The procedures described on this page must be completed before any node is booted with the Cray Pre-Install Toolkit (PIT), which is performed in a later document. When the PIT node is referenced during these procedures, it means the node that will be booted as the PIT node.
Skip this section if compute nodes and application nodes are not booted.
The compute nodes and application nodes depend on the management nodes to provide services for their runtime environment. For example:
(internal system DNS)cray-kea
(DHCP leases)While the reinstall process happens, these nodes would not be able to function normally. As part of the reinstall, they will be rebooted with new boot images and configuration.
See Shut Down and Power Off Compute and User Access Nodes.
Skip this section if none of the management nodes are booted.
If doing a reinstall and any of the management nodes are booted, then the DHCP service will need to be disabled before powering off management nodes.
Runtime DHCP services interfere with the LiveCD’s bootstrap nature to provide DHCP leases to BMCs. To remove edge cases, disable the run-time cray-dhcp-kea
Scale the deployment from either the LiveCD or any Kubernetes node:
ncn# kubectl scale -n services --replicas=0 deployment cray-dhcp-kea
Skip this section if none of the management nodes are booted.
If any of the management nodes are booted with Linux, then they have data from previous installations on them which must be wiped.
REQUIRED If the above is true, then for each management node (excluding ncn-m001
), log in and do a “full wipe” of the node’s disks.
See full wipe from Wipe NCN Disks for Reinstallation.
The upcoming procedures use ipmitool
. Set IPMI credentials for the BMCs of the NCNs.
read -s
is used in order to prevent the credentials from being displayed on the screen or recorded in the shell history.
linux# USERNAME=root
linux# read -s IPMI_PASSWORD
linux# export IPMI_PASSWORD
Skip this section if none of the management nodes are booted.
Power each NCN off using ipmitool
from ncn-m001
(or the booted LiveCD, if reinstalling an incomplete install).
)Power off NCNs.
pit# conman -q | grep mgmt | grep -v m001 | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U $USERNAME -E -H {} power off
Check the power status to confirm that the nodes have powered off.
pit# conman -q | grep mgmt | grep -v m001 | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U $USERNAME -E -H {} power status
Power off NCNs.
ncn-m001# grep ncn /etc/hosts | grep mgmt | grep -v m001 | sort -u | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U $USERNAME -E -H {} power off
Check the power status to confirm that the nodes have powered off.
ncn-m001# grep ncn /etc/hosts | grep mgmt | grep -v m001 | sort -u | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -t -i ipmitool -I lanplus -U $USERNAME -E -H {} power status
Set the BMCs on the management nodes to DHCP. During the install of the management nodes their BMCs get set to static IP addresses. The installation expects these BMCs to be set back to DHCP before proceeding.
These steps require that the Set IPMI credentials steps have been performed.
Set the LAN
variable based on NCN hardware type.
If NCNs are Intel, set it to 3.
linux# LAN=3
For non-Intel nodes, set it to 1.
linux# LAN=1
Collect BMC hostnames or IP addresses.
From the LiveCD (pit
This collects BMC IP addresses using the old
on the system, in case CSI changes IP addresses:
pit# BMCS=$(grep mgmt /etc/dnsmasq.d/statics.conf | grep -v m001 | awk -F ',' '{print $2}' |
grep -Eo "([0-9]{1,3}[.]){3}[0-9]{1,3}" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') ; echo $BMCS
From ncn-m001
Collect BMC hostnames from /etc/hosts
ncn-m001# BMCS=$(grep -wEo "ncn-[msw][0-9]{3}-mgmt" /etc/hosts | grep -v "m001" | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') ; echo $BMCS
Set the BMCs to DHCP.
linux# for h in $BMCS ; do
echo "Setting $h to DHCP"
ipmitool -U $USERNAME -I lanplus -H $h -E lan set $LAN ipsrc dhcp
Verify that the BMCs have been set to DHCP:
linux# for h in $BMCS ; do
printf "$h: "
ipmitool -U $USERNAME -I lanplus -H $h -E lan print $LAN | grep Source
Perform a cold reset of any BMCs which are still reachable.
linux# for h in $BMCS ; do
printf "$h: "
if ping -c 3 $h >/dev/null 2>&1; then
printf "Still reachable. Issuing cold reset... "
ipmitool -U $USERNAME -I lanplus -H $h -E mc reset cold
echo "Not reachable (DHCP setting appears to be successful)"
As long as every BMC is either not reachable or receives a cold reset, this step is successful.
Skip this section if intending to boot the PIT node from a USB device for the install.
If the PIT node has previously been booted (either from a USB device or a remote ISO), then it should be wiped in order to avoid problems stemming from leftover LiveCD disk labels.
Wipe LiveCD disk labels with the following command:
ncn-m001# wipefs --all --force /dev/disk/by-label/cow /dev/disk/by-label/PITDATA /dev/disk/by-label/BOOT /dev/disk/by-label/CRAYLIVE
Skip this step if planning to use this node as a staging area to create the USB LiveCD.
Shut down the LiveCD or ncn-m001
linux# poweroff
If ncn-m001
is being used to prepare the USB LiveCD, remove the Kubernetes IP addresses from /etc/resolv.conf
and add a
valid external DNS server.
If ncn-m001
is being used to prepare the USB LiveCD, ensure there is enough free disk space for the CSM tar archive to be
downloaded and unpacked.
The next step is to bootstrap the PIT node.
See Bootstrap PIT Node.