches, late-breaking workarounds and documentation updates, or hotfixes after the release.

The CSM documentation is included within the CSM product release tarball inside the docs-csm RPM. After it has been installed, the documentation will be available at /usr/share/doc/csm.

Download and extract CSM product release

Acquire a CSM software release tarball for installation on the HPE Cray EX supercomputer.

The following procedure should work on any Linux system. If directed here from another procedure, then that source procedure should indicate on which system the CSM release should be downloaded and extracted.

  1. Set the ENDPOINT variable to the URL of the server hosting the CSM tarball.

    linux# ENDPOINT=URL_SERVER_Hosting_tarball
  2. Set the CSM_RELEASE variable to the version of CSM software to be downloaded.

    linux# CSM_RELEASE=x.y.z
  3. Download the CSM software release tarball.

    linux# wget ${ENDPOINT}/${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz
  4. Extract the release distribution.

    NOTE: Use --no-same-owner and --no-same-permissions options to tar when extracting a CSM release distribution as root to ensure the current umask value.

    linux# tar --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -xzvf "${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz"
  5. Before using this software release, check for any patches available for it.

    If patches are available, see Apply patch to CSM release.

Apply patch to CSM release

Apply a CSM update patch to the expanded CSM release tarball, and then create a new tarball which contains the patched release. This ensures that the latest CSM product artifacts are installed on the HPE Cray EX supercomputer.

Apply patch to CSM release: Prerequisites

The following requirements must be met on the system where the procedure is being followed.

  • The expanded CSM release tarball is present.

    Because the patch is applied to the expanded CSM release tarball, it is simplest to perform this procedure on the same system where the Download and extract CSM product release procedure was followed.

  • Git version 2.16.5 or higher must be installed.

    linux# git version

    Example output:

    git version 2.26.2

    If the Git version is less than 2.16.15, then update Git to at least that version.

Apply patch to CSM release: Procedure

  1. Set the ENDPOINT variable to the URL of the server hosting the CSM patch file.

    linux# ENDPOINT=URL_SERVER_Hosting_patch
  2. Set the CSM_RELEASE variable to the version of CSM software to be patched.

    linux# CSM_RELEASE=x.y.z
  3. Set the PATCH_RELEASE variable to the version of CSM patch.

    linux# PATCH_RELEASE=x.z.a
  4. Download the compressed CSM software package patch file.

    The file name will be of the form csm-x.y.z-x.z.a.patch.gz. Be sure to modify the following example with the appropriate values.

    linux# wget "${ENDPOINT}/${CSM_RELEASE}-${PATCH_RELEASE}.patch.gz"
  5. Uncompress the patch.

    linux# gunzip -v "${CSM_RELEASE}-${PATCH_RELEASE}.patch.gz"
  6. Apply the patch.

    linux# git apply -p2 --whitespace=nowarn \
                         --directory="${CSM_RELEASE}" \
  7. Set a variable to reflect the new version.

    linux# NEW_CSM_RELEASE="$(./${CSM_RELEASE}/lib/version.sh)"
  8. Update the name of the CSM release distribution directory.

    linux# mv -v "${CSM_RELEASE}" "${NEW_CSM_RELEASE}"
  9. Create a tarball from the patched release distribution.

    linux# tar -cvzf "${NEW_CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz" "${NEW_CSM_RELEASE}/"

This tarball can now be used in place of the original CSM software release tarball.

Check for latest workarounds and documentation updates

Acquire the late-breaking CSM workarounds and documentation update RPMs. These fixes were not available until after the software release. The software installation and upgrade processes have several breakpoints where you check and apply workarounds before or after a critical procedure.

  1. Check the version of the currently installed CSM documentation and workarounds.

    ncn# rpm -q csm-install-workarounds docs-csm
  2. Download and upgrade the latest workaround and documentation RPMs.

    linux# rpm -Uvh --force https://storage.googleapis.com/csm-release-public/shasta-1.5/docs-csm/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm
    linux# rpm -Uvh --force https://storage.googleapis.com/csm-release-public/shasta-1.5/csm-install-workarounds/csm-install-workarounds-latest.noarch.rpm

    If this machine does not have direct internet access, then these RPMs will need to be externally downloaded and copied to the system. This example copies them to ncn-m001.

    linux# wget https://storage.googleapis.com/csm-release-public/shasta-1.5/docs-csm/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm -O docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm
    linux# wget https://storage.googleapis.com/csm-release-public/shasta-1.5/csm-install-workarounds/csm-install-workarounds-latest.noarch.rpm -O csm-install-workarounds-latest.noarch.rpm
    linux# scp -p docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm csm-install-workarounds-latest.noarch.rpm ncn-m001:/root
    linux# ssh ncn-m001
    ncn-m001# rpm -Uvh --force /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm /root/csm-install-workarounds-latest.noarch.rpm
  3. Check the version of the newly installed workarounds and documentation.

    linux# rpm -q csm-install-workarounds docs-csm

Check for and apply workarounds

The software installation and upgrade processes have several breakpoints before or after a critical procedure. At these breakpoints, workarounds are applied, if any are available for that particular breakpoint.

Check to see if workarounds need to be applied at a particular point of the install process. If so, then apply those workarounds.

In order to carry out this procedure, the name of the workaround breakpoint (for example, before-configuration-payload or after-sysmgmt-manifest) must be known.

  1. Change to the directory containing the workarounds to be applied at this breakpoint.

    linux# pushd /opt/cray/csm/workarounds/<put-actual-breakpoint-name-here>
  2. List all subdirectories of this directory.

    linux# find -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name . | cut -c3-

    If there is nothing listed, then there are no workarounds to be applied at this breakpoint and the procedure is complete.

  3. For each subdirectory which is listed, apply the workaround described within it.

    Perform the following steps for each subdirectory which was listed in the previous step.

    1. Change directory into the subdirectory.

      linux# pushd <put-subdirectory-name-here>
    2. View the README.md file in this directory and carefully follow its instructions.

    3. Return to the main directory for workarounds for this breakpoint.

      linux# popd
  4. The procedure is complete. Return to the original directory.

    linux# popd

Check for field notices about hotfixes

Collect all available field notices about hotfixes which should be applied to this CSM software release. Check with HPE Cray service for more information.