CSM 1.0.10 Patch Installation Instructions


This document is intended to guide an administrator through the process going to Cray Systems Management v1.0.10 from v1.0.1. If you are at an earlier version, you must first upgrade to at least v1.0.1. For information on how to do that, see Upgrade CSM.


  1. Preparation
  2. Setup Nexus
  3. Upgrade Services
  4. Rollout Deployment Restart
  5. Apply Pod Priorities
  6. Verification
  7. Run NCN Personalization
  8. Exit Typescript


  1. Start a typescript on ncn-m001 to capture the commands and output from this procedure.

    ncn-m001# script -af csm-update.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).txt
    ncn-m001# export PS1='\u@\H \D{%Y-%m-%d} \t \w # '
  2. Download and extract the CSM 1.0.10 release to ncn-m001.

    See Download and Extract CSM Product Release.

  3. Set CSM_DISTDIR to the directory of the extracted files:

    IMPORTANT: If necessary, be sure to change this example command to match the actual location of the extracted files.

    ncn-m001# export CSM_DISTDIR="$(pwd)/csm-1.0.10"
  4. Set CSM_RELEASE_VERSION to the version reported by ${CSM_DISTDIR}/lib/version.sh:

    ncn-m001# CSM_RELEASE_VERSION="$(${CSM_DISTDIR}/lib/version.sh --version)"
    ncn-m001# echo $CSM_RELEASE_VERSION
  5. Download and install/upgrade the latest documentation and workarounds RPMs on ncn-m001.

    See Check for Latest Workarounds and Documentation Updates.

  6. Resets known_hosts on storage nodes. These change during the upgrade procedure and result in invalid known_hosts file that prevents password-less SSH between storage nodes.

ncn-m001# grep -oP "(ncn-s\w+)" /etc/hosts | sort -u | xargs -t -i ssh {} 'truncate --size=0 ~/.ssh/known_hosts'

ncn-m001# grep -oP "(ncn-s\w+)" /etc/hosts | sort -u | xargs -t -i ssh {} 'grep -oP "(ncn-s\w+|ncn-m\w+|ncn-w\w+)" /etc/hosts | sort -u | xargs -t -i ssh-keyscan -H \{\} >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts'
  1. Backup BSS Data

In the event of a problem during the upgrade which may cause the loss of BSS data, perform the following to preserve this data.

ncn-m001# cray bss bootparameters list --format=json >bss-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).json

The resulting file needs to be saved in the event that BSS data needs to be restored in the future.

Setup Nexus

Run lib/setup-nexus.sh to configure Nexus and upload new CSM RPM repositories, container images, and Helm charts:

ncn-m001# cd "$CSM_DISTDIR"
ncn-m001# ./lib/setup-nexus.sh

On success, setup-nexus.sh will output OK on stderr and exit with status code 0, e.g.:

+ Nexus setup complete
setup-nexus.sh: OK
ncn-m001# echo $?

In the event of an error, consult Troubleshoot Nexus to resolve potential problems and then try running setup-nexus.sh again. Note that subsequent runs of setup-nexus.sh may report FAIL when uploading duplicate assets. This is ok as long as setup-nexus.sh outputs setup-nexus.sh: OK and exits with status code 0.

Run Validation Checks (Pre-Upgrade)

Pre-upgrades must run after nexus is setup in order to ensure any and all necessary RPMs are available.

  1. Invoke the 1.2 NCN boot order backport

    NOTE This presumes all NCNs are still online, and their BMCs are reachable. If some NCNs are not reachable over SSH then the EFI boot menus will not be corrected. If some BMCs are not reachable over IPMI then vendor specific tweaks will not be applied.

    ncn-m001# export IPMI_PASSWORD=changeme
    ncn-m001# export CI=1
    ncn-m001# /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/lib/validation/CASMREL-776-CSM12-NCN-boot-order-backport/install-hotfix.sh

Upgrade Services

For TDS systems with only three worker nodes the customizations.yaml file will be edited automatically during upgrade to lower CPU requests on several services which can improve pod scheduling on smaller systems. See the file: ${CSM_DISTDIR}/tds_cpu_requests.yaml for these settings. If desired, this file can be modified (prior to proceeding with this upgrade) with different values if other settings are desired in the customizations.yaml file for this system. For more information about modifying customizations.yaml and tuning based on specific systems, see Post Install Customizations.

Run upgrade.sh to deploy upgraded CSM applications and services:

ncn-m001# cd "$CSM_DISTDIR"
ncn-m001# ./upgrade.sh

Rollout Deployment Restart

Instruct Kubernetes to gracefully restart the Unbound pods:

ncn-m001:~ # kubectl -n services rollout restart deployment cray-dns-unbound
deployment.apps/cray-dns-unbound restarted

ncn-m001:~ # kubectl -n services rollout status deployment cray-dns-unbound
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 0 out of 3 new replicas have been updated...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 3 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 3 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 3 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 2 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 2 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 2 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 1 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for deployment "cray-dns-unbound" rollout to finish: 1 old replicas are pending termination...
deployment "cray-dns-unbound" successfully rolled out

Apply Pod Priorities

Run the add_pod_priority.sh script to create and apply a pod priority class to services critical to CSM. This will give these services a higher priority than others to ensure they get scheduled by Kubernetes in the event that resources limited on smaller deployments.

ncn-m001:~ # /usr/share/doc/csm/upgrade/1.0.1/scripts/upgrade/add_pod_priority.sh
Creating csm-high-priority-service pod priority class
priorityclass.scheduling.k8s.io/csm-high-priority-service configured

Patching cray-postgres-operator deployment in services namespace
deployment.apps/cray-postgres-operator patched

Patching cray-postgres-operator-postgres-operator-ui deployment in services namespace
deployment.apps/cray-postgres-operator-postgres-operator-ui patched

Patching istio-operator deployment in istio-operator namespace
deployment.apps/istio-operator patched

Patching istio-ingressgateway deployment in istio-system namespace
deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway patched

After running the add_pod_priority.sh script, the affected pods will be restarted as the pod priority class is applied to them.


Verify CSM Version in Product Catalog

  1. Verify that the following command includes the new CSM version:

    ncn-m001# kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r -j - | jq -r 'to_entries[] | .key' | sort -V
  2. Confirm the import_date reflects the timestamp of the upgrade:

    ncn-m001# kubectl get cm cray-product-catalog -n services -o jsonpath='{.data.csm}' | yq r  - '"1.0.10".configuration.import_date'

Run NCN Personalization

  1. Run NCN Personalization to update the NCNs to the latest configruation. Complete the Run NCN Personalization procedure.

  2. Confirm the version of the Loftsman RPM installed on each NCN. Output below will vary based on the number of NCNs in the system.

    ncn-m001# for xname in $(cray hsm state components list --role Management --format json | jq -r .Components[].ID);
        out=$(ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -q $xname "rpm -qa | grep loftsman")
        echo $xname $out
    x3000c0s11b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s13b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s15b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s17b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s1b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s36b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s38b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s3b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s5b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s7b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64
    x3000c0s9b0n0 loftsman-1.2.0-1.x86_64

    If the version of the Loftsman RPM does not match the output above, review the Ansible play output in the CFS session logs created during NCN Personalization for any errors.

Exit Typescript

Remember to exit your typescript.

ncn-m001# exit

It is recommended to save the typescript file for later reference.