Wipe NCN Disks for Reinstallation

This page details how to wipe NCN disks. This page uses the same wipe commands that the automatic wipe uses. However, this page accounts for running services that are present on a running CSM NCN.

Everything in this section should be considered DESTRUCTIVE.

After following these procedures, an NCN can be rebooted and redeployed.

NOTE All types of disk wipe can be run from Linux or from an emergency shell.

The following are potential use cases for wiping disks:

  • Adding a node that is not bare.
  • Adopting new disks that are not bare.
  • Doing a fresh install.

For wiping Linux on an NCN with a previously installed OS, the basic wipe is sufficient.


Basic wipe

This wipe erases the magic bits on the disk to prevent them from being recognized and making them ready for deployment, as well as removing the common volume groups.

  1. List the disks for verification.

    ncn# disks_to_wipe=$(lsblk -l -o NAME,TYPE,TRAN | grep -E '[[:space:]].*(sata|nvme|sas|raid)' |
                         awk '{ print "/dev/"$1 }' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')
    ncn# echo "${disks_to_wipe}"
  2. Wipe the disks and the RAIDs.

    ncn# for disk in $disks_to_wipe; do
             wipefs --all --force ${disk}* 2> /dev/null

    If any disks had labels present, then the output looks similar to the following:

    /dev/sda: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000200 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
    /dev/sda: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x6fc86d5e00 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
    /dev/sda: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x000001fe (PMBR): 55 aa
    /dev/sdb: 6 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000000 (crypto_LUKS): 4c 55 4b 53 ba be
    /dev/sdb: 6 bytes were erased at offset 0x00004000 (crypto_LUKS): 53 4b 55 4c ba be
    /dev/sdc: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x00000200 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
    /dev/sdc: 8 bytes were erased at offset 0x6fc86d5e00 (gpt): 45 46 49 20 50 41 52 54
    /dev/sdc: 2 bytes were erased at offset 0x000001fe (PMBR): 55 aa

    Verify that there are no error messages in the output.

    The wipefs command may fail if no labeled disks are found, which is an indication of a larger problem.

  3. Remove the volume groups on all NCNs.

    NOTE The Ceph volume group will only exist on storage nodes, but this code snippet will work on all NCNs.

    ncn# ceph_vgs='vg_name=~ceph*'
    ncn# metal_vgs='vg_name=~metal*'
    ncn# for volume_group in ${ceph_vgs} ${metal_vgs}; do
             vgremove -f -v --select "${volume_group}" -y >/dev/null 2>&1

Advanced wipe

An advanced wipe includes handling storage node specific items before running the Basic wipe.

  1. Stop Ceph on all of the storage nodes.

    • CSM 0.9 or earlier

      ncn-s# systemctl stop ceph-osd.target
    • CSM 1.0 or later

      ncn-s# cephadm rm-cluster --fsid $(cephadm ls|jq -r '.[0].fsid') --force
  2. Make sure the OSDs (if any) are not running on the storage nodes.

    • CSM 0.9 or earlier

      ncn-s# ps -ef|grep ceph-osd
    • CSM 1.0 or later

      ncn-s# podman ps

    Examine the output. There should be no running ceph-osd processes or containers.

  3. Perform the Basic wipe procedure.

Full wipe

This section walks a user through cleanly stopping all running services that require partitions, as well removing the node from the Ceph or Kubernetes cluster (as appropriate for the node type).

This does not zero disks; this will ensure that all disks look raw on the next reboot.

IMPORTANT For each step, pay attention to whether the command is to be run on a master node, storage node, or worker node. If wiping a different type of node than what a step specifies, then skip that step.

  1. Reset Kubernetes on worker nodes ONLY.

    This will stop kubelet, stop underlying containers, and remove the contents of /var/lib/kubelet.

    1. Reset Kubernetes.

      ncn-w# kubeadm reset --force
    2. List any containers running in containerd.

      ncn-w# crictl ps

      Example output:

      CONTAINER           IMAGE               CREATED              STATE               NAME                                                ATTEMPT             POD ID
      66a78adf6b4c2       18b6035f5a9ce       About a minute ago   Running             spire-bundle                                        1212                6d89f7dee8ab6
      7680e4050386d       c8344c866fa55       24 hours ago         Running             speaker                                             0                   5460d2bffb4d7
      b6467c907f063       8e6730a2b718c       3 days ago           Running             request-ncn-join-token                              0                   a3a9ca9e1ca78
      e8ce2d1a8379f       64d4c06dc3fb4       3 days ago           Running             istio-proxy                                         0                   6d89f7dee8ab6
      c3d4811fc3cd0       0215a709bdd9b       3 days ago           Running             weave-npc                                    0                   f5e25c12e617e
    3. If there are any running containers from the output of the crictl ps command, then stop them.

      ncn-w# crictl stop <container id from the CONTAINER column>
  2. Reset Kubernetes on master nodes ONLY.

