Stage 3 - Kubernetes Upgrade from 1.18.6 to 1.19.9

NOTE: During the CSM-0.9 install the LiveCD containing the initial install files for this system should have been unmounted from the master node when rebooting into the Kubernetes cluster. The scripts run in this section will also attempt to unmount/eject it if found to ensure the USB stick does not get erased.


Reminder: Before running any upgrade scripts, be sure the Cray CLI output format is reset to default by running the following command:

ncn# unset CRAY_FORMAT

Stage 3.1

  1. Run for ncn-m002. Follow output of the script carefully. The script will pause for manual interaction.

    ncn-m001# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0.1/scripts/upgrade/ ncn-m002

    NOTE: You may need to reset the root password for each node after it is rebooted

  2. Repeat the previous step for each other master node excluding ncn-m001, one at a time.

Stage 3.2

  1. Run for ncn-w001. Follow output of the script carefully. The script will pause for manual interaction.

    NOTE: It is expected that some pods may be in bad states during a worker node upgrade. This is due to a temporary lack of computing resources. Once the worker node has been upgraded and has rejoined the cluster, those pods will be up and running again. All critical services have more than one replica so that if one pod is down, the service is still available.

    NOTE: It is possible that some postgres clusters may report errors when runs and checks the postgres clusters. If errors are reported indicating that a cluster does not have a leader or is lagging, it is recommended to re-run the again after waiting about 30 minutes to give the clusters time to resume to a healthy state. If postgres clusters still report leader or lag issues, then refer to Troubleshoot Postgres Database.

    ncn-m001# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0.1/scripts/upgrade/ ncn-w001

    NOTE: You may need to reset the root password for each node after it is rebooted

  2. Repeat the previous step for each other worker node, one at a time.

Stage 3.3

For ncn-m001, use ncn-m002 as the stable NCN. Use vlan007/CAN IP address to ssh to ncn-m002 for this ncn-m001 install

  1. Authenticate with the Cray CLI on ncn-m002.

    See Configure the Cray Command Line Interface for details on how to do this.

  2. Set the CSM_RELEASE variable to the correct value for the CSM release upgrade being applied.

    ncn-m002# CSM_RELEASE=csm-1.0.1
  3. Install document RPM and run check script on ncn-m002

    NOTE The script will warn that it will unmount /mnt/pitdata, but this is not accurate. The script will only unmount it if the script itself mounts it. That is, if it is mounted when the script begins, the script will not unmount it.

    • Option 1 - Internet Connected Environment

      1. Install document RPM package:

        The install scripts will look for this RPM in /root, so it is important that you copy it there.

        ncn-m002# wget -P /root
        ncn-m002# rpm -Uvh --force /root/docs-csm-latest.noarch.rpm
      2. Set the ENDPOINT variable to the URL of the directory containing the CSM release tarball.

        In other words, the full URL to the CSM release tarball will be ${ENDPOINT}${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz

        NOTE This step is optional for Cray/HPE internal installs.

        ncn-m002# ENDPOINT=https://put.the/url/here/
      3. Run the script

        NOTE The --endpoint argument is optional for Cray/HPE internal use.

        ncn-m002# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0.1/scripts/upgrade/ --csm-version $CSM_RELEASE --endpoint $ENDPOINT
    • Option 2 - Air Gapped Environment

      1. Copy the docs-csm RPM package and CSM release tarball to ncn-m002.

        The install scripts will look for the RPM in /root, so it is important that you copy it there.

      2. Install document RPM package:

        ncn-m002# rpm -Uvh --force /root/docs-csm-*.noarch.rpm
      3. Set the TAR_DIR variable to the directory on ncn-m002 containing the CSM release tarball.

        In other words, the full path to the CSM release tarball will be ${TAR_DIR}/${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz

        ncn-m002# TAR_DIR=/path/to/tarball/dir
      4. Run the script

        ncn-m002# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0.1/scripts/upgrade/ --csm-version $CSM_RELEASE --tarball-file ${TAR_DIR}/${CSM_RELEASE}.tar.gz
  4. Upgrade ncn-m001

    ncn-m002# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0.1/scripts/upgrade/ ncn-m001

Stage 3.4

Run the following command to complete the Kubernetes upgrade (this will restart several pods on each master to their new docker containers):

ncn-m002# export PDSH_SSH_ARGS_APPEND="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
ncn-m002# pdsh -b -S -w $(grep -oP 'ncn-m\d+' /etc/hosts | sort -u |  tr -t '\n' ',') 'kubeadm upgrade apply v1.19.9 -y'

NOTE: kubelet has been upgraded already, so you can ignore the warning to upgrade it

After the above command has completed and pods have been restarted, execute the following command to ensure pods in the kube-system namespace are running new (v1.19.9) versions of their images:

ncn-m002# for i in `seq 3`; do echo "ncn-m00$i:"; kubectl get po -n kube-system kube-apiserver-ncn-m00${i} -o json | jq '.spec.containers[].image';   kubectl get po -n kube-system kube-controller-manager-ncn-m00${i} -o json | jq '.spec.containers[].image';   kubectl get po -n kube-system kube-scheduler-ncn-m00${i} -o json | jq '.spec.containers[].image'; done

Output should look like:


NOTE: If the output indicates the pods are still running v1.18.6 images, this is an indication that the kubeadm upgrade apply may have had issues. The output from that command should be inspected and addressed before moving on with the upgrade. If v1.18.6 is shown, discontinue the upgrade and contact HPE Service for support.

Stage 3.5

Run the following command cleanup several prometheus alert configurations:

ncn-m002# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0.1/scripts/upgrade/

Once Stage 3 is completed, all Kubernetes nodes have been rebooted into the new image. Now proceed to Stage 4