    This will stop kubelet, stop underlying containers, and remove the contents of /var/lib/kubelet.

    1. Reset Kubernetes.

      ncn-m# kubeadm reset --force
    2. List any containers running in containerd.

      ncn-m# crictl ps

      Example output:

      CONTAINER           IMAGE               CREATED              STATE               NAME                                                ATTEMPT             POD ID
      66a78adf6b4c2       18b6035f5a9ce       About a minute ago   Running             spire-bundle                                        1212                6d89f7dee8ab6
      7680e4050386d       c8344c866fa55       24 hours ago         Running             speaker                                             0                   5460d2bffb4d7
      b6467c907f063       8e6730a2b718c       3 days ago           Running             request-ncn-join-token                              0                   a3a9ca9e1ca78
      e8ce2d1a8379f       64d4c06dc3fb4       3 days ago           Running             istio-proxy                                         0                   6d89f7dee8ab6
      c3d4811fc3cd0       0215a709bdd9b       3 days ago           Running             weave-npc                                    0                   f5e25c12e617e
    3. If there are any running containers from the output of the crictl ps command, then stop them.

      ncn-m# crictl stop <container id from the CONTAINER column>
  3. Run the Advanced wipe, but stop when it mentions the “basic wipe”. Then return here.

  4. Unmount volumes.

    NOTE: Some of the following umount commands may fail or have warnings depending on the state of the NCN. Failures in this section can be ignored and will not inhibit the wipe process.

    NOTE: There is an edge case where the overlay may keep the drive from being unmounted. If this is a rebuild, ignore this.

    The exact commands used depends on the node type:

    • Master nodes

      Stop the etcd service on the master node before unmounting /var/lib/etcd and other mounts.

      ncn-m# systemctl stop etcd.service
      ncn-m# umount -v /run/lib-etcd /var/lib/etcd /var/lib/sdu /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount /var/lib/admin-tools /var/lib/s3fs_cache /var/lib/containerd
    • Storage nodes

      ncn-s# umount -vf /var/lib/ceph /var/lib/containers /etc/ceph /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount /var/lib/admin-tools /var/lib/s3fs_cache /var/lib/containerd

      If the umount command outputs target is busy on the storage node, then try the following:

      1. Look for containers mounts:

        ncn-s# mount | grep containers

        Example output:

        /dev/mapper/metalvg0-CONTAIN on /var/lib/containers type xfs (rw,noatime,swalloc,attr2,largeio,inode64,allocsize=131072k,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota)
        /dev/mapper/metalvg0-CONTAIN on /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay type xfs (rw,noatime,swalloc,attr2,largeio,inode64,allocsize=131072k,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota)
      2. Unmount /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay.

        ncn-s# umount -v /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay

        Example output:

        umount: /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay unmounted
      3. Unmount /var/lib/containers.

        ncn-s# umount -v /var/lib/containers

        Example output:

        umount: /var/lib/containers unmounted
    • Worker nodes

      ncn-w# umount -v /var/lib/kubelet /var/lib/sdu /run/containerd /var/lib/containerd /run/lib-containerd /var/opt/cray/sdu/collection-mount /var/lib/admin-tools /var/lib/s3fs_cache /var/lib/containerd
  5. Stop cray-sdu-rda on all node types (master, storage, or worker).

    1. See if any cray-sdu-rda containers are running.

      ncn# podman ps

      Example output:

      CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                                      COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS          PORTS   NAMES
      7741d5096625  registry.local/sdu-docker-stable-local/cray-sdu-rda:1.1.1  /bin/sh -c /usr/s...  6 weeks ago  Up 6 weeks ago          cray-sdu-rda
    2. If there is a running cray-sdu-rda container in the above output, then stop it using the container ID:

      ncn# podman stop 7741d5096625

      Example output:

  6. Remove etcd device on master nodes ONLY.

    1. Determine whether or not an etcd volume is present.

      ncn-m# dmsetup ls

      Expected output when the etcd volume is present will show ETCDLVM, but the numbers might be different.

      ETCDLVM (254:1)
    2. Remove the etcd device mapper.

      ncn-m# dmsetup remove $(dmsetup ls | grep -i etcd | awk '{print $1}')

      NOTE: The following output means that the etcd volume mapper is not present. This is okay.

      No device specified.
      Command failed.
  7. Remove etcd volumes on master nodes ONLY.

    ncn-m# vgremove etcdvg0
  8. Perform the Basic wipe procedure.